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Progymnasmata: Using Ancient Exercises in Contemporary Classrooms. Video Op-Eds. Picturing to Learn - Misconceptions in Science. Seven Lies About Lying (Part 1) What's in a Name? (Part 1) The Ashtray: The Ultimatum (Part 1) The Burning Book. The Stone Philosophy Links. Aristotle's Topics. Rhetoric and media. Insider language: Do spooks call themselves spooks? JOHN BRENNAN has been nominated by Barack Obama to run the CIA.

Insider language: Do spooks call themselves spooks?

Language. Passages from official MCs. Standardized Test Practice Workbook from Glencoe McGraw Hill. » Overclock Your Reading Speed. This is a guest post from Kim Roach of The Optimized Life.

» Overclock Your Reading Speed

In today’s Information Age, reading is now a prerequisite for success in life. In fact, many presidents, including Kennedy, have required their staff to take speed reading lessons. Brian Tracy, a best-selling author, points out that just 1 hour per day of reading will make you an international expert in your chosen field within 7 years. If you’re looking to increase your learning rate while decreasing your effort, speed reading is a method you should consider studying. Considering the Common Core's Emph on Info Text. Overview | Does the emphasis on reading “informational text” in the new Common Core State Standards set up a “fiction versus nonfiction smackdown” in English classes? Being a Man Passage and MC. Lapham's Quarterly : The Future table of contents. Search Results - Lapham's Quarterly. Magic, Rhetoric, and Literacy: An Eccentric History of the Composing Imagination - William A. Covino.

Museum Box Homepage. What Poetry Teaches Us About the Power of Persuasion. Logic and grammar are important.

What Poetry Teaches Us About the Power of Persuasion

But for students to truly own the English language, they need to read and write poems. Sychugina/Shutterstock A few years ago, I was working for a science teacher professional development program. My job was to go into schools and watch how high school science teachers were integrating the program's curriculum and content into their lessons. Not many people knew that I was a poet, not a science teacher.

I didn't expect to find any poets there, but I did. It first started when one student in one of the underperforming schools (a school with national test scores in the bottom 25 percent in its state) gave me a CD he'd recorded of himself reading his poems. The Politics of Satire. How Machiavelli Saved My Family by Suzanne Evans. Do You Enjoy Reading Tabloid Gossip? A Wealth of Words by E. D. Hirsch, Jr., City Journal WInter 2013. E.

A Wealth of Words by E. D. Hirsch, Jr., City Journal WInter 2013

D. Hirsch, Jr. The key to increasing upward mobility is expanding vocabulary. A number of notable recent books, including Joseph Stiglitz’s The Price of Inequality and Timothy Noah’s The Great Divergence, lay out in disheartening detail the growing inequality of income and opportunity in the United States, along with the decline of the middle class. The aristocracy of family so deplored by Jefferson seems upon us; the counter-aristocracy of merit that long defined America as the land of opportunity has receded. Non-Fiction Readings with Skills Development. Close Reading - Harvard.

Glossary of Useful Terms. Glossary of Useful Terms Abstract nouns Abstract nouns, such as truth or beauty, are words that are neither specific nor definite in meaning; they refer to general concepts, qualities, and conditions that summarize an entire category of experience.

Glossary of Useful Terms

Conversely, concrete terms, such as apple, crabgrass, computer, and French horn, make precise appeals to our senses. The word abstract refers to the logical process of abstraction, through which our minds are able to group together and describe similar objects, ideas, or attitudes. Aplangcalendar07-08 - Pages and Files. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine - December 2012 - Page 32-33. Text Structure Resources. Text Structure Text Features. Local haterade: Authors say locavores do more harm than good. Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu.

Local haterade: Authors say locavores do more harm than good

Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu say they know what’s wrong with the food system: local food purists. In their new book, The Locavore’s Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet, the husband-and-wife team (a University of Toronto geography professor and an economist) argue that the excitement over this movement is misguided to the point of having “utterly disastrous” effects. “If widely adopted,” they write, “either voluntarily or through political mandates, locavorism can only result in higher costs and increased poverty, greater food insecurity, less food safety and much more significant environmental damage than is presently the case” [emphasis theirs]. Take Action.

The Great New England Vampire Panic. Battle of the Ants. Granta 92: The View from Africa. This article was originally published in Granta 92.

Granta 92: The View from Africa

Always use the word ‘Africa’ or ‘Darkness’ or ‘Safari’ in your title. Subtitles may include the words ‘Zanzibar’, ‘Masai’, ‘Zulu’, ‘Zambezi’, ‘Congo’, ‘Nile’, ‘Big’, ‘Sky’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Drum’, ‘Sun’ or ‘Bygone’. Also useful are words such as ‘Guerrillas’, ‘Timeless’, ‘Primordial’ and ‘Tribal’. Teaching materials from the David Foster Wallace archive. Teaching materials from the David Foster Wallace archive Share this page A small but significant portion of the David Foster Wallace archive represents his teaching career, from his graduate school years through to his work as a faculty member at Pomona College in the years before his death.

Teaching materials from the David Foster Wallace archive

Wallace not only had high expectations for his students, but took his own role as a teacher very seriously. Syllabi, paper topic handouts, quizzes, vocabulary lists, heavily annotated teaching texts, and other documents dating from the late 1980s to 2008 are represented in the collection. Shown here are assignments and books representing various periods in his teaching career. To order images at a higher resolution for research use or for publication, please contact us.

George Orwell’s ‘Diaries’ Teaching Orwell and '1984' With The Times. The famous “1984″ Apple Macintosh commercial, which ran during that year’s Super Bowl.

Teaching Orwell and '1984' With The Times

Updated | June, 2013 In 1949, when George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” was first published, the New York Times book reviewer wrote that, though it was “not impressive as a novel about particular human beings” as a “prophecy and a warning” it was “superb.” Calling U.S. Drone Strikes 'Surgical' Is Orwellian Propaganda - Conor Friedersdorf. A moment's reflection is enough to understand why intellectually honest people should shun the loaded metaphor.

Calling U.S. Drone Strikes 'Surgical' Is Orwellian Propaganda - Conor Friedersdorf

The Obama Administration deliberately uses the word "surgical" to describe its drone strikes. Official White House spokesman Jay Carney marshaled the medical metaphor here, saying that "a hallmark of our counterterrorism efforts has been our ability to be exceptionally precise, exceptionally surgical and exceptionally targeted. " White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan attributed "surgical precision" and "laser-like focus" to the drone program. He also spoke of "delivering targeted, surgical pressure to the groups that threaten us. " And a "senior administration official" toldThe Washington Post that "there is still a very firm emphasis on being surgical and targeting only those who have a direct interest in attacking the United States.

" Calvin-on-academic-writing.gif 300×375 pixels. Junior Seau's brain shows chronic brain damage found in other NFL football players. IL. 6 Great Videos on Teaching Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is a skill that we can teach to our students through exercise and practice. It is particularly a skill that contains a plethora of other skills inside it. Critical thinking in its basic definition refers" to a diverse range of intellectual skills and activities concerned with evaluating information as well as evaluating our thought in a disciplined way ". Online Speed Reading tools and software. Simply start by clicking on the Play button on the left. Reading is that one activity that we do every day but we don't really practice. Most people learn the basics of reading in kindergarten and never graduate to the next levels. You are probably using the same basic rudimental tools and techniques that you learned when you were 6. The average American person reads at an average speed of 180 to 240 words per minute and has done so since he was 16 years old.

Photo for A Modest Proposal (do not attempt) Queen Elizabeth I Speech to Troops in Tilbury. THE GROVES OF IGNORANCE. Files/A Model of Christian Charity.pdf. A Model of Christian Charity. Lewis Lapham AP FRQ prompt. Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris. Dave Barry's Mix of Over the Top Humor, Seriousness Reflects 'Insanity' of Miami. No, you're not entitled to your opinion. Student asks Internet for help avoiding book, gets schooled by its author. Everything is a Remix Part 3. RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Canon Fodder: Denouncing the Classics. Melita Maschmann's 'Account Rendered' Eng1020 / RhetoricalTexts. The Checkers Speech After 60 Years - Lee Huebner. The first-ever nationally televised address both saved and scarred young Richard Nixon, opening a new communications era and upending conventional political imagery. What The Presidential Candidates Could Learn From High School Debaters.

Tonight’s debate was bad for Barack Obama, but it was even worse for presidential debates themselves. Working the Room. Well-Liked Leaders Know The Secret: Make Us Laugh. Copyright © 2012 NPR. Just Asking - David Foster Wallace. Introduction to Logic - 02 - Language Meaning and Definition. Informal Logic. Common Behavioral Biases. The Drowning Child.