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By Sindice

By Sindice

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VisiNav VisiNav is a system to search and navigate web data, collected from a multitude of sources. In summary, the system demonstrates how to combine data from multiple sources into a single unified view, how to search and navigate the aggregated dataset, and how to re-use query results from web data in external applications. On a conceptual level, VisiNav deals with objects. Objects can have attributes and links to other objects.

Use our methods DP0 (Design Project Zero) is a 90-minute (including debrief) fast-paced project though a full design cycle. Students pair up to interview each other, create a point-of-view, ideate, and make a new solution that is “useful and meaningful” to their partner. Two versions of DP0 are “The Wallet Project” and “The Gift-Giving Project”. They have the similar format, only the topic is different. The original DP0 The Wallet Project was created for the’s very first course in 2004 and the project starts with students looking at the content of their partner’s wallet or purse (and goes on to ask every student to design something for their partner). Another DP0 topic is The Gift-Giving Project where students are asked to redesign how their partner gives gifts.

Setting Data Free With Gapminder Last month Hans Rosling, the Swedish global health professor, statician and sword swallower released a desktop version of Gapminder World, his mesmerizing data visualization tool. Named one of Foreign Policy's top 100 global thinkers in 2009, the information design visionary co-founded with his son and daughter-in-law aiming to make the world's most important trends accessible and digestible to global leaders, policy makers and the general public. The software they developed, Trendalyzer, (acquired by Google in 2007) translates static numbers into dynamic, interactive bubbles moving through time. The desktop version of Gapminder, which is still in beta, allows you to create and present graphs without an Internet connection. Emily Cunningham is a research intern at ReadWriteWeb and a design and user experience intern at She is pursuing a Master in Information Management at University of Washington in Seattle, WA.

The Rise of the Social Media Curator The Internet is a mess. There’s so much information out there that it’s a blessing we can find anything at all. Sure, you can ask Google for a hint, as long as you know what you’re looking for. What’s Best: Microformats, RDFa, or Micro Data? In a recent post by Mike Blumenthal about Google’s announcement of supporting Microformats for local search, Andy Kuiper asked in the comments whether it would be best to go with Microdata versus RDFa or Microformat for marking up local business information. As the number of flavors of semantic markup have grown, I think Andy’s not the only one to wonder which markup protocol might be ideal. Here’s my opinion.

Disco Hyperdata Browser The Disco - Hyperdata Browser is a simple browser for navigating the Semantic Web as an unbound set of data sources. The browser renders all information, that it can find on the Semantic Web about a specific resource, as an HTML page. This resource description contains hyperlinks that allow you to navigate between resources. With P2P Towards a Post-Capitalist Society * De Wereld Redden. Met P2P naar een post-kapitalische samenleving. Michel Bauwens en Jean Lievens. Houtekiet / Oikos, 2013 Data Wrangler UPDATE: The Stanford/Berkeley Wrangler research project is complete, and the software is no longer actively supported. Instead, we have started a commercial venture, Trifacta. For the most recent version of the tool, see the free Trifacta Wrangler. Why wrangle? Too much time is spent manipulating data just to get analysis and visualization tools to read it.

7 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Klout Score Aim high. It's a worthy goal for credit scores, SATs and now, Klout scores. These days, more and more social networkers are looking to boost their Klout rating and show others the power of their social influence.

RDFa vs microformats from Evan Prodromou I'm fascinated by the idea of including semantic markup in Plain Old XHTML pages, and I'm excited by recent developments in this area. But I'm also concerned about the growing discrepancy between the W3C's initiative, namely RDFa, and the more established but conversely less official microformats effort. I think that having competing standards efforts in this area is going to hurt the advancement of so-called small-s semantic Web technologies, which is going to be bad for everyone. Using XHTML as its own metadata substrate makes for some interesting applications, some of which are starting to disseminate on the Web. Rubhub is an interesting distributed social network analyzer; Flocktails is a fascinating example of extracting semantic data ; Ray Ozzie's Live Clipboard shows how to use embedded HTML data objects to make rich browser-based applications.

The Wolfram Education Portal Is Here! January 18, 2012 — Wolfram Blog Team Teachers, are you looking for a new way to integrate technology into your classroom? How about through a dynamic textbook or pre-generated lesson plans? Students, are you looking for some extra help or practice in your classes? How about using interactive demonstrations and widgets to help understand the concepts you are learning? Resilience Alliance - Adaptive Cycle The model of the adaptive cycle was derived from the comparative study of the dynamics of ecosystems. It is meant to be a tool for thought. It focuses attention upon processes of destruction and reorganization, which are often neglected in favor of growth and conservation. Including these processes provides a more complete view of system dynamics that links together system organization, resilience, and dynamics. Traditionally ecology has focused on the concept of succession that describes the transition from a time when exploitation (i.e., the rapid colonization of recently disturbed areas) is emphasized to a time when conservation (i.e., the slow accumulation and storage of energy and material) is emphasized. Our current understanding of ecological dynamics however indicates that two additional functions - release and reorganization - are needed.

Datasets on Datavisualization Wikileaks US Embassy Cables 29 Nov 2010 Datasets Infographic, Politics Wikileaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. Here's how media outlets strive to make the data more accessible than its original form. What Really Matters to Working Students - Do Your Job Better By Brian P. Hall A student who had attended one of my developmental English courses only six times in 11 weeks stopped me in the hall before class to turn in a paper. I asked if she would be in class that day.

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