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Hashem Al-Ghaili - Medical Applications of Spider Venom. BBC Earth - Our Blue Planet: Whale Poo. Counting Down 50 Top Natural History Moments. Today I Read - The Amazing Dance Of Nature.


BBC One - Judi Dench: My Passion for Trees. BBC Earth - Amazing sounds from the wilds of Alaska. Dando alas a la naturaleza. □ - Foro Económico Mundial. Making sense of how life fits together - Bobbi Seleski. Without biodiversity we wouldn’t have the food we eat today! But it's disappearing before our eyes. Why do animals have such different lifespans? - Joao Pedro de. Why aging rates vary immensely across species is one of the greatest mysteries in biology.

While humans are a relatively long-lived species, some animals like mice age 20-30 times faster than us and live only up to 3-4 years. In contrast, some mammals like the bowhead whale are thought to live over 200 years. In the amazing biodiversity of our planet, we can find diverse and fascinating forms of aging. For more details on how animals age, and how some seem to avoid aging, see: Some Animals Age, Others May Not. Why do different species age at different paces? In addition, extreme long-lived animals like mole-rats and whales can serve as inspiration for biomedical research. You can also check out the TEDx talk “Slowing down aging” deals with studying the genetics of long-lived species and future medical applications. Hashem Al-Ghaili - What Happens to Your Body after Death. Amazing - Beautiful Nature. Scientists Have Discovered Over 200 New Species In 2018, And Here Are Some Of Our Favorites.

Researchers at the California Academy of Sciences and their international collaborators have discovered 229 new species of plants and animals this year.

Scientists Have Discovered Over 200 New Species In 2018, And Here Are Some Of Our Favorites

The list of animal discoveries includes a new frog, a new snake, and a new seahorse, as well as two tardigrades, three sharks, four eels, seven spiders, 19 fishes (including a neon-colored one), 28 ants, 34 sea slugs, and a whopping 120 wasps. On the plant side, there are seven new flowering plants, one liverwort, and one moss. The wasps, all members of the Pison genus, come from Australia and New Guinea and are notorious thanks to their rather grim life cycles. The female wasps inject venom into spiders to paralyze them. They then drag the poor arachnid into their nest and lay eggs on top of it. The new seahorse is called the Japan pig seahorse and is roughly the size of a jelly bean.

Researchers have also discovered a new coral snake from an island in the Philippines. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Take a look at these fascinating deep sea creatures. Your Amazing Body - The Bacteria That Live on Your Skin. BBC Earth - #EarthCapture: Drinking turtle tears. Could a humble jellyfish hold the keys to immortality? How a pregnancy test caused a catastrophe for frogs. Hashem Al-Ghaili - The Amazon Rainforest. Nationalgeographic. Esta historia forma parte de Photo Ark, de Joel Sartore, el mayor catálogo fotográfico de especies en peligro de extinción.


No te pierdas la exposición fotográfica en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, del 5 de octubre al 5 de enero. Más información aquí. El leopardo del Amur, que vive en la región rusa de Primorye, es una rara subespecie de leopardo. En 2015, quedaban 57 leopardos del Amur en Rusia. PlayGround - Un superárbol para salvarlos a todos. Asombrosas especies vegetales geométricas. Oh!

Asombrosas especies vegetales geométricas

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Ambiente. How deep is the ocean? BBC How Plants Communicate & Think - Amazing Nature Documentary. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants - Biology. Tree of Life video HD. Why do animals have such different lifespans? - Joao Pedro de. Charles Darwin's Observations. DARWIN'S THEORIES. Evolution by Natural Selection - Darwin's Finches. Ecomanía - Una bandada de estorninos, pájaros negruzcos... Misuse of antibiotics is leading to dangerous bacterial resistance. Wasp's venom kills cancer cells without... - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Los 10 animales más pequeños del mundo. Muchos de los animales más pequeños del mundo se encuentran en lo que solían ser zonas aisladas, como la isla de Madagascar en la costa sureste de África, pero ahora están amenazados debido a la actividad humana.

Los 10 animales más pequeños del mundo

Conocerlos es el primer paso para apreciar su belleza y funcionalidad dentro del ecosistema del que forman parte, y luchar por protegerlos. Éstos son algunos de los animales más pequeños de la naturaleza, que se encuentran en distintas partes del mundo y que deslumbran a cada observador con su encanto en miniatura. 1. Tití Pigmeo El Tití Pigmeo vive en el Amazonas, en los bosques tropicales de Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. 2.

El camaleón Brookesia Minima de Madagascar es uno de los más pequeños reptiles en el mundo: mide menos de una pulgada de largo. 3. De ojos saltones, el Tarsier filipino ha sido llamado “el mono más pequeño del mundo”, pero en realidad no lo es. 4. Este pequeño murciélago, también es llamado murciélago abejorro o nariz de cerdo. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What would happen if all corals on... - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Misuse of antibiotics is leading to dangerous bacterial resistance.