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Foreign Language in the Elementary School

Activités ludiques. En ce 18 juin devenue date historique, je souhaite m'adresser aux professeurs de français précoce qui font apprendre notre langue française à des apprenants de 8 à 12 ans. Les professeurs utilisent parfois des web série ou des séries d'animation, permettant d'apprendre notre langue de manière plus ludique. En plus de la série animée « Les grandes Grandes Vacances », Francetv éducation proposent un jeu d’aventures en 4 épisodes sur le thème du quotidien des enfants pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. On a un jeu, destiné à un public d’enfants entre 8 et 12 ans et à la famille, qui a lieu sur la période 1935-1945 et qui permet d’aborder les principales thématiques de la série : le départ forcé, le manque de nourriture, les réquisitions, la vie en territoire occupé, la résistance, le troc… Le joueur prend le rôle d'un des personnages: soit Ernest ou Colette, les deux principaux personnages de la série et va accomplir des missions tout le long des épisodes.

Accédez aux jeu ici. Thinking in foreign language makes decisions more rational. Are bilinguals' brains better? Does Your Language Shape How You Think? When these peculiarities of Guugu Yimithirr were uncovered, they inspired a large-scale research project into the language of space. And as it happens, Guugu Yimithirr is not a freak occurrence; languages that rely primarily on geographical coordinates are scattered around the world, from Polynesia to Mexico, from Namibia to Bali. For us, it might seem the height of absurdity for a dance teacher to say, “Now raise your north hand and move your south leg eastward.” But the joke would be lost on some: the Canadian-American musicologist Colin McPhee, who spent several years on Bali in the 1930s, recalls a young boy who showed great talent for dancing. As there was no instructor in the child’s village, McPhee arranged for him to stay with a teacher in a different village. But when he came to check on the boy’s progress after a few days, he found the boy dejected and the teacher exasperated.

So different languages certainly make us speak about space in very different ways. Blog Example CI + CO. As soon as I arrived at the U.

Blog Example CI + CO

S in 2001, I began going to church, and there was one pastor that I greeted every Sunday. Finally, I had a chance to talk with him, and I tried to speak as naturally as possible without pause and hesitation because I was anxious to speak English that I had learned intensively. He said he was teaching English as a part-time job, and I asked him during the conversation, “Have you teached Korean students?” Presentation Tools. Do you have other favorite online presentation tools, examples, or ideas for using them in the library media center?

Presentation Tools

Share them here. Microsoft's Powerpoint and Apple's Keynote are two of the most popular presentation tools for teachers, students, library media specialists and administrators, and much has been written about the positive and negative impacts of these resources on teaching and learning. Powerpoint can be saved as a web document and shared on any webpage. But new web-based tools offer ways to publish and deliver those presentations as well as some new tools for creating presentations--and most are free, can be accessed from home, school, or the classroom, and foster collaboration. Five to Test Drive The five most popular online presentation tools are:GoogleDocs While many think of this as a collaborative online writing or word processing tool, it also offers a presentation maker similar to Powerpoint or Keynote.

Best Student / Teacher web 2.0 language learning / teaching sites. Target Language Use. Why is it important to use the Target Language (TL) in the language classroom?

Target Language Use

Many language teachers, especially those who are just beginning their career, express anxieties about using the target language in the classroom. Often, teachers find it difficult to strike a balance between using local language (or language used at home) and the TL in the classroom. Although using the TL can cause some stress, it is very important to do so for the process of language learning. Firstly, the use of the TL in the classroom greatly increases the students' exposure to the target language. This is very important, especially in foreign language classrooms where the TL is not heard outside of the classroom context. Secondly, by using the TL in the classroom, students are receiving more comprehensible input (Krashen) thus leading to more complex language structures. Back to top What does the research say? To take a closer look at Dickson's research, click here. What do teachers say?

Back to top. Center for Language Education And Research (CLEAR) at Michigan State University. Start [PErCOLATE] The Professional dEvelopment for College fOreign LAnguage TEachers (otherwise known as PErCOLATE) project at the University of Arizona's Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (CERCLL) is dedicated to developing a set of professional development materials to prepare foreign language teaching assistants for teaching in a four-year multidisciplinary and multi-literacy curriculum.

start [PErCOLATE]

On this website, you will find modules and related webinars and bibliographies. We will also be announcing workshops and conferences where we will be presenting the project and its outcomes. We will be watching for other related resources on the professional development of foreign language teaching assistants and adjunct instructors and will bring them to your attention as they become available. So stay tuned and drop us a note using the contact form if you have any questions! Heather Willis Allen & Beatrice Dupuy The presenters were: Heather Willis Allen (Univ.