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321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology. Educational Technology. Educational Technology Resources for Teachers (2020 Guide) I love teaching, and I’m enthusiastic about technology. When one of my colleagues (also a K-12 teacher) reached out and asked me to compile a list of educational technology tools, I said “that sounds like a fantastic idea.”

A quick research reveals that there isn’t a lack of EdTech tools on the Internet. In fact, there are tons of them. However, many of them are outdated, superficial, or commercial. Also, I strongly feel implementing tech tools is not enough, and there has to be quality content and continuous learning — which are most likely achievable only by involving yourself in the communities. Therefore, I figured it would be great to curate a comprehensive list of the web’s best EdTech resources that classroom teachers can really benefit from. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

Education Technology Resources: Transform Your Teaching. Images interactives. 3 outils en ligne pour créer des vidéos interactives. La vidéo a toujours été un puissant outil pédagogique dans la classe. Web et tice lui ont redonné une nouvelle jeunesse en rendant les vidéos interactives. En permettant à l’apprenant de passer de la posture passive de simple spectateur à celui d’acteur en introduisant une bonne dose d’interactivité. La vidéo aide à la compréhension et est devenue indispensable dans certaines nouvelles méthodes pédagogiques comme celle de la classe inversée dont on parle tant en ce moment. Voici trois outils en ligne simples qui permettent de créer en un tour de main des vidéos interactives pour la classe.

Blubbr Ludique et très simple à utiliser, Blubbr permet d’insérer des questionnaires et des défis à partir de vidéos piochées dans YouTube puis de les partager. EdPuzzle Un excellent outil, peut-être un des meilleurs pour créer facilement des vidéos interactives pour vos élèves. EduCanon Encore un très bon outil pour créer des vidéos interactives. Google & Classroom Technology. 321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology. Technology Tools. Education World offers new technology content every day. Some of our pieces related to technology tools can be found in this archive. We do update these aritcles reguarly, but given the changing nature of technology, we cannot promse that every piece will be on the cutting edge. 25 Teaching Tools To Organize, Innovate, & Manage Your Classroom. 25 Teaching Tools For The Digital Classroom: Tools To Organize, Innovate, & Manage What You Do contributed by Mike Acedo Over the years, many of us have personally experienced the growth of technology in today’s classrooms.

25 Teaching Tools To Organize, Innovate, & Manage Your Classroom

Instead of taking notes, students are now occupied by surfing the Internet, scrolling through Facebook, and messaging their friends on their smart phones, tablets, and laptops. Instead of focusing on the instruction, teachers are constantly required to interrupt class in order to remind those students again and again, that class time is for learning, not texting. However, as today’s students are using more technological devices, it is imperative that teachers have access to the resources to keep pace with the growing tech culture. The use of smart phones, tablets, and other tech items in the classroom do not necessarily have to have a negative impact on student achievement. Web tools. Sous-titrez votre films. Metasite Teacher Resources. Metasites. Educational Metasites. Free Teleprompter Online - Autocue QTV. 10 Apps Teens are Using that Parents Need to Know.

Not all social apps are bad.

10 Apps Teens are Using that Parents Need to Know

Most of the apps our kids use are truly an extension of your child’s “real world” social life. For the most part, our kids talk to people they only talk to in “real life.” With the influence of technology in our kids social lives, we can’t panic or over think every single thing, but we do need to empower each other and be aware of what our kids are doing when they are online and engaged in these apps.

30 Best Free Blogger Templates for Education Sites 2019. A collection of best free blogger templates for education sites. If you are using Blogger CMS, this collection of free templates will be very helpful. Education is a diversified field, and there are plenty of educational disciplines out there. In the education sector, a huge number of people connect with each other and share their knowledge.

Some even start up their blogs with education as the niche and provide their opinions about the opportunities and knowledge involved in their respective field. From educational institutes such as schools, colleges, universities to individual bloggers; everyone needs to have a website to share the relevant information and interact with their audience. Owing to the increasing need of a professionally designed education website, many different website templates are being offered to the people who want to build a website that connects with their visitors.

Weebly Tutorial #3 - Making Pages and sub-pages. Weebly - Creating Sub Pages. Adding documents to Weebly. How to upload a file to Weebly. Weebly: Uploading a Word Document. Weebly Tutorial Pages, Sub Pages, Sub-Sub Pages. Adding Pages to Your Weebly Site. How to Add Weebly Pages Learn how to use your Weebly editor to make new webpages: 1.

Adding Pages to Your Weebly Site

Log in to your Weebly account. See instructions on how to log in through the ACC in the Accessing the Weebly Editor article. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pair Networks KnowledgeBase. What Are Subpages?

pair Networks KnowledgeBase

Subpages are subordinate to another page. The superior pages are called the “parent” pages. If a subpage and their parent are displayed in a navigation bar, the parent page will be displayed as a tab and the subpage displayed in the drop-down. Weebly How to Add a Blog Feed. How to add a blog post on Weebly. Weebly guide. TELEPROMPTER. 50 Fab Apps for Teachers. Education—there’s an app for that.

50 Fab Apps for Teachers

In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of apps on the market designed for teaching and learning. As more schools bring tablets into the classroom, educators like Genia Connell are finding that apps are game changers. “I have yet to see anything in education that generates excitement and motivates students the way tablets do,” says the third-grade teacher from Leonard Elementary School in Troy, Michigan. 321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology. Educational Technology. 12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom, Even for Technophobic Teachers. Everyone wants teachers to use technology in the classroom. But you're busy -- meeting standards, prepping students for tests -- and maybe you’re not too fond of computers, anyway. Never fear – there are easy ways to bring your classroom up-to-date, technologically. 7 smart ways to use technology in classrooms.

Istock Elementary school teacher Kayla Delzer’s students tweet, post on Instagram and watch YouTube in class.

7 smart ways to use technology in classrooms

Here’s why she thinks all kids should do the same. Many schools and teachers have an uneasy relationship with technology: they decry its power to distract young people but see it as a necessary evil to be tolerated, or at least strictly limited. 10 Free EdTech Tools for Teachers. Implementing edtech in your classroom while feeling constrained to your personal or professional budget is difficult.

10 Free EdTech Tools for Teachers

Luckily, there are plenty of edtech tools free for teachers! We scoured the internet and found over 100 free apps, websites, and educational programs. Here are our top 10. 9 sites de musique libre de droit gratuite pour vos vidéos. Free Teleprompter Online - Autocue QTV. Adobe Voice : un super outil pour créer des capsules audio avec les élèves. En bref Adobe Voice (Adobe) est une application indispensable pour créer des vidéos de présentation, à l’école ou à la maison.Formidable !

Adobe Voice : un super outil pour créer des capsules audio avec les élèves

CREATIVE. Télécharger ou convertir une vidéo Youtube, Dailymotion... 50 Fab Apps for Teachers. 25 vidéos pour comprendre la culture numérique aujourd’hui. Dans le cadre d’un projet de formations internes pour son personnel réunies sous l’appellation Digital Academy, le groupe d’assurance Allianz a conçu des vidéos d’animation sur la culture numérique au sens large et utilitaire.

Ces web-séries à épisodes ultra-courts (format de moins 3 minutes chacune) proposent d’aborder des termes, des outils, des concepts, des services en ligne avec un ton humoristique permettent à des novices de mieux comprendre ce qu’est le numérique aujourd’hui. L’ensemble des vidéos sont rassemblées sur la chaîne YouTube Allianz France sous la forme de 4 playlists :

Pédagogie et numérique. Education Experts Top 82 EdTech Tools. If you work in education, you’ll know there’s a HUGE array of applications, services, products and tools created to serve a multitude of functions in education. Tools for teaching and learning, parent-teacher communication apps, lesson planning software, home-tutoring websites, revision blogs, SEN education information, professional development qualifications and more. There are so many companies creating new products for education, though, that it can be difficult to keep up - especially with the massive volumes of planning and marking teachers have to do, never mind finding the time to actually teach! Teachers' Favored Web 2.0 Tools. At 14.2 tweets/minute, #EdTechChat was moving on Monday, August 19.

Teachers' Favored Web 2.0 Tools

(When school’s in session, #EdTechChat can log up to 2,000 tweets during the hour with several hundred participants.) Susan Bearden, Sharon Plante, and I co-moderated this week’s discussion on Web 2.0 tools, asking tweeps to share the benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 tools, which ones are their favorites, and where they go to find new resources. One of the most retweeted tweets captures why educators incorporate Web 2.0 tools into their classrooms: “@julnilsmith: Web 2.0 tools make students MAKERS - not just MEMORIZERS. “ Many other participants echoed that these kinds of tools can expand opportunities for students-- particularly by providing them with an authentic audience and allowing them to collaborate with peers worldwide.

Web 2.0 Resources. Coolappsforschools - home. 321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology. 25 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom. Although many technology-based teaching methods and resources effectively engage students and build their skills, many educators encounter difficulties when using technology in the classroom.

Maybe a specific platform is too hard to introduce. Or maybe it won’t run on your devices. Despite the challenges, you likely want to enjoy the benefits that education technology can deliver. 20 Must-use Education Technology Tools. Educators may feel sometimes like they’re on an island with little help in sight.

20 Must-use Education Technology Tools

But as technology teaching resources go, it may encourage you to learn that there are a number of online solutions available to help promote education from teaching reading basics to organizing classroom activities and encouraging civic involvement. Here are 20 of the most promising new apps, websites and online education technology tools or services every teacher should be using to help improve classroom learning:

9 Technology Tools To Engage Students In The Classroom - 7 Technology Tools Every Educator Should Use. Tech Tools. 20 Must-use Education Technology Tools. Educators may feel sometimes like they’re on an island with little help in sight. GoAnimate for Schools. 50+ Free Tech Tools For Your Classroom. 5 of the Best Collections of EdTech Resources on the Web.

20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration. The 2014 Gates Foundation report, Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want from Digital Instructional Tools, indicates that teachers want tools “supporting student collaboration and providing interactive experiences”. This doesn’t come as a big surprise since these types of tools are fun and engaging. 7 Online Quiz Tools Perfect For Classrooms.

Tips and Tools to Help you Better integrate Technology in Your Instrcution. Free online voice recorder - SpeakPipe. Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? - The Atlantic. Dubsmash, la nouvelle appli qui plaît tant aux ados. Dubsmash - Be Anyone You Want To Be. AudioBoom. 50+ Free Tech Tools For Your Classroom. Versal for Teachers. Educational Technology. TouchCast Studio. Educational Technology. Instructional Technology Staff. Cool Text Graphics Generator. Cyberlangage: le texto. Type your text here: SMS language in French. VoiceForge. Vocalizer Demo.

Mic Note. PowToon. Vialogues. VideoNot. VideoAnt. Un document audio. Un document audio. 25 awesome apps for teachers, recommended by teachers.

Make your polls. 6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 201 6. Go Mobile with your Presentations - 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About.

Random Name Picker. La Liste Complète des Réseaux Sociaux (Mis à Jour) TinyTap - Play Educational Games and Create Interactive Lessons. Participer à Twittconte. Pear Deck. Messaging, Walkie Talkie app for Team communication. Texting in French - SMS - Les textos. Top 10 Tech Ideas to Try in your Classroom. Innovative Online Learning Tools to Use in 2015. 52 Of The Best Apps For Your Classroom In 2015. Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students.