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Sites web du Futur

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Tomorrow is built today. Technology, Telecommunications Forecasting, Consulting < TFI. MIT Media Lab: Things That Think Consortium. Welcome to Principia Cybernetica Web. Santa Fe Institute. The Aspen Institute. MIT Media Lab.

International futures programme. In 2006, the OECD launched the OECD Space Forum in co-operation with the space community.

International futures programme

The Forum aims to assist governments, space-related agencies and the private sector to better identify the statistical contours of the growing space sector worldwide, while investigating the space infrastructure’s economic significance and potential impacts for the larger economy. Read more This project – involving telecoms, land transport, water and electricity – explores the many factors shaping demand for infrastructures worldwide over the coming decades, and points to the mounting difficulties, particularly in OECD countries, of financing growing infrastructure needs from public sector sources. Read more. Institute of Nanotechnology. Futuribles. GBN Global Business Network.

The World Economic Forum. Nanotechnology - Foresight Institute. Pour penser et agir autrement : La prospective. THE CLUB OF ROME ( Home. Page d'accueil du CIRET.