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Si y’en a chez qui ça marche pas, dites le ! Oui, je viens de Nice, oui j’habite à Paris, oui cette ville m’énerve. YOANN BUFFETEAU. Dégustez, savourez, goûtez la bonne BD d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Dépli design studio. This isn't happiness™ Peteski. I Love Dust. Cut It Out. Justin Blyth. Frederik Peeters, le site. Le blog d'Anne Montel. Tout sur les nouveaux logos. LAG Mag #5. Shaïzeuh ! Politburo by Pochep. Science Fiction / Fantasy / Art / Design / Illustration. Time once again to electroshock Sci-Fi-O-Rama from it’s semi-dormant state, here with a selection of work from the late Scottish sculptor and artist Sir Eduardo Paolozzi (7 March 1924 – 22 April 2005).

Science Fiction / Fantasy / Art / Design / Illustration

Paolozzi has always been a favourite of mine, particularly his beautifully composed, ultra-vibrant graphic screenprints. This post was sparked when I recently picked up a copy of “Paolozzi” a 1999 paperback publication that gives a chronological overview of Eduardo’s work. Here is the back page synopsis, note that I’ve embellished this slightly, altering present to past tense. Eduardo Paolozzi (of Italian descent) was one of the major figures of postwar British art: A father of Pop Art a creator of key icons of the nuclear age, a brilliant manipulator of the images produced by the media, an iconoclast and traditionalist, an outsider and academican. STREET ART UTOPIA - We declare the world as our canvas. Typo. Illustration. Hi, i'm francesca. Download Free Fonts.