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6 Chrome Extensions for Students. Google Chrome has quickly become my browser of choice over the last year or so.

6 Chrome Extensions for Students

It’s huge list of features and overall reliability speak for themselves. If you and your students are using Google Apps for Education and its accompanying Google products, you quickly find that everything just works better in Chrome. One of the best features of Chrome is the ability for students to install apps and extensions from the Chrome Web Store.

As our team helps teachers this school year with Chromebook implementation, we have come across many apps and extension to share with staff. It seems to be one of the most popular features with teachers about the Chrome browser. When I share with teachers about Chrome extensions, I tell teachers to think of them as enhancements to their web browsing. Here are some of my favorite Chrome extensions that are great for students: To Do List To Do List is a simple, yet effective way to have a running to do list right in your browser. Google Dictionary Readability. Top 12 Google Chrome Extensions That Enhance Student Learning. This post was co-authored by Beth Holland and Tracy Sockalosky.

Top 12 Google Chrome Extensions That Enhance Student Learning

Being 1:1 is fantastic, and if you are fortunate enough to have constant access to your own device in the classroom, then the benefits – especially in terms of efficiency – are tremendous: stored passwords, saved bookmarks, familiar file structure, and more. However, even if you don’t have the advantage of always being in possession of your own device, thanks to the versatility of Google Chrome extensions available through the Chrome Store, the web experience has become customizable and productive in completely new ways.

What are Chrome Extensions? Chrome Extensions are tools that live inside of your Chrome Browser and provide additional functionality by connecting to other web utilities. As illustrated in the image below, these extensions can be accessed by clicking on icons near your address bar – similar to clicking on a bookmark. We also find this video to be a helpful explanation for getting started. 20 essential iPhone, iPad apps for college students. 13 Good Chrome Extensions and Apps for Students and Teachers. 8 Must-Have Google Chrome Apps For Students. It’s not easy being a student.

8 Must-Have Google Chrome Apps For Students

As classes, athletics, and extracurricular activities become more demanding, even the most conscientious students can have difficulty prioritizing and focusing on their work. Fortunately, for this technology savvy generation, there are a host of tools that can help students stay on top of their game. Google Chrome, the free web browser, offers applications (but if you don’t want the kids to laugh at you, be sure to call them apps), that function like software programs in the computer. With these apps, you and your students can get work done more quickly and easily. Although many apps are mostly for fun, others can be extremely effective in helping students stay organized and productive. We looked at numerous apps and culled out the top eight from the Google Chrome Web Store we think will make a student’s life less stressful. Apps to Stay Organized Tools To Make a Student’s Life Easier Extra Credit Tool In Short.

16 Chrome Extensions Every Student Should Use. Want to know a great way to amp your productivity, keep your computer safe, and become a badass?

16 Chrome Extensions Every Student Should Use

Stop using Internet Explorer. Of course, for most of you, this statement doesn’t really apply. According to my analytics data, most CIG readers use Google Chrome – which is awesome. Chrome is my absolute favorite web browser, and for good reason – its combination of speed, clean interface, and awesome features make it hard to beat.

My favorite thing about Chrome, though, is the zillions of apps and extensions available for it. Anyone can make a Chrome extension (heck, I built one), so there are plenty of new ones showing up every day. I’d like to spare you the time it takes to sift through all that crap. Alright, let’s get down to it. 1. AdBlock is the best Chrome extension ever. It’s a somewhat sad fact of life that content doesn’t pay for itself. Using AdBlock will not only get rid of all those ads cluttering up the page, but it will also significantly speed up your web browsing. 15 Wonderful Chrome Extensions for Students. 1- Docs Quickly Create a Google Doc, Spreadsheet, Presentation, or Drawing directly from your Chrome bar.

15 Wonderful Chrome Extensions for Students

No need to launch; just a single click, and you have a new document. 2- Save as PDF This extension lets you easily save web pages to pdf. It uses html to pdf online service. 3- Evernote Web Clipper Use the Evernote extension to save things you see on the web into your Evernote account. 4- Write Space Write Space is a customizable full-screen text-editor that lives in your web-browser. 5- Easy Bib Tools Automatically cite web sites with one click using the EasyBib Toolbar. 6- is an intuitive and easy to use online Todo list, and Task Manager.

If you have shared some documents with others on Google Docs, before you had to go check whether anyone's modified them. 15 Best Apps for Students - 2013 Apps - LAPTOP Magazine.