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All Over Coffee. A Film About Coffee. New York Specialty Coffee Map by Blue Crow Media - Maps on The Bazaar. New York Specialty Coffee Map by Blue Crow Media This large limited edition coffee map featuring over 100 of New York's leading specialty coffee shops is now available.

New York Specialty Coffee Map by Blue Crow Media - Maps on The Bazaar

The map measures 500mm x 700mm and is printed on high quality recycled paper. Limited edition of 500. The cafes on the map are all independent and serving beans roasted by leading artisan roasters, including Blue Bottle, Counter Culture, Handsome Coffee Roasters, Heart, Intelligentsia, Stumptown and more. As featured on swissmiss, Sprudge, Design Taxi and elsewhere. Ba0ip7BCEAAFIGf.jpg:large (625×468) New York Specialty Coffee Map - Limited Edition / Blue Crow Media. Briggs Kitchen and Bar. 50 types of Italian coffee: espresso, cappuccino and many more. A Coffee Blog for Caffeinated Inspiration. The Awesome Coffee Culture of Iran Apart from the downsides of coffee shop crackdowns in Iran, there is still a determination among young Iranians to enjoy coffee socially and have incredible places in which to do so.

A Coffee Blog for Caffeinated Inspiration.

Opened in 2010, M Coffee is an example of one of these incredible places I’d love to visit in Tehran. This amazing shop, designed by architect Hooman Balazadeh, is less than 600 sq ft (52m) but makes incredible use of the limited space. The design goal was to offer a new perspective to patrons from every one of its 42 seats, introducing new ideas to inspire them. With such a small space, the number of materials and colors were limited to just two, while maximizing the experience with its unique form. The shape of the ceiling formed by a series of planks not only creates an iconic shape while defusing the lighting, but it’s also meant to dampen the acoustics from the many conversations taking place in such a close environment.

[photos by Parham Taghi-Of] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Coffee Archives » Warby Parker's Blog. Baristas Arrested at Peep Show Coffee Shop, Charged with "Violating Adult Cabaret Law" Hold up—is this a news story or the synopsis of Spring Breakers II?

Baristas Arrested at Peep Show Coffee Shop, Charged with "Violating Adult Cabaret Law"

It’s kind of hard to tell. ‘Everett’s Hillbilly Hotties,’ a coffee shop in Everett, Washington—which happens to be across the street from a school and a health clinic—was serving up sex shows along with coffee. According to this report by local news channel Komo News, officers showed up with search warrants and took away three of the stands “bikini baristas” in handcuffs during a raid. Two were arrested for “violating adult cabaret laws” and one for lewd conduct. ”(There were complaints) that body parts were being shown. That inappropriate things were being done at the location,” said Aaron Snell of the Everett Police Department. “There was a definite sense of they were willing to do more for extra money,” says one Everett resident.

Police won’t discuss what the involvement—if any—the owner of the stand had in the alleged crimes. Pub Schumos Coffee. Chart.jpg (800×3532) Coffee Logos Collection: Espresso Yourself! Coffee?

Coffee Logos Collection: Espresso Yourself!

It is the most inspiring thing for every blogger, designer and developer. Tasty and fragrant cup of this beverage will bring you some colorful and smart ideas. The only thing you should in the morning is to make some delicious coffee for your beloved. If you want to create some coffee logos for cafe or coffee company, look at the collection below. I'm sure, that you'll find here the inspiration than you need. sagocoffee. J. Hornig - Branding & Packaging on Behance. Muth663d9g1qdt6e2o9_1280.jpg (539×1131) Rising.

A CHEMEX BREW GUIDE. Turkish Coffee Tutorial. Bean Everywhere. 27 Drinks Made From Coffee - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep. 28) Ways_to_fall_for_coffee_by_sk8ingjenius-d3jn5it.jpg (936×853) Better Know a District - Washington's 7th - Jim McDermott - The Colbert Report - 2013-12-09. The Pancake Epidemic. Stumptowniced_merged.jpg (800×642) iGNANT. Damien was 15 when he started to get into the coffee business.


After working at nearly every coffeeshop in Toronto he had the chance to open up a location in his own neighborhood Parkdale which grew to something like the living room of the western Toronto scene. Capital Espresso doesn’t just have good coffee – it’s also the vibe that attracts clients of every age to hang out on 1349 Queen St. W. People come by to meet, work, read or collaborate on new projects. People know each other and this is what makes its unique charm. Proyecto "Un Café Pendiente" - Argentina. Hace un montón de tiempo me topé con el proyecto “Un Café Pendiente” y me pareció increíble.

Proyecto "Un Café Pendiente" - Argentina

Es una iniciativa que nace de la mano de un grupo de chicos argentinos que busca invitar a las personas a realizar un gesto generoso y de confianza. La idea es que al ir a un café o bar identificado, dejes pago un café, así las personas en situación de calle podrán tomarse ese café que tú pagaste. Una idea simple que te permite ayudar a aquellos que más lo necesitan. Estos chicos, no sólo se quedaron conformes con el éxito de este proyecto, sino que decidieron ir armando más y más formas de hacer el bien, con “Una Empanada Pendiente”, “Un Plato Pendiente” y “Un Juguete Pendiente” (para celebrar el día del niño).

Si están en Buenos Aires o piensan darse unas vacaciones por allá, estén atentos a los lugares que visitan, tal ves allí puedan dejar su granito de arena y salir con unos pesos menos, pero con la satisfacción de haber ayudado a otras personas. FEAR OF FLYING. 14 Coffee Drinks To Break Your Coffee Rut. A Tribute To The Only Thing That Makes Waking Up In The Morning Possible: Coffee. June 27, 2013 | 0 Comments | Topics: main Hot Stories Around The Web.

A Tribute To The Only Thing That Makes Waking Up In The Morning Possible: Coffee

Lets caffe latte printer. Lets caffe latte printer. What Your Coffee Says About You. Caffeine withdrawal now classified as a mental disorder. Jun 11, 2013 The American Psychiatric Association recently released an updated version of its manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) and this time it includes a new addition: Caffeine withdrawal.

Caffeine withdrawal now classified as a mental disorder

It’s mighty easy to get addicted to coffee—it’s even encouraged, provided for free in workplaces. But many of us have found ourselves in the classic addict’s conundrum: After a while it stops getting you up—you just feel down without it. So you decide to kick it and switch to peppermint tea for a week. All hell breaks loose—you’re dazed, racked with a throbbing headache and tired as hell. We’ve all been there. Caffeine withdrawal was upgraded from its previous status as pending in the last DSM. Roland Griffiths, a professor at Johns Hopkinis who advised the APA, has some tips for kicking the habit: Griffiths says this is the best way to wean off the drug without getting crippling headaches, of which about 50% of caffeine addicts get. Corriendo con tijeras. Barista training. 1.

Barista training

Please make an AMERICANO! Drag the correct ingredients into the cup. You are only allowed to get 3 questions wrong or you will fail the training. "HERE IS YOUR CUP OF COFFEE"- Heart Coffee Roasters. Mnnp8xxEuB1qetgglo1_500.jpg (500×307) Coffee week. A Great Cup of Coffee. It’s not hard to brew a great cup of coffee—at least, it shouldn’t be.

A Great Cup of Coffee

There are only two ingredients: coffee and water. And there are only two firm rules: these ingredients must be combined and then, sometime later, separated. (In fact, this second rule is somewhat less firm: when professionals are evaluating coffee, they typically let the grounds settle at the bottom of the cup, and use a rounded spoon to scoop small mouthfuls from near the surface.) I Love Coffee - - A blog for coffee lovers. Mnba6zQCHU1qhlsrfo1_500.jpg (500×473) Gemma correll and her merry band of misfits: Coffee: A Love Letter. I do not remember the taste of my first ever cup of coffee, but I do remember spilling most of it down the front of my Space (remember them?) 1998 UK tour T-shirt. Perhaps not the most auspicious beginning for a serious relationship that has continued now for over a decade, but as somebody who spilled, and continues to spill, things on herself on a fairly regular basis, nothing to actively discourage me on my path to caffeine addiction.

I had decided, at the tender age of thirteen, slumped on the sofa watching my Il Postino video for the tenth time, to become Italian. Being Italian, as far as I could tell, really just involved eating pizza and pasta and drinking a lot of coffee. Now, this was something that I could do.