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Wladimir Putin: Russland will Dokumente zum Zweiten Weltkrieg veröffentlichen. Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat angekündigt, Archivdokumente zum Zweiten Weltkrieg einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen.

Wladimir Putin: Russland will Dokumente zum Zweiten Weltkrieg veröffentlichen

Ein offenes Zentrum sowie eine Internetseite sollten künftig gegen Versuche einer Geschichtsfälschung wirken, sagte Putin in St. Petersburg. Dort erinnerte der Präsident an den Jahrestag des Durchbruchs der Leningrader Blockade und traf sich mit Veteranen. Die deutsche Wehrmacht hatte im Zweiten Weltkrieg von 1941 bis 1944 St. Petersburg, das damals Leningrad hieß, belagert. "Wir werden jenen das Maul stopfen, die versuchen, die Geschichte umzuschreiben (...) und die Rolle unserer Väter und Großväter zu schmälern, unserer Helden, die starben, um ihre Heimat und praktisch die ganze Welt vor der braunen Pest zu schützen", sagte Putin der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Tass zufolge. Am 9. World's First 'Living Machine' Created Using Frog Cells and Artificial Intelligence.

What happens when you take cells from frog embryos and grow them into new organisms that were "evolved" by algorithms?

World's First 'Living Machine' Created Using Frog Cells and Artificial Intelligence

You get something that researchers are calling the world's first "living machine. " Though the original stem cells came from frogs — the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis — these so-called xenobots don't resemble any known amphibians. The tiny blobs measure only 0.04 inches (1 millimeter) wide and are made of living tissue that biologists assembled into bodies designed by computer models, according to a new study. These mobile organisms can move independently and collectively, can self-heal wounds and survive for weeks at a time, and could potentially be used to transport medicines inside a patient's body, scientists recently reported. Related: The 6 Strangest Robots Ever Created "They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal," study co-author Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics expert at the University of Vermont, said in a statement. Scientists Build “First Living Robots” From Frog Stem Cells.

A team of researchers have built what they claim to be the first living robots.

Scientists Build “First Living Robots” From Frog Stem Cells

The “xenobots,” they say, can move, pick up objects, and even heal themselves after being cut. The team is hoping the biological machines could one day be used to clean up microplastics in the ocean or even deliver drugs inside the human body, The Guardian reports. To build the robots, the team used living cells from frog embryos and assembled them into primitive beings. “These are novel living machines,” research co-lead Joshua Bongard, robotics expert at the University of Vermont, said in a statement.

“They’re neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. The millimeter-length robots were designed by a supercomputer running an “evolutionary algorithm” that tested thousands of 3D designs for rudimentary life forms inside a simulation. The tiny robots had about a week to ten days of “power” courtesy of living heart muscle cells that were able to expand and contract on their own. Scientists Have Warned That We Absolutely Must Not Farm Octopuses. There's no denying that keeping livestock has deeply benefited humanity over the millennia.

Scientists Have Warned That We Absolutely Must Not Farm Octopuses

But, while sheep and cows may have adapted well to farm life, there's one animal humans like to eat that would fare poorly in farms. Octopuses, scientists have argued in a May 2019 essay, should never be farmed - not just because of their intelligence, but because of the environmental impacts such farms would create. It's already started. Global demand for octopus as a food is on the rise, which last year saw prices soaring amid poor supply. Nikola Tesla’s Dark Secret. The boy spent much of his early childhood enduring Serbian traditions, including an overabundance of sloppy kisses from two wrinkly old aunts, one of whom had “two teeth protruding like the tusks of an elephant,” Nikola Tesla wrote in his autobiography.

Nikola Tesla’s Dark Secret

So one day, when his mother asked him which of the two aunts he thought was prettier, Tesla thoughtfully mulled it over, declaring, “This here is not as ugly as the other,” and thus revealing an early and wicked sense of humor. Tesla, the forefather of the internet and the man who essentially invented the 20th century — with everything from modern electrical engineering advances such as the electric motor to X-rays, remote controls, radars and radio — didn’t just have a remarkable mind; he also had a witty one.

Recognized as one of the greatest inventors of his time, his celebrity status saw him hobnobbing with the likes of Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Edison and J.P Morgan. But behind that exceptional brain was a dark secret. Das Grundwasser schwindet - ein Warnruf an den blauen Planeten. Zugleich vertraut und fragil wirkt unser Planet, wenn man ihn vom Weltall aus betrachtet.

Das Grundwasser schwindet - ein Warnruf an den blauen Planeten

Ein Satellitenpaar vermittelt nun auch alarmierende Informationen über das, was sich unter der Erdkruste tut. Fast nur ein Spielzeug in der Weite des Alls: «Blue Marble», fotografiert 1972. (Bild: Nasa) «Blue Marble» («Blaue Murmel») ist die erste fotografische Gesamtansicht der Erde, die aus dem Weltall aufgenommen wurde. Das Bild entstand am 7. «Blue Marble» war jedoch eine Fotografie der etwas anderen Art – umfassend und dennoch reich an Details, mit hoher Informationsdichte und zugleich von gewaltiger Ausdruckskraft. Ein Abbild des Weltklimas. Omega Ophthalmics: Novel Advances for the Future of Vision.