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Android-scripting - Scripting Layer for Android brings scripting languages to Android.

Android-scripting - Scripting Layer for Android brings scripting languages to Android.
SL4A's source has moved to github. The issue tracker, wiki, and downloads will continue to be hosted here. Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have access to many of the APIs available to full-fledged Android applications, but with a greatly simplified interface that makes it easy to get things done. Scripts can be run interactively in a terminal, in the background, or via Locale. SL4A is designed for developers and is alpha quality software. To install SL4A, you will need to enable the "Unknown sources" option in your device's "Application" settings. Still have questions? Want to learn more? Start by reading "Introducing SL4A: The Scripting Layer for Android" by Pieter Greyling and "Packaging and Distributing" by Paul Ferrill. You can buy "Practical Android Projects" on Amazon or directly from Apress. What's Powered by SL4A? Rockets Oplop Related:  JavaScript

Ajax (informatique) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ajax. L'architecture informatique Ajax (acronyme d'Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) permet de construire des applications Web et des sites web dynamiques interactifs sur le poste client en se servant de différentes technologies ajoutées aux navigateurs web entre 1995 et 2005. Ajax combine JavaScript, les CSS, XML, le DOM et le XMLHttpRequest afin d'améliorer maniabilité et confort d'utilisation des Applications Internet Riches (abr. RIA)[1],[2] : DOM et JavaScript permettent de modifier l'information présentée dans le navigateur en respectant sa structure ;L'objet XMLHttpRequest sert au dialogue asynchrone avec le serveur Web ;XML structure les informations transmises entre serveur Web et navigateur. Outre le XML, les échanges de données entre client et serveur peuvent utiliser d'autres formats, tels que JSON. Dialogue entre serveur et navigateur L'interface de programmation Document Object Model (abr.

Android Niceties Android Developers Blog Pro Android Python with SL4A - Android - Programming Pro Android Python with SL4A is for programmers and hobbyists who want to write apps for Android devices without having to learn Java first. Paul Ferrill leads you from installing the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) to writing small scripts, to more complicated and interesting projects, and finally to uploading and packaging your programs to an Android device. Android runs scripts in many scripting languages, but Python, Lua, and Beanshell are particularly popular. Most programmers know more than one programming language, so that they have the best tool for whatever task they want to accomplish. Pro Android Python with SL4A explores the world of Android scripting by introducing you to the most important open-source programming languages that are available on Android-based hardware. Pro Android Python with SL4A starts by exploring the Android software development kit and then shows you how to set up an Eclipse-based Android development environment. What you’ll learn Who this book is for

AutoSuggest: An AJAX auto-complete text field : CSS . XHTML . Javascript . DOM, Development : Brand Spanking New kk said Jeffrey Ropp said Nicely done. For some reason, my results dont appear within a scroll area? I copied most of your CSS and still can't get it to work. I've also found that my results aren't always qualified by the first character provided. Try an "S" first. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks, Jeff Robert said Very interesting. peter said Hi, is it possible to submit the form after clicking on some of the results? Josh said I tried that, I can't seem to get it to respond right. in order for the dropdown to be clickable you must change the code above from: this.fld.addEventListener('blur',function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() },false); to this.fld.addEventListener('blur',function () { setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, 300) },false); I figured out how to make the autosuggest show on when focused and clear when the field loses focus. replace line 24: this.toID = setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, this.oP.timeout); with return element; } Enjoy

thecodepath/android_guides Xposed framework: Dá uma nova vida ao teu Android - Pplware Um dos projectos que temos seguido com especial interesse é o Xposed framework. Para quem não conhece, esta framework tem a capacidade de adicionar e alterar comportamentos no sistema Android de uma forma simples e em segurança. Hoje apresentamos 5 interessantes módulos que revolucionam qualquer Android. 1) Network Speed Indicator Precisa de saber as taxas de download e upload no seu dispositivo? 2) Native Clipboard Copiar/Cortar e colocar já existe nos sistemas móveis… mas até era interessante ter um histórico. 3) Gravity Box – All in one Tweakbox Provavelmente um dos melhores módulos. 4) XHalo Floating Window E que tal ter janelas flutuantes no Android como se fosse um sistema para Desktop? 5) XuiMod Por fim mas não menos importante o XuiMod. Quem usa o Xposed conhece certamente todo o potencial desta ferramenta. A grande “barreira” do Xposed é a necessidade de termos privilégios root no equipamento. Já conheciam o Xposed?

