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Soups & Stews

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מרק קוסקוס של יהלומה. יהלומה לוי על המנה: "המתכון מבוסס על המרק שאמי לוסי ז"ל הכינה בבית.

מרק קוסקוס של יהלומה

את המתכון היא למדה מיולנדה, חברתה הטובה ושכנתה שהגיעה מטריפולי. השתיים נפגשו בעתלית בתחילת שנות החמישים במעברה אליה התקבצו עולים מארבע קצוות תבל. צמחה שם חברות אמת עשירה ורבת טעמים כאשר הוחלפו ביניהן מתכוני בישול מכל הסוגים והעדות". "למרק קוסקוס רצוי לבחור ירקות צעירים, יפים ומוצקים. ככל שאיכות הירקות גבוהה יותר כך המרק יהיה בעל טעם עמוק ועשיר יותר. " מרק אפונה עשיר. מרק ערמונים (וירקות) – touchfood. המרק הזה נולד אחרי שכמה שקיות ערמונים קלופים בואקום ישבו והסתכלו עליי כל פעם שפתחתי את ארון המזווה שלי (ובעקבותיו, אני ממלאה את מלאי השקיות הללו על בסיס שבועי).

מרק ערמונים (וירקות) – touchfood

עשיתי אלתור בהתבסס על המתכון הקליל הזה שמצאתי בבלוג "פתיתים", והתוצאה הייתה טעימה ביותר! מאז המתכון רץ בין חברותיי ומקבל פידבקים מפרגנים במיוחד. מצרכים: White Bean and Garlic Stew. Black-eyed Peas and Greens - many recipes. Black-eyed peas and greens are the traditional New Year’s Day meal in the South.

Black-eyed Peas and Greens - many recipes

Supposedly, the peas bring you good luck and the greens bring you money in the coming year. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, I think it’s a great tradition because beans and greens are about the healthiest thing you can eat, and what better way to start your year off right. But don’t settle for plain old peas and greens! Here are some of my favorite ways to kick off the new year with lots of flavor. One of my favorite dishes, Creole Black-eyed Peas are full of flavor without being spicy–unless you want them to be. You don’t have to prepare black-eyed peas in a Southern style to reap all the benefits they bring. Bean. Cold Raw Carrot Ginger. Have you been thinking of giving the raw food lifestyle a try, but are you afraid that it will be too cooling for your body during these colder winter months?

Cold Raw Carrot Ginger

It is perfectly possible to combine healthy cooked foods such as steamed broccoli, oven-baked sweet potato or cooked quinoa with salads, smoothies and plenty of fresh fruit. You can even enjoy a nice bowl of raw vegan soup, like this Warming Carrot Ginger Soup. Curried Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Soup Recipe. When daytime temperatures dip into the 40′s, I want soup.

Curried Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Soup Recipe

Every day. For every meal. Minestrone. A big bowl of luscious, steaming, fragrant soup, melting your snowy outer layers simply with its glow of health and wholesomeness.


Can you tell I'm smitten? Minestrone Soup Ingredients 1 cup any whole wheat pasta shape1 red bell pepper2 cans of plum tomatoes1 courgette, sliced3 cups vegetable broth (or 800ml hot water mixed with 1 cube veg stock)1 large yellow onion, roughly chopped2 small chilis, deseeded and chopped2 sticks of celery chopped1 cup carrots, sliced1 cup mushrooms, roughly chopped4 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushedPepper, to serveBasil, to serve Preparation Boil some water in the kettle while you prep the vegetables. Minestrone W Quinoa & Kale. Silvia Bianco (Mind Body Green) Minestrone is a thick vegetable/bean soup, usually with the addition of pasta.

Minestrone W Quinoa & Kale

It has a long history dating back to pre-Roman days, and it used to be made primarily with leftovers by poor families looking to stretch their food resources. Spinach Shiitake Mushroom Chili. This chili is knock your socks off perfect for anyone who desires a large helping of anti-cancerous, youth-promoting chemicals as well as a snazzy, hearty meal.

Spinach Shiitake Mushroom Chili

Thai-Style Vegetable Curry. We had a wonderful meal last night, and I found the recipe purely by accident.

Thai-Style Vegetable Curry

We hadn’t gone to the store in days, so our selection of produce was running low. Basically, all we had in the fridge was broccoli. I also had a partial can of coconut milk I wanted to use up (from when I made the Coconut Basmati Rice) and a pumpkin that has been sitting on my counter forever. It was getting late and I was wondering if I could cook the pumpkin quickly in the pressure cooker, and as I was paging through Lorna Sass’ Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure, I saw this recipe. It uses coconut milk and broccoli, and I thought briefly about subbing pumpkin for the sweet potatoes, but as fortune would have it, I had a couple of sweet potatoes in the pantry.

Adapted from Lorna Sass’ Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure Ingredients Instructions. Autumn Vegetable Stew — Thanksgiving. The spices in this hearty soup are classic flavors of North African cooking—a mix of sweet, savory, bright, and earthy all in one dish.

Autumn Vegetable Stew — Thanksgiving

Saffron may be the world’s most expensive spice, but this recipe, like most, only calls for a small amount. This dish also calls for sweet paprika, which usually refers to a milder form of the spice. From Forks Over Knives – The Cookbook Instructions: French Lentil and Portabella Stew. After seeing several recipes that call for French (or Puy) lentils, I bought a bag of them…and then promptly forgot where I’d seen the recipes. So I searched and searched yesterday for some delicious way to cook these interesting looking lentils, but nothing I saw looked like what I had conjured up in my imagination: a hearty, French country-style stew with fresh rosemary and mushrooms and wine.

That’s when I realized that I already had the recipe in my head. Why was I looking for something in print to validate my vision? So I set off to the kitchen to cook this stew the way I wanted to, writing down the ingredients as I went. Ingredients Instructions In a large soup pot or dutch oven, begin cooking the onions over medium-high heat. Preparation time: 10 minute(s) | Cooking time: 45 minute(s) Number of servings (yield): 4 I cooked this early in the afternoon and left it simmering on the stove for a while.