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Let’s all bow down to Aurora, the Queen of Cats. Meet Aurora cat, a blue-eyed bi-color ragdoll from Stockholm, Sweden.

Let’s all bow down to Aurora, the Queen of Cats.

This beautiful queen of cats was named after the original sleeping beauty. Aurora has the distinction of being the fluffiest and the most beautiful cat princes ever. Princes Aurora is a true royalty. The blue Colorpoint ragdoll has a nickname “Philly” and her fans call her “Handsome fluff Monster”. Cats are well-known for being the rulers of the house, but Aurora cat takes it to the next level, according to Emily and Niklas, her owners.

Ragdoll is a breed developed by an American Breeder Ann Baker in the 60s. Princess Aurora cat lives with her human parents and a kitty brother Prince Phillip. This self-styled and worlds royal cat has dedicated fan base. Aurora cat knows she is pretty and her mannerisms convey the same. The world’s most royal cat is not afraid to try out new fashion trends and is courageous enough to flaunt them. The world’s most royal cat, the Aurora cat is indeed a pretty and lovable cat. 17 Hilarious Snapchats That All Cat Owners Can Relate To - This Way Come. Cats are cute and funny at times.

17 Hilarious Snapchats That All Cat Owners Can Relate To - This Way Come

They will give you a lot of opportunities to capture their pictures that are hilarious and pretty funny with Snapchat of cats. If you have cats at home you will agree with these totally hilarious Snapchats. Leaving these furry balls unattended can spell disaster. Cats can be strange at times, but these independent little animals give us ample cat Snapchats that we absolutely love them all. Steering a tricky course: is rapid development destroying the Keralan way of life?

I'm lying on my back.

Steering a tricky course: is rapid development destroying the Keralan way of life?

It's night and a tropical rain shower is pattering gently on the thatched coconut leaves. Lovely. But there is something else too: a skittering and rustling sound. A creature is moving quickly across the roof. I flick on the torch. Like an antelope on the savanna, oblivious to the approaching lion, the moth stops and - dies in the predator's jaws. In the morning my friend Raj is pleased to hear of giant arachnids in his roofs. He takes me on a tour of the hillsides, scrambling up to the viewpoint from where we can see Kerala stretched out beneath us, a sea of coconut trees with hardly a break. Hot Tips for Keeping Your Pet Warm During Winter Storm Niko - Animal Medical Center - New York City.

Winter Storm Niko is forecast to dump up to 10 inches of snow on the Northeast tomorrow.

Hot Tips for Keeping Your Pet Warm During Winter Storm Niko - Animal Medical Center - New York City

With blowing and drifting snow and a travel advisory issued for our area, pet owners are looking for ways to keep their pets safe and warm. Here are seven hot tips for a cold winter week. Coats or Boots? When you go out on a cold day, you zip into a warm coat and lace up your furry boots. Ten Tips for Dog Safe Summer Exercise - Animal Medical Center - New York City. With summer just around the corner, everyone, including your dog, wants to be in shape for summer activities.

Ten Tips for Dog Safe Summer Exercise - Animal Medical Center - New York City

Outdoor activities can be a fun way to spend time with your favorite pup. The veterinarians at The AMC have the following suggestions to make exercise safe and healthy for your dog: Have your pet examined by a veterinarian to ensure exercise is safe for your dog. Stop exercise and let your dog rest anytime he is resisting you, unable to keep up or showing other signs of distress.Always warm up your dog with a 10 minute walk prior to jogging or heavier exercise.Train your dog gradually to increase the amount of time and intensity of exercise over several weeks, just as you would train yourself.Massage your dog and provide gentle passive range of motion for all major joints.

You may do this before or after exercise, but it is most beneficial AFTER exercise. Thanks to Dr. Pet Health Topics Archives - Animal Medical Center - New York City. Pet Insurance: FAQ from The AMC - Animal Medical Center - New York City. The webmaster at The Animal Medical Center fields questions related to pet health from all over the world.

Pet Insurance: FAQ from The AMC - Animal Medical Center - New York City

Many of the recurrent questions are related to pet health insurance. Here are the answers to a few of the most common pet health insurance questions. What insurance policies does The AMC accept? Pet insurance is different than human insurance. My doctor’s office has negotiated contracts with several insurance companies; therefore, she cares for patients who purchase policies from those companies. Fragrant Nature Kochi in Kochi (Cochin), India. Heatwave Advice for Pet Owners - Animal Medical Center - New York City.

With the heat and humidity of the summer bearing down on us, we are looking for ways to keep our pets and ourselves cool.

Heatwave Advice for Pet Owners - Animal Medical Center - New York City

In this week’s blog, I have complied the links to prior blog posts on heat related illness and safety. For ideas on keeping your dog cool, check out the tips in “Hot Summer Cool Dogs.” And if you and your pet still plan to exercise outdoors during the summer, check out these 10 tips for making outdoor exercise with your pet safer and more fun. Welcome to the special hospital where pets are treated better than most human patients.

What To Do If You Are Allergic To Your Pet. It may come as a surprise, but some of the most common allergies we have are those to our own beloved pets.

What To Do If You Are Allergic To Your Pet

Many of us just deal with symptoms like watery eyes, sneezing, and hives, but if allergies start to get severe, they can affect our sleep and quality of life. And in the case of a more severe pet allergy, asthma and more serious problems can result, and they shouldn’t be ignored! When You're Allergic to Your Pet. As much as you love Fido or Fluffy, you don't love the runny nose and itchy eyes that come along with him.

When You're Allergic to Your Pet

What is it about some furry friends that makes you react like this? And more important, how do you stop it? It is possible for pet-allergic people to live happily with their pets, says John Costa, MD, medical director of the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Practice at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. He explains what you need to know. What causes my symptoms? Cats and dogs have unique proteins in their saliva, sweat, urine, and skin that can trigger an allergic reaction in people.

"Dander is like a glazed doughnut when the glaze breaks into little pieces and falls all over the place," Costa says. Cats and dogs give off different allergens. Enjoy Life with Pets Even if You Have Pet Allergies. Despite the popular notion that certain dogs – like Poodles, Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers, the hairless Chinese Crested, and the various "Doodle" dogs (Poodle mixes) -- are hypoallergenic, the truth is people with pet allergies can be sensitive to virtually any dog or cat.

Enjoy Life with Pets Even if You Have Pet Allergies

If you or other family members have allergies and you're thinking about getting a pet, it's important to consider all possible consequences – especially if someone in the household has an extreme or intolerable allergic condition. Blissful Stay at Fragrant Hotels, Kerala. This blog is about three wellness and spa hotels that belong to the Fragrant Hotels at three different locations in Kerala, the God’s own country. Yesterday, I met my neighbor’s mother who returned from Kollam, Kerala. She recounted her one week stay at the Fragrant Hotels with such a great enthusiasm that at the end of a two hour listening period, I booked my 4 days stay at Fragrant Hotels in Munnar. She showed stunning pictures of the hotel’s location and the facilities. She said she was treated like a member of a royal family and the attention and pampering she received was something extraordinary.

She was satisfied that she spent her money in a worthy way. How to Live with Allergies and Pets. March 28, 2014 You can have a happy, healthy life with your pets, even if you're allergic to them Millions of people enjoy sharing their homes and their lives with pets, even those who are allergic to animals. Unfortunately, some people believe that once they are diagnosed with a pet allergy, they have no choice but to remove their pets from their family. Thankfully, there are many solutions that can be explored that would allow an allergy sufferer to keep their beloved pets while successfully managing their allergies.

11 Ways to Banish Your Allergies to Pets. Spring means allergy season is here, and allergies to pets can be a big problem for pet lovers. Hot weather games may be fun or may mean more time spent indoors avoiding sunburn for both people and pets. It’s also the time of year for pollen, mold, and dust, so allergy sufferers double up the dose of misery. Even if you aren’t directly allergic to your cat or dog, they act like furry dust mops that trap and hold allergens that do set you off. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, six out of 10 people in the United States come in contact with cats or dogs and folks who already have allergies are more likely to react to fur or feathers. How to Have a Cat if You Have Cat Allergies. Although some people avoid cats because they fear or dislike them, there is some hope for those who avoid cats because of fear of allergic reactions.

A lot will depend on the nature of your allergies. If yours are of the sneezing, watery eyes and running nose variety, you may be able to build up your tolerance to cats. However, before getting a cat, you should undergo allergy testing first, particularly if you suffer from asthma. Are You Allergic to Your Pet? Are You Allergic to Your Pet? Breathe Easy—You Can Still Keep Your Animal Companion! Although many people have discovered the beneficial effects of caring for a furry friend, the fact remains that roughly 15 to 20% of the population is allergic to animals. The result? Countless pet parents in unhappy, unhealthy situations—and their beloved pets are the cause! Allergen is the medical term for the actual substance that causes an allergic reaction. The most common pet allergens are proteins found in their dander (scales of old skin that are constantly shed by an animal), saliva, urine and sebaceous cells.

Once the diagnosis of a pet allergy is made, a physician will often recommend eliminating the companion animal from the surroundings. Improving the Immediate Environment Create an allergen-free room. Allergic to Your Pet? Learn about Dog and Cat Allergies. Peta. Fragrant Nature Munnar in Kerala. Hot Tips for Keeping Your Pet Warm During Winter Storm Niko - Animal Medical Center - New York City.

Summer Safety for Pets - Animal Medical Center - New York City. As the weather warms up, we spend more time outdoors with our pets. Everyone is happy for the fresh air and sunshine. What To Do If You Are Allergic To Your Pet. How to know if you're allergic to your pet (and not something else) What Is Splooting? Does Your Dog Sploot? Our pets are so cute that the Internet has created its own adorable language to describe our four-legged friends. You may know who Doge is (much nice), where the phrase “I Can Has Cheezburger” comes from, but have you ever heard of the term “splooting?” Splooting describes one of the most adorable things a dog can do: splaying out their hind legs as they relax into a laying position. Cats Are Medically Underserved - Animal Medical Center - New York City. In my last post I wrote about how little attention has recently been paid to the cat in the articles published in The New York Times.

Although I believe in fair and balanced reporting, the lack of newsprint devoted to the cat only hurts their feelings, not their health. As a cat owner, you might not be able to influence the editorial staff at The New York Times, but you can protect your cat’s health. Over the past decade, veterinarians have noticed an alarming trend. Cats see a veterinarian half as often as dogs do. Just like dogs, cats can get sick and do need annual examinations by their veterinarians.

Fragrant Nature Backwater Resort And Ayurveda Spa - Yoga Retreat in Kollam. Fragrant Nature Backwater Resort And Ayurveda Spa, Kollam is undoubtedly the best experience in backwaters. Ranked No. 1 in TripAdvisor, we delight all our guests with a private balcony that offers panoramic view of the backwaters for all categories of rooms and ensures that Nature is never far from one's door step.

Cats Are Medically Underserved - Animal Medical Center - New York City. Fighting Breed-Related Diseases - Animal Medical Center - New York City. The refinement of purebred dogs over the past four or five centuries has created interesting versions of Canis familiaris, such as dogs with dreadlocks, wrinkles, extra toes, a double coat, or an innate ability to herd sheep. Selective breeding of dogs to propagate characteristics related to coat, foot size, or herding prowess may also have created the predisposition of some purebred dogs to specific diseases. As humans bred dogs to meet their own specifications, the genes controlling disease tagged along into the next generation with the genes controlling desirable characteristics such as dreadlocks and double toes.

But the cloning of the canine genome in 2005, coupled with the multi-generational pedigrees available in purebred dogs and the close genetic relatedness of dogs within a given breed gave scientists powerful tools to study genetic disease in purebred dogs. Eye diseases no more. Neutering: Not Just Doggie Birth Control - Animal Medical Center - New York City. Dexter, a new dachshund patient of mine, was in last week for another round of puppy shots. He will soon be six months old and it was time for me to discuss the next step in his preventive health care plan: neutering. Neutering meets the guidelines The American Veterinary Medical Association has developed guidelines for responsible pet ownership.

Five Money Saving Tips to Cut Expenses on Pet Medical Care - Animal Medical Center - New York City. We all want to save money, but when it comes to our pets, we strive to give them the best of everything. Keeping Your Senior Pet Healthy - Animal Medical Center - New York City. Since November is National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, this image posted on Twitter by @PetLiving caught my eye. 7 Common Cat Allergies. Fragrant Nature records 30pc growth in GCC visitor arrivals. Derp, Frap, and Sploot: How Many of These Funny Pet Terms Do You Know? Ten Delicious Halloween Costumes for Your Pup. 16 Adorable Pets Who Dressed Up As Food For Halloween. Ten Dogs Dressed Up Like Delicious Foods.

The Gulf Online. Is Your Pet Ready for Spring? Top 5 Pet Care Tips For Autumn. Holistic Pet Care Tips. Tips for Pet Owners. Holistic and Natural Pet Care and Training Tips and Articles. ‘Fragrant Nature’ Showcases Exceptional Hotels & Resorts in Kerala at Arabian Travel Market 2017.

Holistic and Natural Pet Care and Training Tips and Articles. Pet First Aid Course Details. Common Allergy Symptoms In Dogs and Cats. 5 Steps To Become An Eco-Friendly Pet Parent. Animal Care Expo 2017. ‘Fragrant Nature Resorts’ launches ‘Kerala Golden Trio’ for GCC visitors – Gulf NewsWeb. Puppy Training - Obedience Training Tips and Advice. Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Business 101 - CEU Certificate. Dog Training All-In-One: Beginner to Advanced Techniques - Online Course. Dog & Cat First Aid, Care & Maintenance - CEU Certificate. Pet Care & Training. UAE Business: Fragrant Nature offers ‘Kerala Golden Trio’ for GCC visitors. Basic Dog Training Tips for Beginners. How to Train Your Dog to Bring You His Leash - Wag! How to Stop Your Labrador Pulling on the Lead. Leash Training: How to Walk a Dog That Pulls. Leash Training Your Dog for and Enjoyable Walk.

How to Train Your Dog to Go Off Leash - Wag! Leash Training: How to Walk a Dog That Pulls. 6 tips for mastering the dog walk. Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Fragrant Nature offers ‘Kerala Golden Trio’ for GCC visitors. Fun With Heeling - Teach Your Dog to Walk Beside You. Singing Patty Cake With Your Dog. This Dog Loves To Play Patty Cake – 'Fragrant Nature' showcases exceptional hotels & resorts in Kerala at Arabian Travel Market 2017. Games to Play While Walking Your Dog. Teach Your Dog to Leave It: It Could Save His Life. Fun With Heeling - Teach Your Dog to Walk Beside You. Singing Patty Cake With Your Dog. Fragrant Nature offers ‘Kerala Golden Trio’ for GCC visitors. Toilet training for puppies: basic tips & techniques. Tips for How to Housetraining Your Puppy.

Starting your puppy off right! Puppy Behavior and Training - Training Basics. Puppy Behavior and Training - Training Basics. 15 Days Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga Retreat Kerala, India. 18 Ridiculously Easy Travel Hacks That Will Change How You Travel With Your Pup - BarkPost. What You Need to Know to Travel With Your Dog. The 20 Step Guide to Traveling With Your Pet. Flying with Pets - Here is all you need to know! Travelling With Pets - What You Need To Know. 8 Days Ayurveda, Meditation, and Yoga Retreat in Kerala, India. Everything You Need to Know About Traveling With Pets. How to Travel with Your Dog. Pet Travel: Advice on Travelling with Pets. Everything You Need To Know About Traveling With Pets. What You Need to Know to Travel With Your Dog.

Fragrant Nature Lake Resort & Spa Reviews, Profile & Contact - Mydomaine. Travelling With Pets: What You Need to Know. How to make your pet Instagram-famous – and make money from it - Tech News. Win a Pet Friendly Holiday with Frontline Spot On. Fragrant Nature Resort, Kollam – Experience.