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À quoi reconnaît-on un bon podcast ? Pratique de niche il y a quelques années encore, le podcast est aujourd’hui en passe de devenir grand public.

À quoi reconnaît-on un bon podcast ?

En France, une personne sur quatre (25 %) déclare en écouter au moins un par mois, d’après le Digital News Report 2019 réalisé par le Reuters Institute, un chiffre stable par rapport à l’année passée. Sur la totalité des personnes interrogées dans l’étude, ce ratio grimpe à 36 %. L’écoute de podcast est donc entrée dans les habitudes de consommation médiatique, et les articles conseillant tels ou tels contenus ne sont pas rares, en témoigne cette liste des Inrockuptibles ou celle-ci de Vanity Fair.

Nombreux sont désormais les acteurs, investis depuis plus ou moins longtemps dans le format, à proposer leurs contenus à des auditeurs en demande de qualité et de nouveauté. Malgré leurs différences, les podcasts partagent un objectif commun : être écoutés. Des sujets novateurs Parmi ces différents éléments, celui du sujet se détache le plus clairement.


Blog.patreon. Photo courtesy of Tom Pottiger.


Podcast revolution: the rise and rise of audio storytelling. The state of audio drama in 2020 is wildly different from ten years ago when audio, or rather radio drama, was in decline across much of the English-speaking world.

Podcast revolution: the rise and rise of audio storytelling

Drama had been dropped from radio stations in the US, was being phased out from popular listening in Canada and faced budget cuts in the UK and Ireland. These “indie” producers pioneered the revival of the medium. Digitisation of sound-design during the 1990s and 2000s put the means of production back into the hands of hobbyist creatives. However, getting shows to audiences was costly and difficult; that was until podcasting delivered stories direct to iPods in 2003. 6 Podcasts for the Drama Lover. Audio dramas have been around for almost as long as radio, but the podcasting boom has inspired a renaissance.

6 Podcasts for the Drama Lover

Just as streaming platforms have transformed the way in which we consume television, the on-demand nature of podcasts makes it possible to pick and choose a genre of radio play — like science fiction, sports drama or horror — and binge the entire thing rather than wait for weekly installments. Given the mind-boggling amount of TV currently being produced, adding narrative podcasts to your pop culture plate may seem overwhelming. But binge listening is easier to fit into daily life than binge viewing — it’s a surefire way to make chores or exercise fly by — and these six fictional podcasts represent a worthy alternative to any audiobook. One of the most compelling and star-studded psychological thrillers of the last five years also happens to be a podcast, which has aired two seasons since its 2016 debut. "Le podcast, tout le monde y croit" Le secteur du podcast est en pleine ébullition en ce début d’année 2020, avec des auditeurs toujours plus nombreux et pas uniquement trentenaires et urbains.

"Le podcast, tout le monde y croit"

Pour répondre à la demande, l’offre s’améliore et s’élargit encore avec de grands noms de la presse écrite qui se lancent aussi : Les Échos, Le Parisien, Le Monde, Ouest France... 19 Patreon Rewards for Podcasters to Offer Their Fans. Have you ever wanted to know what top podcasters do to incentivize and reward their loyal fans?

19 Patreon Rewards for Podcasters to Offer Their Fans

This article pulls together 19 of the most lucrative rewards that podcasters can offer through a membership-based business model. Each reward has multiple examples and tips on when it works well. As you read, remember that not every reward type fits every creator.These rewards drive the bulk of top Patreon podcasters’ pledges (not in order), but that doesn’t mean that each one will be right for you and your audience. If you need help deciding which ones are the best fit for your business, try reading this article about the five major reward categories and the advantages/disadvantages of each.

Ready to turn your creative passion into a thriving business? Get started 1. One of the most straightforward rewards you can offer is access to more. Free Podcast Resources — Multitude. The Podcaster’s Guide to Transcribing Audio - Bello Collective. Let’s say you’re watching a movie at home, maybe Fast and the Furious 18.

The Podcaster’s Guide to Transcribing Audio - Bello Collective

And, halfway through, your roommate decides to make cupcakes for the two of you. So they break out their KitchenAid mixer, and you know from experience that it can get pretty loud, so you turn on subtitles for the movie. Podcast Production Templates — Multitude. Decks/Presentations Sponsor Pitch Deck: Ask potential sponsors to pay for an ad on your podcast Press Kit: Gather information about your podcast for journalists and reviewers in one document that you can link to or email as a PDF.

Podcast Production Templates — Multitude

For an example of a webpage-based press kit, click here. Interview with a Nerd: 022: Lauren Shippen (The Bright Sessions) Blog.patreon. Multitude is a podcast collective and production studio.


This piece is part of a series by them about creating fiction podcasts, from ideation and scriptwriting to marketing and promotion, and everything in between. After you read this intro, be sure to check out Part 1. “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” - Mark Twain “Rate and subscribe, five stars.” 10 TV Shows Based on Podcasts Ranked, From 'Homecoming' to '2 Dope Girls' (Photos)