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Javascript / jQuery

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Moment.js. Bolshchikov/js-must-watch. Prism. Tiny, opensource, Bootstrap WYSIWYG rich text editor from MindMup. About This tiny (5KB, < 200 lines) jQuery Bootstrap plugin turns any DIV into a WYSIWYG rich-content editor, inspired by CLEditor and bootstrap-wysihtml5.

Tiny, opensource, Bootstrap WYSIWYG rich text editor from MindMup

Here are the key features: Automatically binds standard hotkeys for common operations on Mac and Windows Drag and drop files to insert images, support image upload (also taking photos on mobile devices) Voice dictation input (only in Chrome) Allows a custom built toolbar, no magic markup generators, enabling the web site to use all the goodness of Bootstrap, Font Awesome and so on...

Why? While building a content editor for MindMup we found plenty of good HTML5 WYSWYG editors online, but most were duplicating functionality that already exists in jQuery and Bootstrap, implementing things that were meanwhile added to HTML5 and supported in major browsers, or doing too much magic such as inserting IFrames with backup text-areas. It turns out, with HTML5, everything we need can fit into less than 5K. Usage $('#editor').wysiwyg(); Edge.js. Run node.js and .NET code in-process An edge connects two nodes This edge connects node.js with .NET Created by Tomasz Janczuk / @tjanczuk (Use space or arrow keys to navigate)


A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide. Canvas Query. Typeahead.js. Comix I/O - Create your own xkcd-style comics using HTML markup. - The Database of JavaScript Libraries. Flight: an event-driven web application framework. 28 Exciting New jQuery Tutorials & Plugins. The open source movement has created a lot of new web developers.

28 Exciting New jQuery Tutorials & Plugins

Over the past decade it’s been common to work on code projects in a private setup. But libraries such as MooTools and jQuery allow for rapid development of newer plugins and add-ons. In this gallery I’ve collected 28 plugins for jQuery users. Some of the plugins also include a tutorial for building it yourself, but all the links have a free download included. KineticJS HTML5 Canvas Framework. jQuery.qrcode · generate QR codes dynamically · Calling WCF Services with jQuery…Stripped Down. Years ago, when I created my first ASMX Web Service and called it from an application, it was easy and it was fun.

Calling WCF Services with jQuery…Stripped Down

I was able to call functions on a server, from a client, with little effort. What a great and powerful tool! Then WCF came out and was deemed the 'best practice' and the 'preferred' method. Developers were encouraged to use it. Sadly, it was a nightmare of complexity. I recently began investigating calling WCF Services with jQuery. This is the smallest working example of jQuery calling a WCF Service anywhere (as far as I know). Caveats WCF services are fragile. Normally the cache is your friend. We Don't Need No Stinking Interface I've got nothing against interfaces; I even blogged about them here. The default template for WCF services uses an interface for a contract—an inexplicably stupid decision.

Here is how I removed the unneeded complexity. In the interface file, the generated class looks something like this: I moved the contract attributes into the implementation class. Howler.js - Modern Web Audio Javascript Library - GoldFire Studios. Browsers have come a long way over the years, and we are now able to achieve amazing results using all of the great new technologies often referred to as HTML5.

howler.js - Modern Web Audio Javascript Library - GoldFire Studios

However, generally speaking, audio still sucks. Thankfully, Google decided to create Web Audio API and make all our lives easier. The problem is that only the latest browsers support this new-fangled browser audio, so what are we to do? We were presented with this very question while developing our new HTML5 game and set out to find a library that provided the functionality we needed, without all of the bloat, while still supporting the majority of browsers. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything that met our needs. Features Documentation Examples Most basic, play an MP3/OGG: More playback options: Define and play a sound sprite: Properties autoplay: Boolean (true by default) Set to true to automatically start playback when sound is loaded. buffer: Boolean (false by default) Set to true to force HTML5 Audio. Methods.

Textillate.js. Parallel.js: Parallel computing with Javascript. Parallel Computing with Javascript Parallel.js is a tiny library for multi-core processing in Javascript.

Parallel.js: Parallel computing with Javascript

It was created to take full advantage of the ever-maturing web-workers API. Javascript is fast, no doubt, but lacks the parallel computing capabilites of its peer languages due to its single-threaded computing model. In a world where the numbers of cores on a CPU are increasing faster than the speed of the cores themselves, isn't it a shame that we can't take advantage of this raw parallelism? Parsley.js.

Masonry alternatives

Node. jQuery.