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6 Great Android Drawing Apps for Students November 27, 2015 A few months ago we reviewed five of the best iPad drawings apps for both kids and adulats and today we are curating another list of similar apps to use on Android. Whether doodling, painting, drawing or sketching, these apps will definitely unleash kids creativity and inspire the imaginative muse inside them. We invite you to try them out and share with us your feedback. Enjoy 6 Powerful Chromebook Apps for Creating Educational Animations and Annotated Videos February 9, 2016 In response to a request we received a few days ago, we curated the list below featuring some of the best video creation tools for Chromebook users. Some of the things you can do with these tools include creating animations, annotating videos, adding text and captions to your videos, splitting long clips into smaller ones, trimming video clips, adding soundtracks and hyperlinks to videos and many more. And for those of you interested in creating simple educational video games to use with students in class try out Scratch listed at the end of this post. 1-Clarisketch Clarisketch is an interesting app that enables you to create animated sketches by combining speech, drawing and photos.

Some of The Best Android Apps for Creating eBooks with Students March 8, 2016 After writing about iPad apps for creating story books, we received a couple of requests for featuring a similar list for Android users. Below are some of the apps we recommend for using with students to create ebooks and story books. The apps are easy to use and provide students with a variety of tools to help them unleash their creative writing. 1- Book Creator This is definitely one of the best book creating app out there. We have been continuously recommending it for teachers over the last few years. 5-Minute Film Festival: Resources for Filmmaking in the Classroom I'll admit I'm a bit biased here since I'm a filmmaker by trade, but I truly believe the process of planning and making videos can offer tremendous learning opportunities for students of almost any age. Not only is the idea of telling stories with video really engaging for many kids, filmmaking is ripe with opportunities to connect to almost every academic subject area. As the technology to shoot and edit films becomes more ubiquitous, where is a teacher with no experience in video production to begin? I've shared some resources below to help you and your students get started on making blockbusters of your own. Video Playlist: Student Filmmaking 101 Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube.

Class Tech Integrate : Graphic Design Tools for ALL Students Students are constantly bombarded with graphics in their daily lives. Social media, web page adds, video game consoles, and the environmental print around them all use graphic design tools to give our students information. So the question quickly becomes, how can our students create graphic representations of the information we want them to report and present? 4 Educational Web Tools to Create Interactive Lessons April 20 , 2016 Web technologies provide teachers with limitless possibilities to create challenging and engaging content to use with students in class. There is now a wide variety of easy to use and free web tools teachers can use to enrich their curricula and diversity their teachable content in such a way that attends to multiple learning styles. In today’s post we are sharing with you a set of excellent tools to help you create interactive lessons. More specifically, using these tools will enable you to add different multimedia materials to your lessons including videos, questions, images, hyperlinks… and create engaging learning experiences in class. All of these tools have been featured in different posts in the past.

Use These Chrome Apps to Unleash Students Creativity March 26, 2016 Chrome web store is packed full of all kinds of educational apps and extensions some of which are also integrated with Google Drive. For those of you looking for a handy resource of Chrome apps to use with students in class, check out this comprehensive chart. In today’s post we are sharing with you a collection of some practical Chrome extensions to unleash learners creativity. Using these resources, students will be able to engage in a number of creative literacy activities that will allow them to multimodally communicate their thoughts, share their ideas and develop new learning skills.1-Collaborative Brainstorming Students can use these Chrome extensions for collaborative brainstorming. These are basically online whiteboards where students can brain storm ideas, create mind maps, and organize their ideas.

5 Great Web Tools for Creating Video Lessons December 2 , 2015 We have curated for you today a list of some very helpful tools to use to create interactive video lessons. These tools are particularly ideal for blended and flipped classrooms. You can use them to transform passive video content into interactive and engaging learning experiences by adding features such as questions, comments, hotspots, links, text and many more. You can also use them to create video quizzes to share with students in class. 1- YouTube Video Editor YouTube Video Editor embeds all the hacks you need to create stunning video lessons.

4 of The Best Apps for Creating Educational Comics in Class March 31, 2016 Technology provides us with endless possibilities to create immersive learning experiences for our students. Comic creation is one solid example of a digital activity to engage students in creative meaning-making activities. There are now numerous apps that are designed specifically to help learners express themselves through comics. Besides engaging in multimedia tasks that involve the use of text, character building, images, shapes, speech bubbles and audio, comics creation provides students with opportunities to develop a number of key skills such as , communication, group work, digital storytelling, writing and many more. In the collection below, we have selected for you four of the most popular iPad apps for creating comics. 1- Comic Life 3

Here Is A Very Good Tool for Adding Annotations and Comments to Videos June 7, 2016 VideoAnt is a good tool for adding annotations and comments to web-hosted videos. It supports annotation of different video files as well as YouTube videos. VideoAnt has its own specific terminology: for example, Ants refer to VideoAnt annotated videos and Ant Farm is your account dashboard.

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