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Gadgets. Flytrex - Quadcopter and Multirotor Pilots Network. A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services. Pressy - the Almighty Android Button! by Nimrod Back. Touchscreens are amazing, but when you just want to turn on your flashlight, take a quick photo or send your location, simple actions can become a bit of a hassle.

Pressy - the Almighty Android Button! by Nimrod Back

Wake your screen -> Unlock it -> Exit your current running app -> Search for the app you want to use -> Launch it -> And finally, perform your desired Action. This “simple” process requires 5-7 different Actions and takes more than 8 seconds! Additionally, you must maintain eye contact with your screen throughout the entire process. Don't believe us? Try and beat that time yourself! But what if you want to perform an action quickly and without having to deal with or look at the device?

Hide My Ass! Free proxy node (IP address 1/1 / Server 7/7) Hide My Ass!

Hide My Ass! Free proxy node (IP address 1/1 / Server 7/7)

Free Proxy node index You are currently viewing a Hide My Ass! Proxy node. To get started simply enter the website you wish to visit in the above text box and click the 'Go! ' button. Anonymous surfingUse our free proxy to surf anonymously online in complete privacy. QuaDror / Home. Maximum PC. When it comes to computing, our general philosophy at Maximum PC is that bigger is better.

Maximum PC

More, speed, more memory, more power--as far as hardware goes, there's no such things as excess. Software, though... Software's a little different. Big, feature-packed utilities and applications are great, but we prefer apps that show a little restraint. That's why we've put together a list of 30 apps that kick ass without taking up a lot of space. Ubuntu Edge. Inspiring life without Mosquitoes and Disease. 100 legal sites to stream and download free music. Music is life, I never found anyone who’s life isn’t influenced by Music.

100 legal sites to stream and download free music

Why the best things in life like Music are not free? Actually, there is more legally available for free Music than you think. image by nothingatall Here is a list of 100 sites that let you stream or download music for free legally! This super list has sites where you can find most of your favorite songs and other awesome music that you will enjoy listening to. DeezerDeezer is the French-based service which is one of the largest and very popular music recommendation search engine. 8Tracks awesome site, with integration!

Mog The Most Sophisticated, User-Friendly Music Player on the Web. Loopwheels: for a smoother, more comfortable bicycle ride by Sam Pearce. Yep, this project is about reinventing the wheel.

Loopwheels: for a smoother, more comfortable bicycle ride by Sam Pearce

But don't let that put you off - this is serious!! I have spent much of the last four years developing bicycle wheels with integral suspension. We are at the final push now: I need your help to take our fully-functioning and tested prototype 20" front and rear bicycle wheels into production. We showed our loopwheels for the first time in public at the Bespoked Bicycle show in Bristol 12-14 April 2013. The reception and feedback was brilliant - thank you to every one who came to our stand. The latest full review is from Bike Radar 13 May 2013: GizMag / Ben Coxworth 17 April 2013:

Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Welcome to Ugoos. Gallery: March 2013's Hottest Gadgets. Unified Remote. Cool Material - Stuff Guys Want. Take My Dough. Laptop & iPad Skins. First world solutions to first world problems. First world living is an online catalog of products that make your easy first world life just a bit easier! Wholesale Electronics - Dropship from China. Untitled. How to Break Into a Computer (And Prevent It from Happening to You)

Top 10 Ways to Access Blocked Stuff on The Web. Unique Gift Ideas & Unusual Gifts. 50 Best Portable Apps (Windows/Mac/Linux) Do you travel very often to client place and use different computers?

50 Best Portable Apps (Windows/Mac/Linux)

If yes, then make sure your USB drive is loaded with some common tools that can make your life much easier. I have compiled a list of 50 portable tools that you can carry on your USB or flash drive. 1. Foxit PDF Reader – What if Acrobat Viewer is not installed on customer’s PC. Always carry Foxit reader to read PDF files. 2. 3. uTorrent – Always carry a torrent client in your flash drive. 4. 5. 6. HackerThings: Products for the discerning hacker. Stuff for Smart Masses. LikeCOOL, Coolest Gadget Magazine. DIY Design Community.

Alt. Energy/Sustainable Mat.

Create House Floor Plans Online with Free Floor Plan Software. HackCollege - Student-Powered Lifehacking. The Best Gear For Guys. TetraBox Light by Ed Chew. Liquid to Light Designer Ed Chew takes a green step in the right direction with the TetraBox lamp, a light object made from discarded drink packets that would have otherwise ended up in landfills already packed to the brim.

TetraBox Light by Ed Chew

The design is achieved by unfolding the packets and refolding them into hexagonal and pentagonal sections that are then pieced together to form a geodesic sphere or any other desired shape. Here, the Epcot-like ball makes an attractive overhead light and casts an impressive web of shadows and shapes on the surrounding space.