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Visuino - Visual Development for Arduino by Mitov Software. Users of the Visuino (Software) must accept these terms of license.

Visuino - Visual Development for Arduino by Mitov Software

If you refuse to accept the terms of license, you may not use this software, and you have the right to return it within 30 days of the purchase date, and to receive your money back. For your convenience a copy of this license agreement will be stored on your system during the installation. This license grants you the following rights: You have a non-exclusive license to the Software. The Title and all intangible rights to the Software are the property of Mitov Software. You may install and use one copy of the Software per computer assuming only one and the same person will use the Software on all of the computers. You may distribute any application built with Software without any additional royalties beyond your initial license registration fee. Description of the limitations. Free PCB Design Tools. Running Minecraft on a Raspberry Pi. Minecraft is a hugely popular game that runs on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and even smartphones.

Running Minecraft on a Raspberry Pi

It's the best-selling PC game of all time and has become a worldwide sensation with obsessive players around the world, a large online community, and a vast array of merchandise. Many people enjoy building complicated structures and even creating their own interactive systems using only the mechanics of the game. The free Raspberry Pi version of the game is the only one that comes with a programming interface, allowing players write code and manipulate the world around them. It's based on Minecraft Pocket Edition for Android, and a Python API is provided. It's bundled with Raspbian, the Pi's main supported distribution, and it's being used to teach programming skills to young people around the world. Raspberry Pi e Windows 10.

No dia 29 de Abril a Microsoft entrou de cabeça no mundo Maker.

Raspberry Pi e Windows 10

ECONOMIA CRIATIVA — Escola São Paulo. A Escola São Paulo é uma empresa que forma pessoas para os mais diversos setores da Economia Criativa, saiba por que e como.


A importância do incentivo ao raciocínio lógico e ao gosto pela investigação científica. 123D Circuits. Sim908 GPS GPRS. Casos de Suceso: Pedro Henrique Carrijo. Coding4Fun Blog. App Inventor. Get Started.

App Inventor

Arduino com AJAX II (Acionando Relé e retornando status) Coding for kids. Anybody can learn. SparkFun Electronics. Raspberry Pi Documentation. 1: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi GPIO and Python.

1: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi GPIO and Python Details Category: Raspberry Pi Last Updated on Friday, 06 March 2015 12:37 1.

1: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi GPIO and Python

Overview 2. 3. 4. 5. Razzpisampler. Solution The Arduino IDE is available for the Raspberry Pi.


It is a little bit slow, but usable. Oficina Toka. Escola de Robótica. LittleBits: Hands-on Electronics for Kids. Computer Classes for Kids & Teens. Coding for Kids: Free Websites That Teach Kids Programming. Arduino Lecture 1 - Introducing the Arduino. LA Robótica Educacional. Spark Electron: Cellular dev kit with a simple data plan by Spark IO. Basic Electronics. Parts List: 2N3904 PNP transistor 2N3906 NPN transistor 47 ohm - 1/4 Watt resistor 1K ohm - 1/4 Watt resistor 470K ohm - 1/4 Watt resistor 10uF electrolytic capacitor 0.01uF ceramic disc capacitor 5mm red LED 3V AA battery holder Optional: 10K ohm - 1/4 Watt resistor 1M potentiometer This next schematic may look daunting, but it is actually rather straight-forward.

Basic Electronics

It is using all of the parts that we have just gone over to automatically blink an LED. Any general purpose NPN or PNP transistors should do for the circuit, but should you want to follow along at home, I am using 293904 (NPN) and 2N3906 (PNP) transistors. I learned their pin layouts by looking up their datasheets. For instance, from the datasheet for the 2N3904 transistor, I was quickly able to see that pin 1 was the emitter, pin 2 was the base, and pin 3 was the collector. Aside from the transistors, all of the resistors, capacitors, and LED should be straight-forward to connect. Sign up: Electronics Project Kits for Kids. Introductory Electronics for Kids - Intro. Portable Pi Power: Raspberry Pi to Go. Raspberry Pi computer powered by 18-volt rechargeable drill battery.

Portable Pi Power: Raspberry Pi to Go

The versatile system-on-a-chip Raspberry Pi board seems to have something for everyone: plenty of ports for display, sound, and USB peripherals; a pin header for relaying inputs and outputs from the physical world; and space for a dedicated camera module, which makes it great platform for all sorts of video experiments. Still, there’s one thing the Raspberry Pi doesn’t come with: a good battery power supply. Powering the board from a wall wart is fine when there’s AC power handy — but a long-lasting and reliable battery source is essential to getting the Pi away from the desk and out in the world, where it belongs.

You can buy compact Pi battery packs, like the Smart Power Base (Maker Shed #MKMTS01 at, but I decided to build a big one — and in this project I’ll show you how you can too. Trial and Error. Embarcados – Sua fonte de informações sobre Sistemas Embarcados Embarcados - Sua fonte de informações sobre Sistemas Embarcados » Conteúdo de qualidade e de relevância aos profissionais e pessoas interessadas no desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados. Arduino e Cia. Loja Lab de Garagem. LusoRobótica - Robótica em Português. Motores e Servos - Blog FILIPEFLOP. Videoaulas GBK Robotics. CForDummies2. Eletrônica Básica teoria e prática 1ª edição João Michel Andrey.pdf - Computação Eletrônica - Documentos - Flavio_Carvalho.

Arduino eBooks. Controle Motor DC 12v com Arduino Motor Shield L293D. Controlar um motor DC usando o Arduino é uma tarefa simples que não exige muitos componentes.

Controle Motor DC 12v com Arduino Motor Shield L293D

Geralmente um chip controlador de motor, como o L293D ou L298N (Ponte H), já dá conta do recado e você já conferiu anteriormente neste post Como controlar um Motor DC com uma Ponte H L298N e Arduino, certo? Arduino e Cia: Controlando motores DC com o Arduino Motor Shield L293D. Kit Educativo de Eletronica - Kit de Eletronica para Adultos e Crianças, montar, aprender e se divertir. How to control arduino board using an android phone and a bluetooth module. Python + Arduino - Comunicação Serial. Amarino - "Android meets Arduino" - Home.

TeacherGaming LLC. Inspire children to programming, robotics and engineering. Kodable: Programming Curriculum for Kids. Code For Kids. Coding with Kids. Internet of Things application development platform. Buy Direct (Official Site) Kano - Kit. MinecraftEdu. Ardublock. S4A. App Inventor. Download. Downloaded 5177530 times.

See what's new and the known issues. Read the installation instructions below. How To Raise The Next Zuckerberg: 6 Coding Apps For Kids. If you want to give your kid every opportunity to succeed, it’s hard to argue with teaching them to code. Some of the wealthiest and most influential people of our time began programming young, and who wouldn’t want that kind of future for our kids? Yesterday, we reviewed Hopscotch, an iPad app that teaches children the basics of any modern programming language. However, that’s just one of the many options out there. Coding for Kids: Free Websites That Teach Kids Programming. New Tool for Teaching Kids to Code. [youtube] Intro to computer science just became Harvard’s most popular freshman class, outpacing economics, the campus paper reports. At Stanford, computer science is the #1 major.

Yet in most K-12 classrooms, the subject is rarely taught. To change that equation,, a nonprofit whose mission is to get more kids to learn programming, has launched Code Studio — a set of tools, lesson plans, and curriculum to help students in kindergarten through high school explore the underlying concepts behind coding. Instead of learning a language such as Java or Python, as they would in an Advanced Placement or college course, students manipulate blocks of logic that, if properly sequences, will draw a shape or move a character.

5 Reasons to Teach Kids to Code. CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game. Cool Tools to Help Kids Learn to Code. When your kid starts talking about loops, go-to commands, and branches, it probably means she's learning to code, and that's a very good thing. In a technology-fueled world, coding is quickly becoming a prized, 21st-century skill. Plus, it encourages kids to become creators, not just consumers, of the technology they use. Coding apps come in a range of formats designed for different ages and abilities. They often incorporate bright colors, cute characters, and elements of game design to appeal to kids. Code Avengers: learn to code games, apps and websites. TouchDevelop.

Bitsbox - Monthly Code Projects for Kids. Why coding is for kids. The IT job market is growing by leaps and bounds – and governments and other organizations are ensuring children’s computer skills do, too If you’re reading this, you know how important digital literacy is for young people, not only in terms of their careers, but also their success in the wider world. Increasingly, politicians recognize this and a number of countries are finding ways to embed computer skills in their educational systems – and from a very young age. The UK is one of these countries. 5 Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids.

Digital Tools Arduino It’s hard to argue with the importance of teaching students how to use computers — how to turn on, log on, search the Web, and use applications.