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The Billion Dollar Gram. How Much Is It Really? - Spending Stories. Phone-hacking scandal: Who's linked to who? The Ebb and Flow of Movies - Box Office Receipts 1986 — 2008 - Interactive Graphic. Wählerwanderung bei der Bundestagswahl 2013. 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes. Hans Rosling explains a very common misunderstanding about the world: That saving the poor children leads to overpopulation.

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

Not only is it not right, it’s the other way around! The world might not be as bad as you might believe! Don’t Panic – is a one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcasted on BBC on the 7th of November 2013. The visualizations are based on original graphics and stories by Gapminder and the underlaying data-sources are listed here. Hans’s — “All time favorite graph”, is Read more … Hans Rosling is debunking the River of Myths about the developing world. Instead of studying history one year at the university, you can watch this video for less than five minutes.

Explaining the global vaccination programs is NOT a party-killer! Is there a relation between religion, sex and the number of babies per woman? What was the greatest invention of the industrial revolution? Hans Rosling explains why ending poverty is crucial to stop population growth. Le Pariteur. Recessions compared: how does Britain's GDP compare to every recession since 1930? Abstention : les Corses rois du civisme, les Ch’tis trop déçus pour voter. Avec un taux d’abstention définitif d’un peu plus de 36,5% pour le premier tour le 23 mars, la gauche espère remotiver les électeurs pour le second tour ce dimanche pour conserver plusieurs villes-clé du scrutin.

Abstention : les Corses rois du civisme, les Ch’tis trop déçus pour voter

Les données vous mentent. Parteispenden in Deutschland - 101 Tours de France par Radio France. COMAS. R9UvLFF.jpg (JPEG Image, 567 × 921 pixels) Votre lieu de baignade préféré est-il de bonne qualité ? - 27 mai 2013. In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters. ATLANTA – Stacey Calvin spends almost as much time commuting to her job — on a bus, two trains and another bus — as she does working part-time at a day care center. She knows exactly where to board the train and which stairwells to use at the stations so that she has the best chance of getting to work on time in the morning and making it home to greet her three children after school. “It’s a science you just have to perfect over time,” said Ms. Calvin, 37. Her nearly four-hour round-trip stems largely from the economic geography of Atlanta, which is one of America’s most affluent metropolitan areas yet also one of the most physically divided by income.

The low-income neighborhoods here often stretch for miles, with rows of houses and low-slung apartments, interrupted by the occasional strip mall, and lacking much in the way of good-paying jobs. “Where you grow up matters,” said Nathaniel Hendren, a Harvard economist and one of the study’s authors. The gaps can be stark. 10th percentile. Race and ethnicity: Chicago. @comeetie : carte données carroyées. Vie privée et secret statistiques ?

@comeetie : carte données carroyées

Les données utilisées pour cette cartographie sont localisées à une échelle géographique très fine : des carreaux de 200m de côté. Ceci peut poser des problème de respect de la vie privée en zone peu dense. C'est pourquoi certaine données sont diffusées sur des rectangles regroupant plusieurs carreaux de 200m.

Les carreaux étant regroupés de manière à assurer le degré d’anonymisation nécessaire au respect du secret statistique. Ce jeu de données est donc diffuser à l’échelle la plus fine autorisée par nos lois ! Factuellement, cela correspond à des groupes d’au moins 11 ménages (le max étant à 4384). Les données autres que la densité de population peuvent être des moyennes calculées sur plusieurs pixels, de manière à ne donner que des moyennes sur au moins 11 ménages; les données sur les revenus ont été windsorisées aux quantiles 0.15 et 0.85 (écrétage des fortes et des faibles valeures avant calcul de la moyenne).

Gravité des accidents 2006-2011 et trafic 2011 - France métropolitaine. DEMOCRACY. THE most striking thing about the founders of modern democracy such as James Madison and John Stuart Mill is how hard-headed they were.


They regarded democracy as a powerful but imperfect mechanism: something that needed to be designed carefully, in order to harness human creativity but also to check human perversity, and then kept in good working order, constantly oiled, adjusted and worked upon. The need for hard-headedness is particularly pressing when establishing a nascent democracy. One reason why so many democratic experiments have failed recently is that they put too much emphasis on elections and too little on the other essential features of democracy. The power of the state needs to be checked, for instance, and individual rights such as freedom of speech and freedom to organise must be guaranteed. Robust constitutions not only promote long-term stability, reducing the likelihood that disgruntled minorities will take against the regime.

Video Democracy: A view from Cairo.