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Socialization Isn't Responsible for Greater Male Violence. Earlier this year, Dr.

Socialization Isn't Responsible for Greater Male Violence

Julia Shaw wrote an article for Psychology Today entitled, “Why Are We Not Outraged that Prisons Are Filled with Men?” In which she argues that there is something “pernicious” and deeply wrong with a system that incarcerates men at far higher rates than women. “Prison,” she explains, “has always been an almost entirely male structure. It’s hard. It’s cold. Shaw says the heavily disproportionate incarceration reflects a lack of faith in men, who are then adversely affected by the experience of prison and the social stigma they are forced to carry upon release. I think it’s because we accept as dogma that men are naturally more criminal—particularly more violent—than women, thus they deserve to be incarcerated at higher rates. As Shaw points out, men are overrepresented in prisons because they commit more crime than women and because, according to the FBI’s statistics, they do so in nearly every category of violent crime.

As prominent neuroscientist Dr. Related. Les chasseurs-cueilleurs et la guerre : le cas des aborigènes. Un jour, au milieu du e siècle, une tribu pénétra sans s’annoncer sur le territoire du groupe de Billy Thorpe.

Les chasseurs-cueilleurs et la guerre : le cas des aborigènes

Sitôt la nouvelle connue, racontait cet Aborigène quelques décennies plus tard, tous les adultes valides partirent à sa rencontre « munis de leurs armes de guerre, c’est-à-dire de lances barbelées, de massues, et de boomerangs tueurs ». La bataille, « terrible », se déroula « à l’embouchure du fleuve Tambo », faisant « des deux côtés un grand nombre de morts et de blessés ». Parmi eux les propres parents de Billy Thorpe, tués dans l’affrontement. Cet épisode guerrier entre groupes dans l’Australie précoloniale est loin de constituer un cas isolé. Or ces batailles défient l’opinion répandue parmi les paléoanthropologues selon laquelle la guerre – c’est-à-dire les conflits collectifs organisés et homicides – serait une innovation tardive. Pour soutenir leur thèse, les colombes s’appuient sur deux arguments principaux. Parents in adverse environments adopt faster reproductive strategies. Chimps Hunt and Eat A Monkey. Frankly, We Do Give a Damn: The Relationship Between Profanity and Honesty.

Social Psychological and Personality Science. September. Les chasseurs-cueilleurs et la guerre : le cas des aborigènes. Video Games Aren’t Why Shootings Happen. Politicians Still Blame Them. Mr.

Video Games Aren’t Why Shootings Happen. Politicians Still Blame Them.

Trump’s administration studied the issue previously and came to no significant conclusion about connections between mass shootings and violent video games. After last year’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Trump administration convened a federal commission on school safety. The commission’s final report downplayed the role of guns in school shootings. Instead, it called for improving mental health services, training school employees in firearm use and rolling back rules developed during the Obama administration that were aimed at ensuring minority children weren’t unfairly disciplined by schools. The commission’s 180-page report devotes a chapter to what it calls “violent entertainment,” including video games. It made no specific recommendation in regards to video games.

In some cases, the perpetrators of mass shootings are quite clear about their motivations. Law enforcement officials were investigating whether it was written by the shooter. Violent Video Games and Violent Crime - Cunningham - 2016 - Southern Economic Journal. Aggressive Video Games are Not a Risk Factor for Future Aggression in Youth: A Longitudinal Study. Les racines de la violence humaine plongent dans l’arbre de l’évolution. Why Primates Kill Their Offspring. There’s something morbidly fascinating about animals that seem to behave pathologically: The female praying mantis engaging in sexual cannibalism, the fish eating its own fry.

Why Primates Kill Their Offspring

It was this sort of twisted behavior that first drew anthropologist and evolutionary biologist Sarah Hrdy (pronounced Hur-dee) to study langurs in Mount Abu, in India. The males among these large, gray-haired monkeys were killing their own colony’s infants; at the time, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, researchers thought the pressures of overcrowding were the cause. What Hrdy found, however, was that these langurs’ infanticidal tendencies were actually adaptive behavior—behavior that, she argues, one can also see in humans. In the langur colonies she observed, infanticides were hardly indiscriminate, which is what you might expect if the killings were driven by some kind of psychological anguish. “We’ve changed the rules of human existence, but haven’t provided the tools to deal with it.”