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Outdoor DIY Tutorials for Summer

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Outdoor Candle Lanterns. Candle Lanterns. DIY Citronella Candles for Summer. One of the best things about warmer weather is throwing parties outside!

DIY Citronella Candles for Summer

I love cooking on the grill and spending as much time as possible outdoors during the spring and summer months, but there is one thing I have little tolerance for: bugs. Particularly mosquitoes. I tend to shy away from using insect repellant, because I hate the smell and having it on my body. I prefer citronella candles to keep the bugs away – citronella oil is plant based and non-toxic, so you don’t have to feel bad about harming the environment. These candles also very easy to make at home! What you need: Wax (I used soy wax for two candles and I also used the remainder of my block of wax from this project – both from AC Moore), candle wicks, containers for your candles, Krazy glue, and citronella oil.

Start by adhering the wick to the bottom of your candle containers with Krazy glue. Citronella Candles. Lighted Paper Pennant Garland. This paper garland takes a festive twist on an old favorite by creating cone shaped pennants attached to a strand of cafe lights.

Lighted Paper Pennant Garland

Strung in the trees or over outdoor tables, this is a wonderful way to light up an evening wedding. In this sample I chose to write out a couple’s names (“EVA & JACK”) but feel free to punch any wording or design that you like. Click “more” below to see the rest of the project. -AnnaRIFLE design Supplies: 1. cafe string lights; 2. scissors (plus X-Acto knife if you have one); 3. glue (heavy duty); 4. craft paper (at least 14″x14″); 5. screw punch; 6. ruler; 7. pencil and eraser Additional items: bone folder (for scoring folds), tape Begin by printing out the template for the shape of the pennant. Trace the shape onto your desired paper and cut out. Turn the pennant over and draw your desired design or letter with pencil and then punch it out along the lines with a screw punch.

Once the glue is dry gently pop the cafe bulb into the top of the pennant. Cost: Lighted Paper Garland. DIY Tiki Torches. August 27, 2013 | Projects | Comments In honor of all the Labor Day BBQs that are going down this weekend, we’ve created DIY tiki torches out of classic American liquor bottles.

DIY Tiki Torches

I originally spotted this idea at my friend Todd’s fiesta party and being the party enthusiast I am, it was a “tell me how you did that right now or I’ll won’t put out my desserts” situation… just kidding ; ) To my surprise they’re incredibly easy to make! There’s a wonderful shop on Etsy called Harvest Moon Shoppes who make the custom copper wick tips and caps. They’re only $12 for two so you can’t go wrong! I ordered four and then headed to the mart to find some classic Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey bottles that would make a statement and look beautiful sitting out. Tiki Torches. Outdoor Mason Jar Chandelier. Handcrafted celebrations seem to be popping up everywhere these days- it is quite refreshing.

Outdoor Mason Jar Chandelier

Whenever I find pieces that I adore I flag them to attempt making someday. However my folder for future projects is overflowing with months of work- oops;) Instead, I am sharing a new series entitled recreate recipes, where I share just a quick photo of a piece & my own little recipe for recreating it.

You will have to take the project from there. Mason Jar Light Fixture. Wood Plank Door Mat. I think this post is a ‘deja vu’ of the chore chart for multiple kids post.

Wood Plank Door Mat

Hello L…O…N…G……post. BUT I promise to give you an intermission. It will be worth the ticket price! I think only a handful of people would get excited about seeing a pile of old wood behind their shed. Wood Plank Door Mat. Festive Summer Wreath. My girls love cocktail umbrellas!

Festive Summer Wreath

They are in heaven if a waiter brings them a fruity drink dressed up with a paper umbrella (they take after their mom after all)! I pinned my inspiration for this wreath awhile ago to my “Wreaths Galore” Pinterest board. but honestly, who wants to make a tropical, summer wreath when it’s tongue stuck to a pole weather outside! This wreath is the true definition of cinch. 15 minutes (probably because I used the biggest wreath form known to man) was all it took.

Summer Wreath. Bamboo Wind Chimes. My husband set aside a few days last week to clean the garage.

Bamboo Wind Chimes

He's a truly great man. Had you seen our garage before the clean-up you'd think so too. It was a colossal mess before he swooped in. He wrangled that eyesore into shape, and while he was at it, he managed to dig up a few goodies, namely a few old stakes of bamboo that were still in decent shape. Summer Wind Chimes. Painted Outdoor Rug. How awesome is this rug?

Painted Outdoor Rug

Am I insane for making it? I did ask myself that a few times during the process in the midst of running through four cans of spray paint and a roll of masking tape, but I am pretty excited about the end result! With just a few materials you can end up with a one-of-a-kind rug for under $50 and a few hours of work: I would've never come up with this rug if it hadn't been for the great results we got from our DIY chevron doormats at the last Design Improvised DIY Night. Who knew it would be so easy to transform a rug with just masking tape and spray paint? Painted Outdoor Rug. Outdoor No-Sew Pillows. Hello!

Outdoor No-Sew Pillows

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! We are soaking up the heat and sunshine June has to offer, before August forces us inside! The interiors have taken a backseat while we spruce up the outside. Outdoor Pillows. Pool Beverage Boat. [Note from Jonathan, If you think this is cool, check out my iPhone enabled / Intercom / video chat doorbell] Living in Las Vegas, and spending so much time in the pool has taught me, you need to keep drinking, to stay hydrated, and the liquid should be cool.

Pool Beverage Boat

(Notice I am not saying *WHAT* Liquid) Having a cooler full of ice, and liquid is fine, But It needs to sit BY the Pool, so to get a drink I have to leave the pool, trek over hot decking, get my drink, head back into the pool, set my drink on the hot deck, while I am in the water, or swim with my drink. Now I have seen some of the floaty drink holders in the Pool stores $34.00 holds 4 drinks .. Beverage Boat. DIY Pallet Swing Bed. Oh the endless things you can do with pallets! A swing bed has been on my “Mike To-Make List” for some time (oh how long that list is! ). And we’ve had some pallets sitting in the yard just waiting for a good DIY project.

(So really I’m just trying to help Mike get things cleaned up outside…) Swinging has to be my all time favorite childhood activity. Pallet Swing Bed. Pallet Patio Table Tutorial. I have a number of quite decent pallets that have been stored outside since 2008, they are sturdy, the ones used to deliver concrete blocks rather than the lightweight type.

They''ve taken on a nice patina of age and yesterday I used a few of them to make a table. You should be able to pick up pallets at your local tip or 'decheterie'. If you decide to have a go, please post your projects on SFN as a blog post, or just here in the comments below! Here's how I did it; Pallet Patio Table. Backyard Beverage Bar. We have a very tiny backyard, but we've tried to make the best of what we have to work with. Last year we expanded our deck and this year we've been focusing on making it an inviting space. The last couple of weekends have been spent building a compact bar. One weekend to build and stain it, the second to give it a few coats of poly. This weekend we finally were able to hang it up and put it to use.

Beverage Bar. Modern Concrete Fire Pit. There's no doubt about the cheer. Beside your fire you live in a private, glowing little world. All around you, fire shapes dance across rocks and bushes and tree trunks...Most of the time, you just sit and gaze at the caverns that form and crumble and then form again and gaze into the caverns that form and crumble and then form again between the incandescent logs. You build fantastic worlds among those pulsating walls and arches and colonnades. Concrete Fire Pit. Tipsy Flower Planters. Tipsy flower planters. Twig Plant Markers. Twig Plant Markers. DIY Bird Bath. DIY Bird Bath.

DIY Hanging Planter. Hanging Planter. Fun Fabric Birdhouse. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered wpgb_shadowed"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><img class="enable-pib-img-under" src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon" data-recalc-dims="1"/></div>Thanks for coming by! Fabric Birdhouse.