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Scientists claim big advance in using DNA to store data. Matt Walker: How caffeine and alcohol affect your sleep. Covid-19: How effective is a third vaccine dose? - BBC Future. Earliest definitive evidence of people in Americas. Artificial Intelligence may diagnose dementia in a day. How to run faster by changing the way you see - BBC Reel. The key to a more satisfying and happy life - BBC Reel. The new surgical tool inspired by a wasp. Scientists in the Netherlands have mimicked the way parasitoid wasps lay eggs to design a new tool for keyhole surgery.

The new surgical tool inspired by a wasp

Currently tools used in these procedures are prone to clogging because they use suction. The new device avoids this by using friction. The team, at Delft University of Technology, have a working prototype and hope the tool will be ready within a few years. Voice: Patrick Aryee. AI breakthrough could spark medical revolution. Is it dangerous to wake a sleepwalker? - BBC Reel. How your driving might reveal early signs of Alzheimer's. Could ‘super-agers’ help explain how we get old? How modern life is making men infertile - BBC Reel. The robot paramedic saving lives, and other tech news. Why we're so attracted to the non-conformists - BBC Reel. Screen time at 'breaking point' but can tech help?

Deep Time study: French volunteers leave cave after 40 days in isolation. Malaria vaccine hailed as potential breakthrough. Do you have the world's sexiest accent? - BBC Reel. Human cells grown in monkey embryos spark ethical debate. Can listening to classical music really boost intelligence? - BBC Reel.