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Paris 26 Gigapixels: one of the world's largest images! Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Body - Senses Challenge. Eye Candy: Mesmerizing Swinging Balls Video. Not mine -- mine are hypnotizing.

Eye Candy: Mesmerizing Swinging Balls Video

This is a video of one of those swinging ball desk toys (aka Newton's Cradle) but with different length droopers (mine drag on the floor), creating all sorts of crazy-ass designs. I just watched it twice back to back (the second time with my eyes unfocused) and I'm pretty sure I spotted the secret to the universe at one point. SPOILER: It was a pop-up porn ad. "A gay one? " Four hunks in a bubble bath! Hit the jump for the worthwhile video but, WARNING: may cause dizziness. Youtube viaThe most beautiful video ever? Thanks to Church, who once mesmerized an entire living room full of bachelorette party attendees with his own swinging balls trick. Cool Party Tricks Video. Juliane Koepcke. Juliane Koepcke On Christmas Eve 1971, in the skies above the desolate, remote jungles of Peru, LANSA Flight 508 got its ass rocked like a hurricane by a ginormous bolt of lightning that blew the entire fuselage apart like a humongoid human-filled flying pipe bomb with wings.

Juliane Koepcke

Juliane Koepcke, a quiet seventeen year-old high school senior on her way to visit her father, fell two miles out of the sky, without a parachute, crunching into the dirt floor of the Amazon Rain Forest with enough velocity to fracture the skull of Bahamut the World Fish. When she somehow miraculously awoke and came to her senses (a feat which few of her fellow passengers managed to accomplish), she was still strapped in to her seat. She had a broken collarbone, a severe concussion, deep cuts in her arms and legs, and one of her eyes had been swollen shut like Stallone the end of Rocky II. The Amazon. Good times. For eleven days (!) Of course, Juliane Koepcke wasn't done yet. Links: Outside Online Wikipedia. Tangga House by Guz Architects. By Eric • Mar 23, 2011 • Selected Work The Tangga House is another Singapore’s dream home designed by Guz Architects.

Tangga House by Guz Architects

Completed in 2009, the 7,663 square foot residence is located in Holland Village, an elite district of Singapore that is famous amongst the expatriate community. The luxury single-family home gives the owners the opportunity to live in harmony and comfort with nature, in Singapore’s hot tropical climate. Tangga House by Guz Architects: “The house is a contemporary interpretation of a traditional courtyard house, laid out around a central green courtyard with a double height stair and entry area forming the focal point of the project. The L-shaped plan creates open spaces which encourage natural ventilation and offer resident’s views over the courtyard to the veranda, roof gardens and beyond.

The large roof above the courtyard creates an indoor and outdoor space leading to the gardens and swimming pool which wraps around two sides of the house. Test color : free of charge personality test. Coca-Cola's Friendship Machine Rewards Cooperation with Cokes. The game of vending machine one-upsmanship between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo continues with Coke's "Friendship Machine.

Coca-Cola's Friendship Machine Rewards Cooperation with Cokes

" Coca-Cola actually planted the machines in Argentina last August to celebrate International Friendship Day, but just this week uploaded the video to its YouTube channel. The machines appear to be about 12 feet tall and requires that you ask a buddy for a boost to use it. Coke rewards that bit of cooperation by dispensing two Cokes instead of one. The program plays off of Coke's "Happiness Machine" viral video of 2010, which shows a Coke machine spitting out free soda and pizzas to a group of delighted students.

Coke also updated that idea in February with a "Happiness Truck" video that features a Coca-Cola truck giving out Cokes along with surfboards, beach toys and sunglasses. PepsiCo responded to Coke's experiments this week with a real-life vending machine that let you gift free Pepsis to friends and strangers via a text message. The Fox Is Black » Bach’s Cantata 147, ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ Played On a Giant Wooden Xylophone In a Forest. This is probably the largest, least creative title for a post ever, but it’s also one of the most descriptive as well.

The Fox Is Black » Bach’s Cantata 147, ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ Played On a Giant Wooden Xylophone In a Forest

The video is a commercial by DOCOMO for the Touch Wood SH-08C, a limited edition phone of which there are only 15,000 being made. But honestly I could care less about the phone, this commercial is a thousand times more cool. By combining lord knows how many pieces of wood, they were able to make a long, downhill track that was able to reproduce Bach’s Cantata 147, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. This is a pretty phenomenal achievement and a beautiful piece of art. Huge props to Invisible Designs Lab’s Kenjiro Matsuo for making this crazy idea reality. Silly Mind Tricks. a39_22348225.jpg (JPEG Image, 990x673 pixels)