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Générateur de feuilles. Passe ton permis web - Quizz AFA. Si c'est écrit, c'est vrai? Réduire et recycler ses déchets. Tous les moyens et les lieux pour réduire et recycler vos déchets dans votre vie quotidienne : compostage, recycleries, Espaces tri...

Réduire et recycler ses déchets

23 idées de recyclage de bouteilles plastiques. Si vous vous sentez l’âme bricolo et écolo, voici 23 idées originales de recyclage de bouteilles plastiques.

23 idées de recyclage de bouteilles plastiques

20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning. 20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning Recently we took at look at the phases of inquiry-based learning through a framework, and even apps that were conducive to inquiry-based learning on the iPad.

20 Questions To Guide Inquiry-Based Learning

During our research for the phases framework, we stumbled across the following breakdown of the inquiry process for learning on (who offer the references that appear below the graphic). Most helpfully, it offers 20 questions that can guide student research at any stage, including: C'est vivant et divertissant. Mini-guide to French slang. The 20 funniest French expressions (and how to use them) Photo: Ben Raynal 1.

The 20 funniest French expressions (and how to use them)

The French don’t “piss you off”…they “shit you off” (Faire chier quelqu’un). 2. The French don’t call you “idiotic”…they call you “as dumb as a broom” (Être con comme un balai). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Règles de Vie en Classe. J'apprends à conduire en ligne. Orthographe et grammaire : Corrigez rapidement votre texte avec, correcteur d’orthographe et de grammaire avancé. Fiche penser. Idees-pour-apprendre-ses-mots.

Apprendre à retenir, à mieux mémoriser. Ca flotte ou ça coule. How To Begin and End Correspondences in French Letters. How to write a letter or e-mail in French: closing formulae. Continuing our section on writing a letter in French, we look at some common forumlae for closing a letter in French.

How to write a letter or e-mail in French: closing formulae

Closures: informal Closures to informal letters are less formulaic than formal or business letters, so there are a variety of possibilities. How to end an email in French. 30 Bilingual French Quotes - French Quotes in English and French. By Camille Chevalier-Karfis Updated August 07, 2015.

30 Bilingual French Quotes - French Quotes in English and French

French Quotes are a fun and interesting way to memorize some French vocabulary. I selected the quotes below because they are short, famous, and easy to memorize. Enjoy! 20 Casual, Everyday French Phrases You Oughta Know. As a French learner, which would you rather hear?

20 Casual, Everyday French Phrases You Oughta Know

“Your French is so good!” 12 Beautiful French Love Quotes with English Translation. 20 French Phrases You Should Be Using. As much as 30 percent of the English language—or roughly one in three English words—is believed to be derived directly from French.

20 French Phrases You Should Be Using

It’s a surprisingly high figure due in part to the Norman Conquest of 1066 which made French the language of the law, finance, government, the military, and the ruling classes in England and effectively doubled our vocabulary overnight. But the popularity of French culture and French literature among English speakers has also given our language a whole host of other words and phrases—like mardi gras, avant garde, déjà vu, and femme fatale—that are now so naturalized in English that they can be used without a second thought. Alongside everyday examples like these, however, English has also adopted a number of much less familiar French phrases that, despite their potential usefulness, go tragically underused. Advantages of Blended Instruction in the Language Classroom. Presented by Deb Cody, World Language Liaison from Pueblo City School District Sponsored by Rosetta Stone Many world language teachers may not have technology-rich classrooms, but the rapidly evolving education landscape requires that they infuse technology into today’s world language classroom to keep it current and relevant.

Advantages of Blended Instruction in the Language Classroom

In this webinar, Deb Cody, World Language Liaison from Pueblo City School District, shared how she integrates a flexible, online language-learning solution into a blended-learning environment that complements face-to-face instruction for 4,000 students at two middle schools and four high schools in her district. Deb’s presentation explored: YouTube to mp3 Converter. Télécharger Vidéos Youtube. Télécharger ou convertir une vidéo Youtube, Dailymotion... Créer des affiches attrayantes. Les élèves ont souvent une affiche à créer (pour un concours ou un projet, pour illustrer un travail, pour décorer une salle, etc).

Créer des affiches attrayantes

Voici quelques conseils ainsi que des possibilités. Écrire un CV en français. LE CANAL DES METIERS, tous les métiers, en vidéo - Home. Pg-download. The leading way to caption and translate videos online. Caption, translate, subtitle and transcribe video. Overstream. Interactive Graphic Organizer. Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers "Graphic organizers are tools that help your brain think. " - Kylene Beers Graphic organizers are an illustration of your thoughts on paper. They can help you brainstorm, organize, and visualize your ideas.

Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Once you’ve downloaded an organizer, type in your comments and print it out. Each graphic organizer below includes Teaching Notes with lessons and tips on how to use graphic organizers in the classroom. ClassBadges. Create a Badge with Google Drawing. If you have thought of creating your own badges here are the steps I use in Google Draw to create them. From Google Drive create a Google Drawing. Use the File menu to choose “Page setup…” Choose “Custom” for the drawing size and choose 300 by 300 pixels. Hold down shift to draw a perfect circle. Make sure the circle fills the canvas.

Make the border of the badge size 8 pixels. Use Control C to copy the circle and Control V to paste the circle (Command C and Command V on a Mac). Change the fill of the 2nd circle to transparent. Click on the image icon in the toolbar. Search. Home of free rubric tools. Welcome to iRubric iRubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool. Designed from the ground up, iRubric supports a variety of applications in an easy-to-use package. Best of all, iRubric is free to individual faculty and students. iRubric School-Edition empowers schools with an easy-to-use system for monitoring student learning outcomes and aligning with standards.

Click. Click. What's the best, most effective way to take notes? If it feels like you forget new information almost as quickly as you hear it, even if you write it down, that’s because we tend to lose almost 40% of new information within the first 24 hours of first reading or hearing it. If we take notes effectively, however, we can retain and retrieve almost 100% of the information we receive. Learning how to retain information The most effective note-taking skills involve active rather than passive learning. Active learning places the responsibility for learning on the learner. Le Web 2.0 en 3 clics. Translator's Toolbox. INA - "Philosophie" 2015 programmes cycles234 4 12 ok 508673. Tout savoir des droits des profs » VousNousIls.

Droit au respect, droit à la formation, droit de grève, droit de retrait, droit à la mobilité... Approfondissez votre connaissance des droits des enseignants grâce à un petit livre bien pratique, "Les droits des profs". Petit format, petit prix, grande efficacité. Quelle est la meilleure manière d’enseigner à des élèves. Pépinières académiques de mathématiques. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. C2 - Écrire en français (formules) Random Picker. SocrativeUserGuide.pdf.

EXERCICE de logique. 1- Dans les raisonnements suivants, repérer les propositions universelles, particulières et singulières 2- Déterminer les raisonnements qui sont logiquement valides et ceux qui ne le sont pas, en précisant dans quels cas les conclusions découlent nécessairement de leurs prémisses, et dans quels cas leur contraire est possible. Tous les élèves sont charmants Or Édouard est charmant Donc Édouard est un élève. Édouard est un élève Or tous les élèves sont charmants Donc Édouard est charmant. Cours de philosophie. Se préparer à l'entretien d'embauche. Problèmes d'orthographe ? Demandez à Voltaire ! Inépuisable sujet de désolation pour les profs, les fautes d'orthographe sont en train de devenir une source d'angoisse au travail.

Une vraie croix pour Etienne, 45 ans, cadre commercial dans une entreprise de climatisation. Et l'humour dans l'éducation ? Dans le livre Parler pour que les enfants écoutent, écouter pour que les enfants parlent, Adele Faber et Elaine Mazlish consacrent deux doubles pages au pouvoir de l’humour dans l’éducation. L’humour peut réellement améliorer les relations entre parents et enfants.

L’écriture manuscrite des écrivains célèbres. De Jane Austen à Jean-Paul Sartre, en passant par J.K. Modules interactifs. How to Turn Rubric Scores into Grades. I have written several posts about the different types of rubrics—especially my favorite, the single-point rubric—and over time, many teachers have asked me about the most effective way to convert the information on these rubrics into points.

Even if you are moving toward a no grades classroom, as a growing number of educators are, you may still be required to supply points or letter grades for student assignments. Despite the title of this post, all I can really offer here is a description of my own process. It has been refined over years of trial and error, and the only evidence I have to back up its effectiveness is that in over 10 years of teaching middle school and college, I can only recall one or two times when a student or parent challenged a grade I gave based on a rubric.

This is by no means the only way to do it—I’m sure plenty of other processes exist—but this is what has worked for me. To start with, I have to get clear on what the final product should look like. Welcome to Quick Rubric – Free, Fast, and Easy to Use! :) Se mettre le doigt dans l'oeil. Lettres, textes, cartes > iRubric Is An Excellent Tool for Creating Rubrics and Gradebooks. Toward liberated expression. Où sont les deux autres avions ? Une question : une réponse !, le site des questions/réponses. Modèles de formules de politesse pour fin de lettres. Modèles de lettre type gratuits : 500 Modèles de Lettre à télécharger gratuitement.

Top 20 Fillers. Warm Ups And Time Fillers. Mobile. Eight steps to becoming a more creative teacher. Create Interactive Online Presentations, infographics, animations & banners in HTML5 - Visme by Easy WebContent. Moovly. Créer des vidéos et des présentations animées. Dossier 4 - Unité 1. The 8 Minutes That Matter Most. Le programme de Français au collège en livres audio (gratuits) Les capitales du Monde : quizz jeux gratuits. Cité romaine. Jeux en ligne - Cartoquiz, testez vos connaissances en géographie.

Histoire. Géographie. Idees pour apprendre ses mots. EPS au cycle 1.pdf. Jeuxcorennes. Activités en classe. Ça bouge ! Site web éducatif - Apprentissage du français - fiches pédagogiques. Videos éducatives - Site éducatif de mr-h-hasnaoui! Vidéo éducative du Sénat. Sources de vidéos éducatives - [PRONDE.NET]

Prof, j’ai regardé des vidéos éducatives sur YouTube. Parcours cours audiovisuels en ligne. LA PONCTUATION FRANÇAISE [REFERENCE] Cover Letter - France. How to Remember Vocabulary Better - FrenchCrazy. Do the French Think that French is Hard? - FrenchCrazy.

Using texts.