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10 Recipes to Freeze For School Lunches (which makes packing a breeze!) By Lisa, on August 14th, 2013 If you want to send your child off to school with wholesome, “real food” lunches this year, planning ahead is key!

10 Recipes to Freeze For School Lunches (which makes packing a breeze!)

I know it’s tempting to just grab and go with those little prepackaged bags of cheese crackers and tubes of flavored yogurt, but giving your child nutritious foods throughout the school day can help them stay alert and do their best. Now if I had to wake up each morning and make homemade “real food” school lunch recipes from scratch, well…that would just never happen! So instead I make lunch items when it is convenient for me and freeze them. I think it’s safe to say freezing foods in advance is my number one school lunch “trick” that makes the lunches I pack even possible.

So before we dive right into the list of things you should make and freeze right now at the beginning of the school year, here are a few freezing tips… How to freeze and defrost recipes for school lunches: Posts may contain affiliate links. What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Memory Loss? A healthy diet is important for keeping you energized physically, but poor nutrition habits also link to neurological, or brain, problems like memory loss.

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Memory Loss?

Small amounts of essential vitamins found in your daily diet supply you with the functional nutrients you need to maintain brain and body health. Extreme vitamin deficiencies, however, underlie memory complications associated with medical conditions like dementia and alcoholic brain disease. Thirteen vitamins are essential to your diet, which means your body needs them to function properly. Vitamins A, D, E and K are the fat-soluble vitamins that store in your fat cells. Vitamin C and the remaining eight B vitamins are water-soluble; Your body uses what is needed and eliminates the excess in your urine daily. Thiamine, like the other B vitamins, is an important nutrient for metabolizing food into energy and protecting various nervous system functions. Maria Mind Body Health. (7) Lunch Ideas for Teens on Pinterest. Frozen smoothie sticks. 08 Sep Have you guys ever packed smoothies in your kids’ lunches?

frozen smoothie sticks

I’m so intrigued by this idea – it seems like SUCH a good way to get some much needed veggies into my kiddos’ lunches and I know they’d see it as an extra special treat.But I wonder about the mess factor – is this really do-able?! Our food contributor, Natalie, assures me that it is and she’s here today sharing everything we need to know, along with her favorite tools and recipes. Frozen smoothies are lunch box staples at my house. They are simple to make and easy grab out of the freezer in a pinch. Why pack homemade smoothies? Easy way to sneak extra nutrients into your kids’ lunches (especially if you have picky eaters)Cheaper than buying single-serve pouches or yogurt tubesYou can make a week’s worth of smoothies ahead of time (or more!)

Smoothie Packing Process Prep your containers. Helpful Products Cups with caps. Smoothie Recipes *Post contains affiliate links. P.S. The following two tabs change content below. Healthy hot pockets. Pasties are the classic British portable lunch – much like calzoni in Italy – the most famous variety of which is almost certainly the Cornish pasty.

healthy hot pockets

They are eaten all over the UK and sold in every bakery from Land’s End to John o’Groats – the two points farthest from one another on our great island (876 miles). Considered Cornwall’s “national” dish and geographically protected – much like champagne – the pasty is thought to have been taken up outside of England’s western most county following the emigration of Cornish miners in the late nineteenth century, along with Rugby Union. As good as this spread of British culinary tradition to the diaspora is for receiving countries, I can’t help but feel the South Pacific countries have become a little too good at rugby. Chicken and leek is another classic pasty filling, one that’s generally lighter and used in a wide array of pastries and pies. Chicken and Leek Pasties Makes 6 Ingredients: for the pastry: • 125g salted butter • 150ml hot water 1.