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Flipped Classroom

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A Guide to the Flipped Classroom. Zaption Expands Free Options for Creating Flipped Lessons. Zaption is a popular tool for creating video-based lessons and quizzes.

Zaption Expands Free Options for Creating Flipped Lessons

The service operates on a freemium model in which they offer a mix of free and paid options. Last week Zaption announced that the free options have been expanded. Teachers can now utilize all of the video lesson creation tools that Zaption offers. Those tools include adding required questions that students must answer before moving forward in a video lesson. The other enhancement to the free version of Zaption is the removal of the limitation on the number of viewers your lessons can have. 5 Videos on Making Flipped Video Lessons. A Short Overview of 12 Tools for Creating Flipped Classroom Lessons. One of the most frequent requests that I get is for suggestions on developing flipped classroom lessons.

A Short Overview of 12 Tools for Creating Flipped Classroom Lessons

The first step is to decide if you want to create your own video lessons from scratch or if you want to develop lessons based on videos that others have produced. In this post we'll look at tools for doing both. Developing flipped lessons from scratch with your own videos. The benefit of creating your own videos is that you can tailor them to exactly match your curriculum. Seven Web-based Tools for Delivering Flipped Lessons. This fall there will be teachers trying the flipped classroom approach to lessons for the first time.

Seven Web-based Tools for Delivering Flipped Lessons

In the right setting the flipped classroom model can work well. My favorite tools for creating flipped lessons include the option to insert questions for students to answer while watching the video instead of waiting until the end to answer a series of questions. How to — Verso Learning. How to Create a Learning Video They’ll Want to Watch. Hiring Mark Zuckerberg to deliver a workshop or run a retreat is not always the most practical or cost-effective solution.

How to Create a Learning Video They’ll Want to Watch

Know what’s not impractical? Bringing thousands of today’s industry leaders and visionaries to your employees through short-form video to share the lessons they’ve learned through triumphs and failures in their own careers. This kind of video-driven thought leadership education is an efficient way companies can adopt to scale best practices from visionaries who are out there right now, setting the pace in every industry. But watching a TED Talk on creativity and becoming a more creative problem-solver at work are two different things.

How can a chief learning officer transform inspiring thought-leadership into practical know-how, especially in the soft skill areas so crucial to leading-edge businesses today? Choose actionable content from recognized experts that is fine-tuned to the specific competencies needed. Infographic: Is a Flipped Classroom Right for You? Flips we love. WCTC Flipped - Technology Tools Express. ASCD Webinar - 21st Century Professional Learning: Leading the Way and Making a Difference. Project-based learning and the flipped classroom on bulb. The flipped classroom reverses the typical lecture and homework elements of a course.

Project-based learning and the flipped classroom on bulb

Homework is replaced by online lessons, and class time serves as a workshop for application, collaborative work and discussion. Whether you want to flip your classroom, or just make more of your lessons available to your students or parents online, bulb can help. Move your lessons onto bulb. Record video lectures, add images, type out explanations, upload files, link to related resources - whatever material best works for your lesson you can add to a bulb page. Organize. Share. Let's recap. Flipping tools and tutorials. Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools. In the right setting the flipped classroom model can work well for some teachers and students.

Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools

I recently received an email from a reader who was looking for a recommendation for a tool would enable her to add an assessment aspect to her flipped lesson. Here are some tools that can accomplish that goal. eduCanon is a free service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students' progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows teachers to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students. Teachers can track the progress of their students within eduCanon. To create lessons start by identifying a topic and objective then searching YouTube and Vimeo from within the eduCanon site.

The Do's and Don'ts of Flipped Classrooms. "What's the best use of your face-to-face class time?

The Do's and Don'ts of Flipped Classrooms

" That question came from Jon Bergmann, the flipped-classroom pioneer. Bergmann argues that time is best spent not lecturing students but walking them through concepts that they absorb outside of class. The concept of the flipped classroom, swapping homework with lecturing time, isn't new. Teachers have been experimenting with alternative learning models for years. Recently, EdTechTeacher hosted a webinar on what does and doesn't work in flipped classrooms. The webinar, which took place on Google Hangouts and later posted on YouTube, was led by Samantha Morra. The point is for students to be able to practice the concepts they've learned outside in the classroom instead of in isolation. "When they come to class, students are ready to do all the higher-order thinking skills, and to do that in the presence of somebody—us—who is passionate and an expert in that topic," Morra says.

Watch the full Google Hangout here: Flipped classroom.