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The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism. Tipitaka: The Pali Canon. The Tipitaka (Pali ti, "three," + pitaka, "baskets"), or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism.

Tipitaka: The Pali Canon

The Tipitaka and the paracanonical Pali texts (commentaries, chronicles, etc.) together constitute the complete body of classical Theravada texts. The Pali canon is a vast body of literature: in English translation the texts add up to thousands of printed pages. Most (but not all) of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available on this website, this collection can be a good place to start.

The three divisions of the Tipitaka are: Vinaya Pitaka The collection of texts concerning the rules of conduct governing the daily affairs within the Sangha — the community of bhikkhus (ordained monks) and bhikkhunis (ordained nuns). Sutta Pitaka Abhidhamma Pitaka Where can I find a copy of the complete Pali canon (Tipitaka)?

Anton Atreides – The Fearless Flower – Visita Interiora Terræ Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem. "This liberation is not achieved by mental speculation, but by seeing the light emanating from the lustrous toenails of the Lord." Tendai Buddhism – Europe. Tendai Buddhism UK – Home of the Tendai Buddhist School in the UK. North American representative of the Tendai School of Japanese Buddhism. The Josias – Non declinavit ad dextram sive ad sinistram.


Islam. About — Aaron Cheak. Aaron Cheak, PhD, is a scholar of comparative religion, philosophy, and esotericism.

About — Aaron Cheak

He teaches the history of Eastern and Western alchemies at the University of Philosophical Research, and is the former president of the International Jean Gebser Society (2013–2015). He received his doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of Queensland in 2011 for his work on French Hermetic philosopher, René Schwaller de Lubicz. Outside the academy, Aaron has been trained in the preparation of spagyric elixirs (Paracelsus College, Spagyricus Institute), and is a practitioner within the Nyingma and Kagyu lineages of Vajrayana Buddhism. He presently lives in the Antipodes, where he maintains an active interest in tea, wine, poetry, typography and alchemy. Dr. Curriculum Vitae and professional services.

Current projects From Poetry to KulturphilosophiePhilosophical biography and critical translations of German integral philosopher, Jean Gebser. Image: Art, Faith, Mystery. Father Le Saux meeting point at Upanishad Jeevan Dhara. James S. Cutsinger - Professor of Theology and Religious Thought - USC. Studies in Comparative Religion. Christian Nondualism. Dr.

Christian Nondualism

J. Glenn Friesen MA, LLB, DLitt et Phil Calgary, Alberta, Canada Christian Nondualism Philosophy should help us to live–not only in our pragmatic, routine life, but in the fullness of our reality, both within and beyond time. Christian Nondualism is a mysticism that does not try to escape from the world. Both western and eastern nondual traditions are relevant. All of these ideas interrelate. Because of their interrelationships, the ideas of these gurus, philosophers and psychologist are much more complex than has been appreciated by many who claim to be their followers or devotees. No philosopher exists without a history of his or her own. I hope you will explore these ideas with me. Thanks for visiting my web site.

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