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25 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself

25 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself
Feeling less than motivated all too often? I do. Well, perhaps not too often. But sometimes I just feel really lazy and unmotivated. Want some practical solutions to that universal motivation-problem? Let me know which ones work well for you. I’m sure you’ll find at least one or two that do just that among these suggestions. 1. 2. 3. What am I ______ about in my life right now? Put in your own value in the blank space. What am I happy about in my life right now? It’s important that you really feel how it makes you feel. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Reviewing your results is important so you see where you have gone wrong in the past to avoid similar missteps further on. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. Also, try to find the valuable lesson(s) in each of your failures. 14. When you know what has happened to others in similar situations – what path they have walked – you can adapt and try their solutions (and personal variations of those) and your own. 15. 16. 17. 18.

5 life-changing keys to overcoming your fear What is stopping you from getting what you want in life? Your friends? Your family? A sense that failure – or success – might change your life and that feeling uncomfortable? A sense that the people around you might disapprove of you aiming for what you want, of you succeeding or failing. Essentially it boils down to fear. How to overcome it? 1. This is good for fear that can seem overwhelming at first. A solution is to take small steps instead. So, identify your fear. 2. Getting to the stage where you really feel that you need to stop waiting – or need stop reading one personal development book after another – and take action can take some time. Take 5 minutes. Lack of motivation can get you stuck while contemplating how much your life sucks. Writing down all the wonderful things you will gain in your life by overcoming this fear can be powerful. 3. Often it´s easier to not do something because we fear failure and rejection. They don´t take failure or rejection that seriously. 4. 5.

How to Be Charismatic: 7 Powerful Tips from the Mentalist Image by CielChen (license). My favourite new TV-show is The Mentalist. One of my favourite little interests over the last year or so has been to try to figure out why some people stand out, why they are charismatic. Now, if you have seen the Mentalist – a show about a former fake psychic who’s really good at reading people and helps the police out with solving a weekly murder case – then you have probably seen how charismatic Simon Baker is in the lead role. And even if you haven’t, this article just draws some inspiration that show. Also, I think being charismatic is about being a better you and bringing out more of yourself with less self-censoring. Find your own variation by exploring yourself. 1. Yes, this sounds really obvious. Charismatic people often seem to smile a whole lot. And, even if you don’t always feel like smiling do it from time to time anyway (not all the time though of course, that’s just weird). 2. Here’s a classic tip from Dale Carnegie: 3. Focus on your breathing.

Thirteen Tricks to Motivate Yourself Who needs Tony Robbins when you can motivate yourself? Overcoming the emotional hurdle to get stuff done when you’d rather sit on the couch isn’t always easy. But unless calling in sick and waking up at noon have no consequences for you, it’s often a must. For those of you who never procrastinate, distract yourself or drag your feet when you should be doing something important, this article isn’t for you. The best way to motivate yourself is to organize your life so you don’t have to. Here are some other things to consider making work flow more naturally: Passion. Motivation Tips Despite your best efforts, passion, habits and a flow-producing environment can fail. Go Back to “Why” – Focusing on a dull task doesn’t make it any more attractive.

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person #3. You Hate Yourself Because You Don't Do Anything Getty "So, what, you're saying that I should pick up a book on how to get girls?" Only if step one in the book is "Start making yourself into the type of person girls want to be around." Getty"Come ooooon. Because that's the step that gets skipped -- it's always "How can I get a job?" "But why can't I find someone who just likes me for me?" Here's another video (NSFW): Everyone who watched that video instantly became a little happier, although not all for the same reasons. "But I'm not good at anything!" Don't like the prospect of pouring all of that time into a skill? The bad news is that you have no other choice. Because in my non-expert opinion, you don't hate yourself because you have low self-esteem, or because other people were mean to you. GettyStep One: Get up. Do the math: How much of your time is spent consuming things other people made (TV, music, video games, websites) versus making your own? #2. But really, does that matter?

Take the Positivity Challenge! “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”- Anais Nin I think that one of the most effective ways to improve your life is simply to think in a more positive way. This is of course nothing new and not that simple. If it was, well, then at least most of us would already be doing it. So, why aren’t we more positive? I can think of a few reasonable reasons. We think it is like it is – It´s easy to confuse what has happened to you, the story of your life, with now and the future. Social programming – A big reason many think that things are like they are and will always be that way is because no one ever told them that there was an alternative. Lack of energy – Changing the many negative and neutral thoughts in our day to day life to positive ones can take quite a bit of energy. Too reactive and mindful of what others may think – You may think, if I change and become more positive, what will other people say? Not knowing how the world (most of the time) works can discourage you.

Prioritize with The Pareto Principle This is part 3 in the series How to double your productivity. Here´s a thing I wish they taught us in school. Or maybe they did and I wasn´t listening. In 1906 the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of the income in Italy was received by 20% of the people. This was later developed into the Pareto Principle (also known as the 80-20 rule and the law of the vital few) by quality management guru Jospeh M. In many cases and for many phenomena 20% of the causes accounts for 80% of the consequences. This means that 80% of the causes only accounts for 20% of the consequences. So, focus your time and energy on those important 20% of tasks and activities that will give you 80% of the results. Identifying those 20% is often not that hard. Today, for me, such a thing is to study for tests in school next week. I´ve also used the principle in another way in school. Before you do something, ask yourself: does this belong to the 20% group? How to double your productivity:
