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GuiStuff - Coding, formats, standards. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. 150 Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks. All the WordPress bloggers already know that there are different themes and default features available while blogging. However these are limited. Yes, you can find an original theme, if you research a lot, but there is a good chance you will see the exact theme somewhere else as well so you can say goodbye to your imagined originality. You can compensate this with a nice content of course, but the design is also really important to make visitors read you.

If you want to go for a new unique look, you will have to get to know the PHP code of your blog and start being creative. Sometimes you just see a blog that has an amazing and creative design and you can’t help it wonder – how did the blogger achieve this? Whether it’s about changing the colors, administrating the comments or adding different new unusual features to your interface – you can learn it all step by step. 1. 11 Ways to Create a Mobile Friendly WordPress Site 2. 25+ Extremely Useful Tricks for the WordPress Functions File 6. Sindice - The semantic web index. Cease and Desist. CAPE: Courseware Authoring and Packaging Environment | Institute for Software Integrated Systems. CAPE is an authoring environment for adaptive online learning based on the model-integrated computing paradigm. CAPE supports a domain-specific modeling language for representing the design of online learning experiences and the various ways that they can respond to individual learners as the experiences unfold.

CAPE is companioned with a web-based learning platform called eLMS that supports delivery of the adaptive courseware to learners. Unique among design environments created with the Generic Modeling Environment (GME) infrastructure, CAPE incorporates support for a dynamic programming language (Python) directly into its modeling paradigm. This support includes visual representations of data modeling elements and computational components that support adaptive aspects of CAPE designs, as well as content sequencing logic of these designs. Learn more about CAPE and eLMS at the Adaptive Learning Technologies page. Project Summary. Visual Understanding Environment.

Home Page. Data Recipes. Demos. Like richfaces? It’s part of a community of Red Hat projects. Learn more about Red Hat and our open source communities: A JBoss Project Red Hat RichFaces RichFaces RichFaces > Demos Demos richfaces-showcase (RichFaces 4.0.0.Final) IRC-client (RichFaces 4.0.0.Final) Demo application for the RichFaces 4 Push component. Check Sources (configuration readme included) Documentation is comming soon! Richfaces-demo (3.3.3 Final) Application contains basic demos for all RichFaces components and features. Visit Online Check Sources Ready-to-Deploy war RichFaces Demo: Photoalbum (3.3.3 Final) Real world demo built on top of RichFaces, Seam and Hibernate. Visit Online Check sources Ready-to-Deploy EAR(JSF 1.2): JBoss AS 4.2 and higher Information Resources: Red Hat, Inc. Nathan fake •official•'s sounds.

Encore un tutoriel vidéo sur Sass et Compass - La Revanche du site. Ganeti - Cluster logiciel de gestion de la virtualisation. Ganeti is a cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen or KVM and other open source software. Ganeti requires pre-installed virtualization software on your servers in order to function. Once installed, the tool assumes management of the virtual instances (Xen DomU). Ganeti controls: Disk creation management Operating system installation for instances (in co-operation with OS-specific install scripts) Startup, shutdown, and failover between physical systems Ganeti is designed to facilitate cluster management of virtual servers and to provide fast and simple recovery after physical failures using commodity hardware. Ganeti provides the following features for managed instances: The Model Driven Software Network - Raise your level of abstraction.

ØMQ - The Guide - ØMQ - The Guide. ZeroMQ, la super bibliothèque réseau. Une fois n’est pas coutume, voici un article particulièrement technique. Le développement d’applications connectées est quelque chose d’à la fois important et délaissé. Important car cela constitue la base de l’informatique moderne, et que c’est une chose qui est enseignée dans tous les cursus informatiques. Délaissé car l’écrasante majorité des applications connectées actuelles sont basées sur le protocole HTTP. L’omniprésence du HTTP est globalement une très bonne chose : Pas besoin de redévelopper la roue (les serveurs Apache et IIS sont là depuis longtemps, Nginx et Lighttpd cherchent à prendre la relève), les développements sont facilités (le protocole est simple, son utilisation est rapide), et un très grand choix d’applications est accessible de manière unifiée (il suffit de voir toutes les API REST disponibles).

Mais il y a aussi un inconvénient : Il devient difficile de sortir de ce modèle. Soit les développeurs ne savent pas faire de développement réseau. ZeroMQ Principes de base. OwnCloud web services under your control. Tutoriel Maven N°1 : Installation et Phases. Maîtrisez l’installation pas à pas de MAVEN. Comprenez la valeur ajoutée de cet outil : automatisation des taches récurrentes , gestion des dépendances (fini la gestion manuelle des jars !) ,génération de rapports contribuant à un meilleur pilotage de votre projet, et enfin modèle de Projet basé sur des conventions (POM) . Créez un projet maven simple. Découvrez les phases MAVEN.

Ce tutoriel est un extrait de séances pratiques de la formation MAVEN dispensée par Objis. Les + objis 70% de travaux pratiques Clé USB avec tous les outils utilisés + Corrigés TPs Bilan pédagogique individuel + conseils Liens utiles + de 100 tutoriaux java/jee Objis Site du livre de référence (Maven by example) Comprendre Maven 3 Compatibilité Maven 2.x / Maven 3.x Génération de site avec Maven 3.x Plugin report info’ Guide création de site projet maven Prérequis, outils et versions Installation kit de développement Java (JDK) Objectifs Maîtriser l’installation de MAVEN 2 / Maven 3 Comprendre l’enchaînement de phases Programme. A re-introduction to JavaScript. Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language.

It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity, powerful language features await. JavaScript is now used by an incredible number of high-profile applications, showing that deeper knowledge of this technology is an important skill for any web or mobile developer. It's useful to start with an overview of the language's history. JavaScript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape.

JavaScript was first released with Netscape 2 early in 1996. It was originally going to be called LiveScript, but it was renamed in an ill-fated marketing decision that attempted to capitalize on the popularity of Sun Microsystem's Java language — despite the two having very little in common. Several months later, Microsoft released JScript with Internet Explorer 3. Overview And there are some built-in Error types as well. Numbers. jQuery Geo. Videos - Sencha Docs - Ext JS 4.0. Downloading jQuery. Sphinx | Open Source Search Server. S'ouvre le 17 février 2012 au Android Devcamp mondial. Cloud9 - Your code anywhere, anytime. The GeoJSON Format Specification. 1. Introduction GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.

A GeoJSON object may represent a geometry, a feature, or a collection of features. GeoJSON supports the following geometry types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection. Features in GeoJSON contain a geometry object and additional properties, and a feature collection represents a list of features. A complete GeoJSON data structure is always an object (in JSON terms). 1.1. A GeoJSON feature collection: 1.2. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and the terms object, name, value, array, and number, are defined in IETF RTC 4627.The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119. 2.

GeoJSON always consists of a single object. 2.1 Geometry Objects 2.1.1. A position is the fundamental geometry construct. 2.1.2. Ditaa. eTeks : Outils et services Java. Free source code hosting — Bitbucket. نديم ابن ﺤﻣﻮﺪﺓ الخمير - Nadim Khemir. RestMS. Welcome to Solr. Debian On Rails : Apache 2.2 + MySQL + Ruby + Rails + PHP + Mongrel + Mongrel_cluster + Subversion + Trac + Capistrano at Il y a quelques mois de cela je louais un serveur dédié avec comme but initial d’héberger mes propres sites et ceux de quelques amis. Je pensais alors que l’installation et la configuration de mon serveur ne serait qu’une formalité [modeste] au vue de mon expérience [/modeste]… Je me trompai alors dans les grandes largeurs !

Effectivement ce n’est que quelques mois plus tard et au bout de multiples expériences plus ou moins avortées avec différents panels d’administration que j’arrive enfin avec une installation que je qualifierai de presque correcte de mon serveur web… Je vais donc vous faire part dans cet article des étapes que j’ai suivies pour en arriver là. Objectifs Installation système et applications Installation – Debian et utilitaires Installation – Apache 2.2 & PHP5 (ou 4) Installation – MySQL Installation – Subversion Installation – Ruby, Rails and friends Installation – Mongrel, Mongrel_cluster, Capistrano Installation – Trac Etude de cas : « » Configuration de Capistrano. YQL Guide. Library of Congress Grant Awarded to MIT Libraries to Fund Work on Enhanced Open Access Tool, Exhibit 3.0 « Zepheira.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., January 14, 2011 – The MIT Libraries has been awarded a $650,000 grant from the Library of Congress for work in collaboration with the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) and Zepheira, Inc. on “Exhibit 3.0”, a new project to redesign and expand upon Exhibit, the popular open source software tool for searching, browsing and visualizing data on the Web. The goal is to provide libraries, cultural institutions and other organizations grappling with large amounts of digital content, with an enhanced tool that is scalable and useful for data management, visualization and navigation. According to the Library of Congress, “It is the Library’s intent that this work also will further contribute to the collaborative knowledge sharing among the broader communities concerned about the critical infrastructure that will ensure sustainability and accessibility of digital content over time.” Amanda Network Backup: Open Source Backup for Linux, Windows, UNIX and OS X.

The Open Textbook Challenge. Note: The Open Textbook Challenge is now closed, but we invite you to read on to see what we accomplished and how you can still contribute. About the OTCThe Saylor Foundation’s Open Textbook Challenge sought to find, develop, and release textbooks that are well-aligned to the free online courses offered at From October 2011, we released five college-level textbooks under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licenses: For each book, the Saylor Foundation provided a $20,000 award to the author(s) to support the alignment and re-licensing of the work.

Why seek out open texts? According to the College Board, the average college student at a four-year public school spends over $1,000 for textbooks each year. Students need cost-free alternatives, and some great options are out there…book by book, professor by professor, state by state, word is getting out. What can you do? If you know about an open textbook that isn’t on our site, let us know!

The Saylor Foundation. Pelican Mapping - The 3D Mapping People. Welcome to Solr. Osg.js. ACE - Cloud9 Editor. Submin - Subversion Web Administration. Osgearth. The Fractal Lab - Fractal Geometry in Medicine and Biology - Virtual Laboratory. Fabrice Bellard's Home Page. Centre de documentation | Mozilla Developer Network.

Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers) Détail d'un code. Les outils. Piphone Le Piphone est un outil de campagne téléphonique développé par la Quadrature du Net. Il permet d'être mis rapidement et gratuitement en relation avec un eurodéputé, sélectionné au hasard, ou en fonction de critères particuliers (pays, groupe politique, commission...). Soit en utilisant votre logiciel de Voix sur IP.Soit en entrant votre numéro de téléphone pour être appelé et mis directement et gratuitement en relation avec le bureau d'un(e) député(e)Soit en utilisant votre téléphone et en appelant vous-même le numéro affiché.

Mémoire Politique Mémoire Politique est un ensemble d'outils destinés à faciliter les prises de contact avec nos députés, européens ou français. Vous pouvez trouver les députés français : ainsi que les eurodéputés : Chaque député ou eurodéputé a sa fiche sur laquelle sont référencés leurs coordonnées, leurs mandats ainsi que leurs votes et prises de position sur les sujets abordés par La Quadrature du Net.

Wiki Revue de presse Respect My Net Lawtracks Quadpad. Il est crucial de préserver la neutralité du Net ! « La neutralité du Net ». Ce concept obscur est l'essence même du Net tel que nous le connaissons. Dans l'environnement numérique, elle est la garantie de la libre concurrence, de l'innovation et des libertés fondamentales. Jusqu'à présent, la neutralité du Net s'est imposée comme règle, tant pour des raisons techniques qu'économiques. Cependant, elle est aujourd'hui menacée par les opérateurs de réseaux1 qui voient des opportunités commerciales dans le contrôle des flux d'informations qu'ils véhiculent.

Il est crucial de saisir l'occasion qu'offre la troisième lecture de la révision des directives du « paquet télécom » pour prendre des mesures fortes destinées à protéger un Internet libre, ouvert et innovant au sein de l'Union Européenne. Qu'est ce que la neutralité du Net ? Lorsque vous envoyez un courrier postal, le service postal ne l'ouvre pas pour décider comment l'acheminer en fonction de son contenu ou de l'identité de son émetteur. Internet se développe sans cesse. 1. Home. SIMILE Widgets. Publications « Zepheira. Maqetta. Free software | ITeF!x. GDL - GNU Data Language. Product Downloads & Updates for ENVI, IDL & IAS I ITT VIS. Bibliothèques. Login - Dydra. Kevin Rose’s Milk Inc. releases Oink, an app to rate, well…everything. 3 November '11, 10:26pm Follow Digg founder Kevin Rose has a new venture, Milk Inc., and it has released its first app, called Oink.

The app is described as a ‘way to rate and rank the things around you,’ and bills itself as a ratings engine not just for places, but the things inside. When you fire up the app currently you’ll get the ability to connect a Twitter or Facebook account or use an email to sign up, but the app is still in a limited beta so you’ll need to wait in line to actually begin to ‘Oink’ things. You can begin browsing things that have already been rated around you by the beta testers of the app.

You can view items in categories or on the whole. Unsurprisingly a lot of what you see are individual food items so far, although Oink eventually wants to rank everything from car rental locations down to the best car to rent at that location. Instead of just ranking Six Flags as the best theme park, you can rate the coasters in that park from top to bottom. Main is usually a function. This article is about a GHC bug I encountered recently, but it's really an excuse to talk about some GHC internals at an intro level.

(In turn, an excuse for me to learn about those internals.) I'll assume you're familiar with the basics of Haskell and lazy evaluation. I spoke before of using global locks in Haskell to protect a thread-unsafe C library. Unfortunately a GHC bug prevents this from working. Using unsafePerformIO at the top level of a file can result in IO that happens more than once. Here is a simple program which illustrates the problem: import Control.Concurrentimport Control.Monadimport System.IO.Unsafe ioThunk :: ()ioThunk = unsafePerformIO $ do me <- myThreadId putStrLn ("IO executed by " ++ show me){-# NOINLINE ioThunk #-} main :: IO ()main = do replicateM_ 100 (forkIO (print ioThunk)) threadDelay 10000 -- wait for other threads Let's test this, following the compiler flag recommendations for unsafePerformIO.

Within a few seconds I see output like this: x = Just 'x' W3C Conference 2011. CanvasXpress - Contact. Code for America | A New Kind of Public Service. Backbone.js. Git - Fast Version Control System. Elektronaut/jquery.livetwitter @ GitHub. Git it. -- node.js -- Developers. RightJS -- JavaScript Framework -- Aid View. On Being Wrong In Paris: Finding Truth in Wrong Answers. Flying Memes. JSON. Open Source Exchange Rates API - free, hourly-updated JSON currency data. Zepto.js, a jQuery-compatible mobile JavaScript framework in 2K (presentation) Blog | Cinder. XRegExp: JavaScript regex library. Scaffolding · Twitter Bootstrap. Motion-Twin. AppFuse par l’exemple. Tutoriel sur Mongoose (MongoDB avec Node JS) | Atinux | Apprendre Node JS.