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Casualties Reported, Heavy Fighting Erupts - NEWS HOUR FIRST. On Sunday, fighting erupted between Azerbaijan and Armenian forces as a decades-long conflict over disputed land turned into another war involving artillery, aircraft, and tanks.

Casualties Reported, Heavy Fighting Erupts - NEWS HOUR FIRST

The fight concerning the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh has been denounced by the international community. Russia, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and international organizations such as NATO, have all called on both side of the dispute to stop fighting. Turkey has backed Azerbaijan and offered assistance in the fight. Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian Prime Minister, ordered a general mobilization and declared martial law, accusing Azerbaijan of “preplanned aggression”. Azeri President Ilham Aliyev also declared martial law, and announced in a state TV address that Armenian forces were occupying their territory, and “we’ll put an end to this occupation”.

NATO Concerned The OSCE has called for a ceasefire, and for the countries to return to negotiations. Senators introduce resolution warning that Congress has not authorized Iran war. “We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking” – US govt repeatedly lied about the war in Afghanistan. The Washington Post broke a story this morning the reveals how US officials repeatedly lied about the Afghanistan war to make it seem like we were winning when that was the furthest thing from the truth: FOX NEWS – The U.S. government’s claims of progress in the war in Afghanistan over the last 18 years came as top officials in private were venting that it was a costly waste of time, according to a report published Monday.The Washington Post obtained and published a massive trove of confidential government documents which it says were part of a federal project aimed at figuring out what had gone wrong in the lengthy conflict.

“We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking” – US govt repeatedly lied about the war in Afghanistan

U.S. generals, diplomats, Afghan officials and hundreds of others directly involved in the war were interviewed, and more than 2,000 pages of notes taken on their conversations, paint a harsher picture than the rosy one the U.S. government has been selling to the American public, the Post reported. “We didn’t know what we were doing…” Share this: Turkey says arrest of ISIS leader's sister an intelligence 'gold mine' Veterans Oppose the Endless Wars, Back Trump: 'A Lot of Wasted Lives'

The latest Pew Research Center survey on the issue finds that 64 percent of Veterans say the Iraq War is “not worth fighting,” along with 62 percent of all American adults who agree.

Veterans Oppose the Endless Wars, Back Trump: 'A Lot of Wasted Lives'

Only 33 percent of Veterans say the Iraq War is worth fighting. Likewise, nearly 60 percent of Veterans and all American adults say the Afghanistan War was not worth the fight. Less than 40 percent say the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was worth fighting. (Pew Research Center) In interviews with the New York Times, Veterans explained their support for President Trump’s effort to end what he has dubbed the “endless wars” across the Middle East which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

“All in all, it is a lot of wasted lives and money and time and effort spent to accomplish a goal we never accomplished,” said 31-year-old Tyler Wade, who received a Purple Heart for his service in Afghanistan, told the Times. “For conservative-leaning veterans, we signed up to defend our country,” Caldwell said. Palmer Report, a liberal political blog, claims President Donald Trump was golfing when the raid on Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s compound took place.

“Donald Trump caught GOLFING during U.S. military raid against Baghdadi and ISIS,” reads the headline. Verdict: False The president was not golfing, but rather present in the Situation Room at the time of the raid, according to a widely reported timeline of events. White House press pool reports also place him at the White House. Fact Check: Delta Force commandos executed a nighttime raid in northwestern Syria on Oct. 26 that resulted in the death of al-Baghdadi. Assad Doubts al-Baghdadi Raid: U.S. Politics 'No Different from Hollywood' The regime-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) published Assad’s interview in full, which touches on, among other topics, the al-Baghdadi raid, his opinion of President Donald Trump, a potential hot war with Turkey, and his hope to integrate Kurdish groups into his regime.

Assad Doubts al-Baghdadi Raid: U.S. Politics 'No Different from Hollywood'

President Trump announced that American forces surrounded al-Baghdadi at a secret compound outside Idlib, Syria, last weekend. When al-Baghdadi found himself captured, he ran into a dead-end cave with two of his children and detonated a suicide bomb vest, killing all three. Flashback: Obama Makes Death Of Osama bin Laden All About… Obama « Tammy Bruce. Remember when the MSM all salivated over Obama after Osama bin Laden was killed?

Flashback: Obama Makes Death Of Osama bin Laden All About… Obama « Tammy Bruce

It was reported with such adoration, you might have been forgiven for thinking Obama personally led the raid and pulled the trigger. But now, the homicidal maniac al-Baghdadi has been eliminated, and the anti-Trump media and Dems tell a different story. As Tammy notes in her latest Washington Times column, Tiptoeing around the beast al-Baghdadi, Dems try to dismiss Trump’s foreign policy chops: The legacy media and their Democratic Party overlords want you to join them in forgetting those who suffered and died at the hands of ISIS.

Why? Via PJ Media. ….Barack Obama’s statement was carefully crafted to paint a narrative that made him a central figure of the events leading up to bin Laden’s death. ISIS confirms death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ISIS has confirmed the death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi after the self-appointed 'caliph' died during a U.S. special forces raid in Syria last weekend.

ISIS confirms death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

In an audio statement today the terror group announced Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi as its new leader - an unknown name which could be a pseudonym. Arizona Democratic Party Chair Claims Trump 'Aligned Himself with ISIS’ On 30th October 2019 @ 9.00pm © press Arizona Democrat Party Chairman Felecia Rotellini claimed that President Donald Trump “has aligned himself with ISIS" during a discussion at the Citizens Clean Elections Commission’s “We the Voters” conference.

Arizona Democratic Party Chair Claims Trump 'Aligned Himself with ISIS’

The unhinged Democrat made the remarks just hours before the White House announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed. “Another reason that people are going to vote, because Donald Trump is manipulating that White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia,” Rotellini said before being cut off by Arizona Republican Party Chairman Dr. Kelli Ward. Rotellini continued: “The most important thing we can do today is vote for civility, vote for a president who is not going to align himself with the most dangerous foreign nations that are the reason we had 9/11.” Breaking: Pentagon Releases Video Of Raid and Destruction Of ISIS Leader’s Compound.

The Pentagon has released video footage of the raid that led to the suicide of ISIS leader Abu Bakr-al-Baghdadi in a northern province of Syria.

Breaking: Pentagon Releases Video Of Raid and Destruction Of ISIS Leader’s Compound

Fox News – Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., commander of U.S. Central Command, gave a play-by-play of the special operations forces raid on an ISIS compound in northern Syria last Saturday that ended with Baghdadi killing himself with an explosive vest. Pentagon releases video of raid on ISIS leader al-Baghdadi's Syrian compound  The Pentagon has released footage showing the raid that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Pentagon releases video of raid on ISIS leader al-Baghdadi's Syrian compound 

Marine Corps General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr, commander of U.S. Central Command, released the footage at a press conference on Wednesday at the Pentagon. McKenzie was the operational commander of the Delta Force raid, which took place on Saturday in northwest Syria, and resulted in the death of Baghdadi after the terror leader detonated a suicide vest to avoid capture. The general clarified that Baghdadi killed two of his own young children in the blast, not three as the breach force initially believed.

Arizona Democrat Party Chair: Trump ‘Has Aligned Himself with ISIS’ Rotellini’s remarks were made during a discussion at the Citizens Clean Elections Commission’s “We the Voters” conference, which was held at the Phoenix Convention Center, an hour before the White House announced the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. “Another reason that people are going to vote, because Donald Trump is manipulating that White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia,” Rotellini claimed before she was cut off by Arizona Republican Party Chairman Dr.

Kelli Ward. Rotellini continued, “The most important thing we can do today is vote for civility, vote for a president who is not going to align himself with the most dangerous foreign nations that are the reason we had 9/11.” In a statement provided to the Daily Wire, Ward blasted Rotellini, calling her remarks “wildly irresponsible and not rooted in reality.”

“When controversy appears, Mark Kelly likes to disappear and go silent,” said NRSC spokesperson Joanna Rodriguez. Nolte: Counting the Ways the Washington Post Loves al-Baghdadi. I knew the usual suspects at our failing, far-left, fake news outlets such as CNN, NBC News, the New York Times, and Washington Post, would attempt to spin one of America’s great days as the exact opposite. We would be told audacious lies about how taking out al-Baghdadi would only make things worse, only proves Trump’s Syria policy is a disaster, how this successful mission happened in spite of Trump, and that Trump’s perfectly-calibrated statement and willingness to answer the media’s questions at length would be twisted into a crass victory lap. But even I, your humble writer, was floored when the Washington Post lamented the loss of that dear, sweet man al-Baghdadi — a vile terrorist responsible for thousands of innocent deaths, a monster who engaged in serial rape, and a sub-human, barbaric sociopath whose entire legacy is one of torture, murder, rape, tyranny and terror — including of his own people.

And that’s the thing about the establishment media… But this… Oh, there’s more. Mr. Smith: The Death of ISIS leader al-Bagdhadi Not Time for Partisanship. Sen. Rick Scott: It's not beneath Pelosi to leak Baghdadi raid to sabotage Trump - so much hatred. While Democrats are still seething over being kept in the dark by President Donald Trump on the top-secret raid by U.S. troops that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., supports the president’s decision. Why? Gorka Blasts Omar for Posting Photo in CAIR T-Shirt Morning After Baghdadi Announcement. Former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka blasted Rep. Ilhan Omar for posting a photo in a CAIR T-Shirt the morning after the Bhagdadi raid announcement. Gorka tweeted: Why oh why would @IlhanMN post this picture THIS morning after the announcement that we killed Baghdadi, wearing a shirt from @CAIRNational, the un-indicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in US history??

Per Wikipedia, on November 2014 CAIR was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates,[116] due to alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said groups, such as CAIR, may appeal the designation if their “approach has changed”, as the law contains clauses allowing “organizations the availability to appeal through evidence and via the courts to have their names eliminated from the list.” Susan Rice says Obama should’ve been alerted ahead of Baghdadi mission. While Democrats slammed President Trump for not informing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the U.S. military raid on the former head of ISIS, Susan Rice seemed to think even former President Obama should have gotten a heads up. The former national security adviser believes the White House “didn’t do the normal protocol” and inform Obama about the raid that lead to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

(Video: CBS News) Chris Cuomo Says ‘Hell Yeah’ Trump Deserves Credit For al-Baghdadi Raid. NPR Praises Terrorist Baghdadi: ‘He Was a Real Leader' Joe Scarborough Compares Trump to Saddam Hussein After His Baghdadi Announcement. MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough took issue with how President Trump described the killing of ISIS leader Baghdadi and compared his presser to brutal dictators Saddam Hussein and Muammar. LOL! MSNBC's Sharpton Can't Pronounce Al Baghdadi To Save His Life. Schiff Says Trump Didn't Tell Him Or Pelosi About Baghdadi Secret Mission: 'The Reason To Notify Gang Of Eight Is When Things Go Wrong' -

The Commander In Chief addressed the nation Sunday morning where he announced the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and described him as dying in a vicious and violent way, as a coward, running and crying. Message to Obama: Parents of Al-Baghdadi Victim Kayla Mueller Praise Trump for Not "Messing Around" Dems, media were not told of Bag* raid, all are triggered. Corporate media outlets and Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and even Adam Schiff, were triggered over the weekend for not being told about the military operation that ended in the death of Bakr al-Baghdadi and some of his top lieutenants. Susan Rice: Trump should have notified Obama ahead of Baghdadi raid. Pelosi Disgustingly Downplays The Importance Of al-Baghdadi Death. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently loathes President Donald Trump so much that she attacked him while he was informing everyone that the world's number one terrorist had been killed. What You Need to Know About Trump's Syria Move.

ISIS 'already has a new leader' barely a day after former chief Baghdadi 'died him a dog' Jamie Lee Curtis Scolds Trump After ISIS Leader’s Death, Tweets “ALL living things suffer” House Intel Chair Adam Schiff Says He Wasn’t Informed Before al-Baghdadi Raid. Iraqi president Barham Salih to America: “We need you” - Axios.

Kayla Mueller's mother: Daughter might still be alive 'If Obama had been as decisive' as Trump. Sean Hannity: Today's Headline should be - 'We Killed the Evil Son of a Bitch' (1/3) An “austere religious scholar”? “Dead at 48”? No—he was cornered by the greatest toughest best military heroes on earth!! How about we killed the evil SOB. This is exactly why America will never trust these mainstream corrupt fake news outlets ever. Dead ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held Kayla Mueller hostage. Trump Didn't Tell Pelosi Before Raid; 'Washington Is A Leaking Machine' Obama Political Hack Photographer Implies That ISIS Raid Photo Was Staged and Trump Wasn't In The Room During Raid.

CNN top correspondent said Trump sounds like ISIS. CNN's Tapper Complains Trump ISIS Announcement Being '20 Minutes Late' — Part of His 'Showmanship' Kurdish Forces Claim to Have Provided Intel Leading to Al-Baghdadi. Clapper: Baghdadi's Death Could 'Galvanize' ISIS — We Can't Stop Worrying. 'SNL' Sketch Thanked Trump for 'Bringing Jobs Back to ISIS' Amid al-Baghdadi Raid. Reports: Adam Schiff Not Briefed on Raid on ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi. Hollywood Uses al-Baghdadi Death to Attack Trump: 'Piece of Sh*t' 'Staged' Photo. GOP Rep. Thornberry: Trump's ISIS Rhetoric 'Uncomfortable to Hear' FNC's Wallace Presses Pence — Why Didn't the President Notify Pelosi of ISIS Leader's Death. Julian Castro Leaves Trump out of Congratulations for Raid on ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi. Netanyahu Congratulates Trump on Elimination of al-Baghdadi.

Pelosi Takes Veiled Shot at President Trump After al-Baghdadi Raid. Flashback: Trump Congratulated President Obama Personally on Osama bin Laden Raid. Trump: Leaks from Washington Would Have Jeopardized Al Baghdadi ISIS Raid. Bernie Acknowledges 'Kurds and Other U.S. Allies' for al-Baghdadi Raid. Jamie Lee Curtis Rips Trump, Pities al-Baghdadi, Praises Dogs in Bizarre Rant. Badass Warrior Johnny Joey Jones Shuts Down Critics of Trump's Brutal Description of Death of ISIS Leader.

Lindsey Graham commends Baghdadi raid as 'a game changer in the War on Terror' Joe Biden celebrates Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi death, doesn't mention Donald Trump. White House Releases Iconic Picture Of Trump During ISIS Raid. Democrats Surprising Reaction to al-Baghdadi Killing - TRENDINGRIGHTWING. Obama Peeps were 'bothered' by disrespectful treatment of Baghdadi AD. After Baghdadi! Journos & profs say Trump's a "war criminal," impeach him.

Pelosi Takes Shots At Trump After Key Dems Not Briefed On ISIS Raid Due to Chance of Leaks.