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What is Permaculture

Geoff Lawton Videos. Pattern understanding. Practical solutions for self-reliance. Ab wann das Baumwachstum erstickt – klimareporter° Zu viel Stickstoff 30.

Ab wann das Baumwachstum erstickt – klimareporter°

Juli 2020 Pflanzen brauchen Stickstoff. Doch durch die Landwirtschaft gelangt viel zu viel von diesem Dünger in die Wälder. Ab einer bestimmten Menge wachsen Bäume durch Stickstoff nicht mehr, sondern kränkeln. Von Sandra Kirchner Stickstoff ist unentbehrlich für das Wachstum von Pflanzen. Geoff Lawton. Permakultur Akademie. Foto: Sicht- und Wetterschutz einer Komposttoilette in Cord-Wood-Technik, entstanden im Praxis-Teil des 72 Stunden Kurses 2012 in La Pervinca in Umbrien/Italien.

Permakultur Akademie

Als Anfang der 80er-Jahre der Ansatz der Permakultur auch in Europa und Amerika Anklang fand, entstanden an vielen Orten nach australischem Vorbild „Institute" zur Vertiefung und Verbreitung der Ideen. Margrit und Declan Kennedy gaben damals mit viel Herzblut Anstoß für die Permakultur-Bewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum und gründeten 1984 den Verein „Permakultur Institut". Will Hooker - Introduction to Permaculture - NC State University. Will Hooker - Introduction to Permaculture.

Course Categories. Home - Permaculture Design Course. Permakultur-Bücher und -Broschüren. Naropa University. Intro to Permaculture - Free OSU Permaculture Course. Permaculture design is a method of landscape planning that can be applied to anything, from a home garden or farm to a city block or entire village.

Intro to Permaculture - Free OSU Permaculture Course

This free permaculture course uses design principles from nature itself and takes into account such things as how indigenous people used the land; how water, fire and wind flow through the land; and how soil, water, vegetation, buildings and habitats can be managed in a stable and enduring way. A multidisciplinary approach Permaculture design is an ethically based, whole-systems design approach to create sustainable human settlements and institutions. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, permaculture design also touches on regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, technology, architecture and international development.

Urban permaculture

The Sustainable Organic Gardening Guide for Self-Sufficient People. Rundown apartments reborn as food-forest coliving Agritopia. 101 PERMACULTURE DESIGNS. Gardening. David Holmgren Interview (Part 1 of 3) David Holmgren Interview on Permaculture, Energy Descent & Future Scenarios. Holmgren Design - Permaculture Innovation and Vision. Eric Toensmeier - Regenerative Farming. Permaculture Voices. CRMPI. Unofficial 2014 Online PDC Resource List - Sensen Shop. Ploskorez Fokina - Eco-Minded Club. Possible Media. Food Forests. Food Forest Species. How to Start a Small Permaculture Tree Nursery. Recently I attended a farm forestry course with David Holmgren and Darren J.

How to Start a Small Permaculture Tree Nursery

Doherty, a subject I’d like to address today. To even start a farm forestry operation, or even a permaculture orchard, you’ll need to source a huge number of trees from somewhere. I crunched a few numbers and browsed the relevant websites: it seems that small bare-root trees will cost, on average, $20 or more, an amount that will soon add up. I realised that, even excluding overseeding and site preparation, I would need to pay around $20k/acre for my permaculture orchard. It wasn’t until recent visit to my mentor, an experienced plant propagator, that I came upon a way to grow $1000+ worth of trees for less than $100. How to Make a Temperate Forest Garden : Part 1. Suzanne Simard: How trees talk to each other. Aktuelles - Essgarten - Essbare Exoten Entdecken. WaldFarm - Permakultur-Design, Baumpflege, Obstbaumschnitt, Pilzzucht, Seminare & Workshops.

Home - Agriscaping. A World of Many Choices. Lessons of the Loess Plateau. Wes Jackson: Solving the 10.000 Year Old Problem of Agriculture. Regrarian Handbook. *1.

Regrarian Handbook

CLIMATE CHAPTER’ eHANDBOOK (77 pages) available NOW for only AUD$5!! *ON SALE as a FULL HARDCOPY late-2015!! The ‘Regrarians Handbook’ is a succinct & sequential outline of over 300 integrated methodologies and techniques that have been proven over many years of universal application to work towards regenerating human & livestock’s lives along with production landscapes. It does so in a wholly practical, positive & pragmatic fashion, promising to be a relatively ageless tome that generations of users will refer to as they negotiate the design, development & management of systems they operate.

Darren has joined forces with ‘Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual‘ (1988) Designer, Illustrator & Editor Andrew Jeeves in what promises to be the production of an ‘instant classic’. “…The layout by Andrew Jeeves is informative, attractive and simple; his drawings express concisely points sometimes belaboured in the text. Polyface Farm Pt.1. Mark Shepard on Restoration Agriculture. Starting Agroforestry on Your Farm with Mark Shepard. Upload Markus Laumann Loading...

Starting Agroforestry on Your Farm with Mark Shepard

Working... ► Play all Starting Agroforestry on Your Farm with Mark Shepard Markus Laumann6 videos1,109 viewsLast updated on Dec 15, 2014 Play all. How to Design Your Perennial Farm and Your Life - Insights from Mark Shepard - Permaculture Apprentice. Zaytuna Farm Main Crop System. Purple Pear Permaculture Farm Tour. Sustainable Master Plans. AppleSeed Permaculture uses a carefully developed design process that ensures excellent client service.

Sustainable Master Plans

Our Sustainable Master Plans can help you achieve 100% sustainability for your home, farm, business and school. "Habitat" Episode 3 - Corn/Fruit Tree Agroforestry (INIFAP/local farmers) How To Decolonize The Permaculture Movement. About a year ago, I posted an article in the Huffington Post detailing some of the reasons why I thought permaculture had become a “gringo” movement irrelevant to the majority of small farmers around the world.

How To Decolonize The Permaculture Movement

There were a number of reactions, both positive and negative, but I was frustrated that very few people actually offered some sort of solution or proposal for how to “un-gringo” a movement and ideology that we find hope in. After a good deal of reflection, I want to focus now on how to rescue the permaculture movement; how to save it from some of its most disturbing and troubling tendencies. Allan Savory: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change.

Allan Savory’s TED talk is wrong, and the benefits of holistic grazing have been debunked. Photo by Vyacheslav Oseledko/AFP/Getty Images When Allan Savory finished his TED talk early last month, foodies worldwide collectively salivated.

Allan Savory’s TED talk is wrong, and the benefits of holistic grazing have been debunked.

In roughly 22 minutes, Savory, a biologist and former member of the Rhodesian Parliament, challenged the conventional wisdom blaming livestock for the degradation of global grasslands into hardpan deserts. It has long been a basic tenet of environmentalism that 10,000 years of overgrazing has caused this desertification. Environmentalists insist that to restore degraded landscapes, we must reduce the presence of cattle, eat less meat, and allow ecosystems to repair themselves. Savory, who admits that he’s suggesting “the unthinkable,” wants humans to do the exact opposite: Add cattle to the deserts, manage them with obsessive precision, and eat more meat. Tony Lovell: Soil Carbon. Dr. Anita Idel und Jens Petermann - Bodenfruchtbarkeit, die Grundlage unseres Wohlstands in Gefahr! Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - The Loess Plateau has proven to be an excellent place to pursue a type of ecological forensics to witness and understand how human actions over time can destroy natural ecological function.

Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences -

The restoration process of ... more abstractThe Loess Plateau has proven to be an excellent place to pursue a type of ecological forensics to witness and understand how human actions over time can destroy natural ecological function. The restoration process of the plateau is providing a living laboratory in which the potential of returning ecological function to long degraded landscapes can be studied.

Essentially, what has been witnessed and documented on the Loess Plateau is that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems. This realization has potentially enormous implications for human civilization. History, Future Studies, Economics, Political Economy, Philosophy, and 10 more Journal Name: Land Restoration Reclaiming Landscapes for a Sustainable Future. How a $2 Pocket Knife is ReGreening Africa.

How can barren fields, degraded forests and grazing lands be reforested without planting a single tree? Is it possible? Well yes, according to Tony Rinaudo and his work with World Vision in regenerating over 30,000 acres in West Africa all with the aid of just a simple pocket knife and a clever idea. In the Niger it is estimated 60 million trees were planted from nurseries over 20 year period with less than a 25% survival rate. Tony Rinaudo wondered what to do to help give trees a chance of surviving in this desolate location. “I felt very discouraged. Tamera Healing Biotope 1 - Global Ecology Institute. The Global Ecology Institute, led by Bernd Walter Müller, was founded in 2013 to put the practical work of Tamera´s ecology department into a global context.

The institute works on practical ecological responses to current ecological issues with a particular focus on developing model solutions. Another key aspect of the institute's work is the integration of insights into the being and the natural movement of water (Victor Schauberger) into the global healing concept of water retention landscapes. The institute organises seminars, professional training programmes, symposia and conferences for global ecological help, such as the water symposium in Tamera.

(Water Symposium report 2012). (Water Symposium report 2013) (Water Symposium report 2016). On request the institute also provides consultation on building water retention landscapes to cooperation partners and others who are interested around the world. E-Mail: global.ecology(at) More to read:press archive. Tarun Bharat Sangh. 'No one leaves anymore'. How Ethiopia's restored drylands offer hope. Kahsay Gebretsadik was arrested at 5am in Saudi Arabia. As an illegal immigrant with no papers he knew this was the end of his stay. After 15 days in prison, police placed him on a plane to Addis Ababa, one of 160,000 Ethiopian migrants expelled from Saudi Arabia in recent years.

A perilous trek out of Ethiopia followed by two years of back-breaking work for a Bengali building contractor had come to nothing. Gebretsadik, now 30, is one of nine children. Vögele Computer.

Practical Permaculture Skills

Hands-on Permaculture ! Kräuterspirale selbst bauen. Perennial Vegetables to Plant Once and Enjoy For Years To Come!!! Perennial vegetables—crops that you plant just once and harvest year after year—are relatively rare in North American gardens. With the exception of asparagus, rhubarb and artichokes, most gardeners are probably unaware of the tasty, extremely low-maintenance bounty that can be harvested when many annual crops aren’t available. A Brief History of Perennial Crops According to Perennial Vegetables by Eric Toensmeier, most North American gardening and farming traditions come from Europe, where there are very few perennial crops except fruits and nuts. Cold and temperate Eurasian agriculture centered around livestock, annual grains and legumes, and early European settlers to North America simply brought their seeds and their cultivation methods with them, including draft animals for plowing up the soil every year. However, in more temperate and tropical areas of the world, including much of North America, perennial root, starch and fruit crops were actively bred, selected and cultivated.

Free Water, a short video by Andrew Brown.

Waterfeatures and Earthworks

WASSER IST LEBEN - Die Wasserretentionslandschaft von Tamera. WATER IS LIFE - The Water Retention Landscape of Tamera. Tamera Community in Portugal - by John D. Liu. Tamera Healing Biotope 1. Wasser ist Leben. Doch weltweite Abholzung, falsche Beweidung, Monokultur - Landwirtschaft, Flächenversiegelung stören den ursprünglich "großen Wasserkreislauf" (Schauberger). Sie hindern das Wasser daran, vom Erdkörper aufgenommen zu werden.

Große Mengen von Wasser fließen zu schnell ab, führen zu Erosion, Überschwemmungen und Trockenheiten. Das geschieht global, auf allen Erdteilen. Hierin liegt ein wichtiger Mitgrund für Wüstenbildung und Klimawandel. Permaculture Courses One of Permaculture’s Holy Cows: the Death of the Swale - Permaculture Courses. ‘The best place to store water is in the soil.’ When I first heard this saying, early on in my permaculture education, it was like a light bulb coming on. It just seemed so obviously true. After a couple of decades of practicing permaculture I realise that any blanket statement like that is almost certain to be wrong or at least only right in certain places and at certain times. Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond by Brad Lancaster. Permaculture Tip of the Day - What is a Swale?

Swales Pt 1 - Permaculture Our Urban Design: Part 13. Swales in North Texas Take on 2.5 inches of Rain and Preform Perfectly YouTube. Swale Pathways (Tasmania, Australia) By Good Life Permaculture Diagram of a traditional swale system Hobart is Australia’s second driest capital city (Adelaide’s first) so catching and storing water is often on my mind. Keyline. P A Yeomans-Building a Keyline Dam (25 min) 1960.

Soil Products

IPCUK 2015 Joel Williams Introduction to soil biology and the soil food web International Permacu. Die dünne Haut der Erde (Doku) Entstehung des Bodens 1/2. Humus - Die vergessene Klima-Chance. Study finds fungi, not plant matter, responsible for most carbon sequestration in northern forests. ( —A new study undertaken by a diverse group of scientists in Sweden has found that contrary to popular belief, most of the carbon that is sequestered in northern boreal forests comes about due to fungi that live on and in tree roots, rather than via dead needles, moss and leaf matter.

In their paper published in the journal Science, the team describes their findings after taking soil samples from 30 islands in two lakes in northern Sweden. Scientists have known for quite some time that northern forests sequester a lot of carbon—they pull in carbon dioxide after all, and "breath" out oxygen. But what the trees actually do with the carbon has been a matter of debate—most have suggested that it's likely carried to needles and leaves then eventually drops to the forest floor where over time decomposition causes it to leech into the soil.

Soils by Geoff Lawton. Michael Pilarski's Permaculture Design Course, Missoula: Week 3 Soils talk. Die nützlichen Moore am Chiemsee: Die nützlichen Moore am Chiemsee. Using Weeds to Read the Soil: Some Basic Concepts to Get Started. Weeds are becoming a more and more appreciated component of gardening. 10 Unkräuter, die man essen kann. In Deutschland gibt es über 1500 Unkräuter und Wildkräuter, die man essen kann – oft sind diese vitaminreicher als Gemüse aus dem Supermarkt.

Utopia stellt dir zehn vor, die gemeinhin als Unkraut gelten, den Namen aber nicht verdient haben. Unkräuter im Garten sind lästig und hartnäckig. 10 vermeintliche “Unkräuter” - lecker, gesund und nützlich - Kostbare Natur. Unkraut ist ein unschönes Wort, es wird aber von vielen Gärtnern immer noch verwendet, um Pflanzen zu beschreiben, die ihre fein säuberlich gepflegten Beete oder den englischen Rasen stören.

Die Pflanzen, die heutzutage Zuchtblumen und Kulturgemüse weichen müssen, waren früher noch Kernbestandteil einer gesunden Ernährung. Growing Vegetables - Making compost and seed saving with Patrick Whitefield - Video 6. How To Improve Your Garden Soil Without A Compost Heap - Whole Food Home. Verbund Offener Werkstätten. Kompost ist das Lebenselixier für jeden Garten! Molly Winter: The taboo secret to healthier plants and people. Identifying Plant Nutrient Deficiencies - Permablitz Melbourne.

Not all plant problems are caused by insects or diseases. PotatoPot - tazshop. How to Make Rooting Hormone with Willow - Attainable Sustainable. Making a Plant Symbol in Adobe Illustrator. Make Symbol Templates to start a Plant Symbol Library with Daniel Halsey. 3 Keys to Starting A Successful Permaculture Based Business.