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A global synthesis reveals biodiversity loss as a major driver of ecosystem change. Mariana Trench Life Forms More Diverse Than You Might Imagine. By Jennifer Frazer The deepest, darkest, scariest place on the maps I loved pondering as a child was a crescent-shaped canyon in the western Pacific Ocean.

Mariana Trench Life Forms More Diverse Than You Might Imagine

It was called the Mariana Trench, and at the very, very bottom was the lowest point on Earth’s surface, the Challenger Deep. Its floor was seven terrifying miles down. What was down there? It was fun to imagine. Tara Expeditions - « BIODIVERSITY IS THE HISTORY OF LIFE ON EARTH » Environment and Biodiversity. Environment and Biodiversity. Biodiversité & Relations Homme - Nature - Environnement : Un du Muséum de Toulouse. Opinion: Biodiversity Impacts Humanity. Increasing evidence suggests that loss of Earth’s biological diversity will compromise our planet’s ability to provide the goods and services societies need to prosper.

Opinion: Biodiversity Impacts Humanity

A biosphere designed for the 1967 World Expedition on St Helen's Island in Montreal, QuebecWIKIMEDIA, RENE EHRHARDTRecall the biosphere experiments from the 1990s, the most famous of which was perhaps Biosphere II. Philanthropist Ed Bass provided $200 million to construct the largest completely enclosed ecosystem ever created. Biologists and engineers spent 4 years designing and landscaping Biosphere II to have all of the systems needed to sustain life: agriculture for food production, rainforests to regulate the artificial atmosphere, even a mini-ocean to control temperature. On September 26th, 1991, eight researchers were locked inside the airtight, closed environment. Almost immediately after, levels of CO2 inside Biosphere II began to skyrocket and fluctuate wildly.

So what? Bradley J. : Intelligence You Can Profit From. The Day The Earth Nearly Died (Documentary) A Biodiversity Map, Version 2.0. The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia., le réseau social de l'association Humanité et Biodiversité pour la protection du vivant. Welcome to The Field Museum. Cornstalks Everywhere But Nothing Else, Not Even A Bee : Krulwich Wonders... Nikola Nikolovski/iStockphoto We'll start in a cornfield — we'll call it an Iowa cornfield in late summer — on a beautiful day.

Cornstalks Everywhere But Nothing Else, Not Even A Bee : Krulwich Wonders...

The corn is high. The air is shimmering. There's just one thing missing — and it's a big thing... ...a very big thing, but I won't tell you what, not yet. Instead, let's take a detour. Pescalune : Morning rescue... - Start, Join, and Win Campaigns for Change. The Tweeted Times - personal newspaper generated from your Twitter account. Seriously, How Are These Animals Transparent? Nature Blows My Mind! : TreeHugger.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Coral Reefs, in a Four-Minute Video. Q&A: What Céline Cousteau and Jim Toomey Want You to Know About Coral Reefs. Indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. Environment and Biodiversity. Extinction rivals climate change - Yahoo! News. Report: Global Biodiversity Down 30 Percent in 40 Years. The world's biodiversity is down 30 percent since the 1970s, according to a new report, with tropical species taking the biggest hit.

Report: Global Biodiversity Down 30 Percent in 40 Years

And if humanity continues as it has been, the picture could get bleaker. Humanity is outstripping the Earth's resources by 50 percent — essentially using the resources of one and a half Earths every year, according to the 2012 Living Planet Report, produced by conservation agency the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Colby Loucks, the director of conservation sciences at WWF, compared humanity to bad houseguests. "We're emptying the fridge, we're not really taking care of the lawn, we're not weeding the flower beds and we're certainly not taking out the garbage," Loucks said. [50 Amazing Facts About Earth] Burning through resources The biannual Living Planet report is designed to call attention to the Earth's "invisible economy," said Emily McKenzie, the director of the WWF's Natural Capital Program.

[See full list of top and bottom resource users] Struggling species. What is Biodiversity? - Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at AMNH. Are We in the Midst of a Sixth Mass Extinction? Fabrice Leclerc Twitter. May 28, 2012. Impacts of Biodiversity Loss Escalate Through Time as Redundancy Fades.


PEW. Biodiversity pearltrees. Biodiversity blogs. Biodiversity Leclercfl_biodiversity. Drylands and biodiversity. Protecting biodiversity reduces poverty in developing nations. Among conservationists, policy-makers, and the public, there is great debate about whether the establishment of national parks and reserves in developing nations causes poverty or helps to alleviate it.

Protecting biodiversity reduces poverty in developing nations

While opponents claim that protected areas limit agricultural development and the harvesting of natural resources, supporters contend that protected areas generate tourism income and improve infrastructure in the surrounding areas. A new study in PNAS this week suggests that, in the long term, establishing protected areas in developing nations does reduce poverty in local communities. The authors criticize earlier studies that have found correlations between poverty and protected areas for omitting confounding variables that may account for the apparent link. What is IUCN? (English) Amazon rainforest mapped in unprecedented detail. An aerial image of the Amazon rainforest taken by tropical Greg Asner and his team.

Amazon rainforest mapped in unprecedented detail

Photograph: Carnegie Department of Global Ecology/Stanford University Five thousand metres above the most biodiverse corner of the Amazon, tropical ecologist Greg Asner and his team see a kaleidoscope of colours among a mass of green.

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