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L’économie trafiquante, paradigme de la mondialisation. Dater — symboliquement — le coup d’envoi de la mondialisation économique et financière au 15 août 1971 n’est pas seulement un exercice de style.

L’économie trafiquante, paradigme de la mondialisation

Le Président américain Richard Nixon n’avait certes pas conscience, ni personne d’autre à l’époque, des conséquences et des développements qu’entraînerait sa décision de suspendre la convertibilité du dollar en or. Il n’empêche que cette initiative a fait exploser l’ordre politique et juridique international d’après-guerre, qui reposait sur le contrôle des économies par l’encadrement des monnaies et de la finance. Cet ordre nécessitait l’intervention des États comme régulateurs économiques, sociaux et financiers, dans le cadre d’une coopération internationale destinée à préserver les équilibres mondiaux.

Un monde remodelé Centres de pouvoirs déplacés Économie « illégale » et « criminelle » Le cas des places financières off shore en est l’illustration la mieux connue. États au service des marchés. Le Groupe des 20 (ou G20), qui se réunit le 2 avril prochain à Londres, cherche à faire croire à l’opinion publique qu’il est sur le point d’assainir la finance internationale. Le Groupe des 20 (ou G20), qui se réunit le 2 avril prochain à Londres, cherche à faire croire à l’opinion publique qu’il est sur le point d’assainir la finance internationale et que les paradis fiscaux vivent leurs derniers jours.

Le Groupe des 20 (ou G20), qui se réunit le 2 avril prochain à Londres, cherche à faire croire à l’opinion publique qu’il est sur le point d’assainir la finance internationale

Scandaleux : l'impôt des groupes privés du CAC 40 n'est que de 3,3% ! Aid in reverse: How poor countries develop rich countries. The idea of international development aid lies at the heart of a tremendously successful PR campaign.

Aid in reverse: How poor countries develop rich countries

The narrative we have been sold claims that aid has been effective at reducing global poverty. Liens ets cac40_3.swf (Objet application/x-shockwave-flash) présente "L'Argent Dette 3: Evolution au-delà de l'Argent" en Français. The 147 Companies That Control Everything.

Seedindustry.jpg (Image JPEG, 4771 × 3154 pixels) - Redimensionnée (25%) Planet Earth: A Corporate World. The capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011. AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears.

the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011

An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. [1107.5728] The network of global corporate control. The Network of Global Corporate Control. Abstract The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability.

The Network of Global Corporate Control

So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess control globally. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. Cost of War to the United States. About | Embed | Localize | Military To embed the Department of Defense (FY2014) counter on your website, blog, etc, follow these simple instructions: 1) Add the following javascript to your page: Add the following code wherever you want the counter to show up:

Cost of War to the United States

Slavery Footprint - Made In A Free World. Corporate Dirt Archives. Psychopaths in Power and the Imminent Collapse of Global Society (It's all your fault!) I can't really comment in any informed way on societies in the East, except to point to the Chinese slave workers who produce mountains of plastic crap for Western nations to use and then dump in the ground and oceans; the Middle East's role as a bombing target, 'terrorist' recruiting ground and civil war factory for Western warmongers, and South East Asia and Africa as a block of new 'nations' born out of the 'white man's burden' to civilize their people via brutal colonization and then grant them 'independence' in the form of never-ending debt to Western banks.

Psychopaths in Power and the Imminent Collapse of Global Society (It's all your fault!)

In the West, on the other hand, where I live, I can say with confidence that our modern society, its political and social conventions, customs and morality, has passed its expiry date and is well and truly moribund. Leading the cast in this tragicomedy (heavy on the tragi) we find our psychopathic leaders and their media whores trying extra hard to convince us that everything is just fine. The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand. INTRODUCTION.

The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand

Manorialism, commonly, is recognized to have been founded by robbery and usurpation; a ruling class established itself by force, and then compelled the peasantry to work for the profit of their lords. CounterSpill. Observatoire des inégalités. 18 juillet 2006 - L’abolition des droits de succession, qui favorise les rentiers au détriment du travail, est contraire à l’esprit même du capitalisme.

Observatoire des inégalités

Entretien avec Philippe Frémeaux, directeur d’Alternatives Economiques (extrait d’une chronique de France Musique). Société anonyme. Odious debt. In international law, odious debt, also known as illegitimate debt, is a legal theory that holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, should not be enforceable.

Odious debt

Such debts are, thus, considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion. Destructive World Bank projects around the world.

Tax haven

Category:Ethically disputed business practices. None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use. The notion of “externalities” has become familiar in environmental circles. It refers to costs imposed by businesses that are not paid for by those businesses. For instance, industrial processes can put pollutants in the air that increase public health costs, but the public, not the polluting businesses, picks up the tab. In this way, businesses privatize profits and publicize costs. Corporatism Is Not Capitalism: 7 Things About The Monolithic Predator Corporations That Dominate Our Economy That Every American Should Know.

Right now, there is a lot of talk about the evils of “capitalism”. James B. Glattfelder : Qui contrôle le monde ? Jean de Maillard. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Maillard. Jean de Maillard (né le à Saint-Germain-en-Laye) est un magistrat français. Après avoir été inspecteur du travail, il est entré dans la magistrature le . Appel de Genève. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. William Black: Why aren’t the honest bankers demanding prosecutions of their dishonest rivals?

By William Black, a former Federal banking regulator and Associate Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Big Pharma criminality no longer a conspiracy theory: Bribery, fraud, price fixing now a matter of public record. Study finds capitalist network of companies runs the world [with list] The Evils of Unregulated Capitalism. Just a few years ago, a powerful ideology - the belief in free and unfettered markets - brought the world to the brink of ruin. Even in its hey-day, from the early 1980s until 2007, US-style deregulated capitalism brought greater material well-being only to the very richest in the richest country of the world. Indeed, over the course of this ideology's 30-year ascendance, most Americans saw their incomes decline or stagnate year after year. Moreover, output growth in the United States was not economically sustainable. High Inequality Results in More US Deaths than Tobacco, Car Crashes and Guns Combined.

In 2009, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a study that revealed what seems to be a shocking truth: those who live in societies with a higher level of income inequality are at a greater risk for premature death. Here in the United States, our high level of income inequality corresponds with 883, 914 unnecessary deaths each year. More specifically, the report concluded that if we had an income distribution more like that of the Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland — or eleven other wealthy countries — every year, about one in three deaths in the US could be avoided. "On est en train de sélectionner les gens les plus dangereux". Le capitalisme criminel Jean-François Gayraud, Xerfi Canal. Monsanto. Zombie Capitalism. Book Review by Jonny Jones, July 2009 Chris Harman, Bookmarks Publications; £16.99.

Les transnationales au centre de la grande évasion. La lutte contre les paradis fiscaux est encalminée. Réuni fin juin à Toronto, le G20 a réitéré son intention d’appliquer des sanctions contre ces derniers, mais à partir d’une liste établie par l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économique (OCDE) qui ne cesse de s’étriquer. Celle-ci ne compte plus que quatorze Etats. « Et encore, les Iles Cook et le Sultanat de Brunei devraient en sortir prochainement. Ils ne restent que quelques confettis représentant 0,2% de la finance offshore alors que les multinationales représentent les deux tiers de la fraude fiscale globale », remarque Jean Merckaert, du Comité catholique contre la faim et pour le développement (CCFD). « Pire, note Attac, les pays s’engagent à ouvrir encore davantage les marchés de biens et de services (dont les services financiers !)

Charmian Gooch: Rencontrez les acteurs invisibles de la corruption à l'échelle mondiale. 'Occupy Wall Street' Issues First Official Declaration. Since the occupation of Wall Street first began on September 17th, the mainstream media has criticized the general assembly for its lack of a cohesive list of complaints or demands. Not to be rushed by expectations of corporations and the elite they serve, the Occupy Wall Street action took its time fulfilling this demand. On Thursday night, Occupy Wall Street participants voted on and approved the first official “Declaration of the Occupation of New York City.” Capitalism Exploits the Body's Response to Traumatic Stress.

Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function. The poor often behave in less capable ways, which can further perpetuate poverty. Your Brain on Poverty: Why Poor People Seem to Make Bad Decisions - Derek Thompson. In August, Science published a landmark study concluding that poverty, itself, hurts our ability to make decisions about school, finances, and life, imposing a mental burden similar to losing 13 IQ points. It was widely seen as a counter-argument to claims that poor people are "to blame" for bad decisions and a rebuke to policies that withhold money from the poorest families unless they behave in a certain way.

How Goldman Sachs And Its Henchmen Are Starving The World. This Is Your Brain on Poverty: What Science Tells Us About Poverty. Constats de dérives. Obsolescence programmée. L'obsolescence programmée, bientôt interdite ? The Rich and Their Robots Are About to Make Half the World's Jobs Disappear. Planned obsolescence. Falling indelibly into the past. Global Witness. Niches: 71 milliards sous le tapis. Les 7 péchés capitaux des banques / Accueil. Wall Street’s Euthanasia of Industry   :      Information Clearing House: ICH. These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America.


An Illustrated Education Game. Bernard Stiegler : « Le marketing détruit tous les outils du savoir » Le marketing est une arme de destruction massive ! Category:Corporate crime. Corporate crime. 15 of the Deadliest U.S. Corporations. Financial crimes. Planet Ponzi - Planet Ponzi. Banksters. Catégorie:Affaire financière. Catégorie:Criminalité financière.

5 WikiLeaks Revelations Exposing the Rapidly Growing Corporatism Dominating American Diplomacy Abroad. 6 Filthy Facts About the Rich. Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science. Criminalité financière. Xerfi Canal Jean-François Gayraud Le crime de la finance.