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3 Myths That Kill Strategic Planning - Nick Tasler. By Nick Tasler | 11:00 AM May 7, 2014.

3 Myths That Kill Strategic Planning - Nick Tasler

Starting a Consulting Firm? 10 Reasons Your Clients Need You. This excerpt is part of's Second-Quarter Startup Kit which explores the fundamentals of starting up in a wide range of industries.

Starting a Consulting Firm? 10 Reasons Your Clients Need You.

In Start Your Own Consulting Business, the staff at Entrepreneur Press and writer Eileen Figure Sandlin explain how you can start a profitable consulting business, no matter whether your consulting business will focus on HR placement, computer troubleshooting, or anything else you can dream up. In this edited excerpt, the authors discuss just what skills companies are looking for when hiring a consultant and which consulting gigs are hot in today's market. How to Build Your Network Like a Super Connector. In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell discusses the role that "connectors” play in social epidemics.

How to Build Your Network Like a Super Connector

According to Gladwell, connectors aren’t just people who know a lot of people; they’re people with a knack for making friends and acquaintances wherever they go. When trying to get their new businesses off the ground, most entrepreneurs would love their startups to become social epidemics. To be successful, they have to play the part of the connector and form relationships with the right people who can help them spread their message. Building your tribe of potential clients, partners and mentors can be tough if you’re not a natural networker, but it’s not impossible. Here are three of the most valuable takeaways I’ve learned about building more meaningful relationships: Related: 6 Ways to Grow Your Business Through LinkedIn.

Las 18 preguntas que te debes hacer antes de crear un negocio. Las principales redes de “business angels” de España. Early Stage Startups: The Biggest Killers. 25 Fascinating Charts Of Negotiation Styles Around The World Infographic. Great Management Questions from Paul Graham, Jim Collins, and Other Business Leaders.

The Must-Have Habitudes of Effective 21st Century Leaders. “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.

The Must-Have Habitudes of Effective 21st Century Leaders

He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” - General Douglas MacArthur The conversation around must-have, 21st century leadership skills has been in full swing for years. From business to education; classroom to community, the debate on what is a “new skill” or an “always skill” can be both controversial and confusing. Although it’s almost certain we will never all agree to a singular list of skills, strategies, and competencies leaders must embody for success now and in the future, we do know what effectively operating and leading in a fluid, dynamic and every changing 21st Century world requires: These abilities, however, are not developed to their full potential naturally. Imagination The ability to create unique images or ideas. Self Awareness. T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak. With each column I write, I carefully consider the point I want to make.

I draft the column, reflect on it, tweak it, and review it before I submit it to my editor, who does some of the same. Unfortunately, that type of careful thought and reflection doesn't always happen in the business environment. Today’s technology and social-media platforms enable us to express top-of-mind, unfiltered thoughts to the world--often to disastrous results. The Science of Emotion in Marketing: How We Decide What to Share and Whom to Trust. 13.2K Flares 13.2K Flares × Every day it seems like we feel hundreds of different emotions – each nuanced and specific to the physical and social situations we find ourselves in.

The Science of Emotion in Marketing: How We Decide What to Share and Whom to Trust

According to science, it’s not that complicated by a long shot. A new study says we’re really only capable of four “basic” emotions: happy, sad, afraid/surprised, and angry/disgusted. But much like the “mother sauces” of cooking allow you to make pretty much any kind of food under the sun, these four “mother emotions” meld together in myriad ways in our brains to create our layered emotional stews. Robert Plutchik’s famous “wheel of emotions” shows just some of the well known emotional layers. 21st Century Strategy. ‎”Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore” wrote the French author Andre Gide.

21st Century Strategy

In very much the same way, we can’t manage strategy in the 21st century without discarding the comfortable dogmas of the 20th century. Much of our strategic doctrine comes from an industrial age in which products were fairly uniform and success was highly contingent on the ability to move around men and materiel efficiently. That’s still important, but not a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Today, we don’t produce products as much as we design them and that calls for a strategic shift.

Science Of Persuasion. Greg McKeown: Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. 5 Things Managers Should Know About The Big Data Economy. At the beginning of the 20th century, most people lived as if it were the middle ages.

5 Things Managers Should Know About The Big Data Economy

Almost half of the US population was employed in agriculture. Life expectancy was less than 50 years. Indoor plumbing was rare, as was telephone use. There were very few cars and no airplanes. The rise of big organizations changed all that. The 21st century economy, however, will be dominated by bits and not atoms. 1. The economy of atoms was a knowledge economy. Today, physical capital itself is becoming intelligent. From the Trenches: 23 Entrepreneurs Share Their Most Valuable Lessons Learned. Nobody becomes an entrepreneur because it’s easy. What these business leaders share in common is that they’re driven by an unstoppable dream. It’s a life calling, not a career. We hold ourselves to relentlessly high standards, and when we fall, we fall hard. Luckily, so many others have been there before.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. 10 one-minute time hacks that will make you more productive. You’re busy, and while reading about powerful time management techniques can be productive, many of the ones out there are simply too complex, complicated or involved to think about.

10 one-minute time hacks that will make you more productive

These 10 time hacks are as simple as they come. Every single thing in this list will take you less than one minute to implement into your life, but the results of each can be incredible. Here are 10 one-minute time hacks that will make you more productive. Work Smarter, Not Harder: 21 Time Management Tips to Hack Productivity. 2839 1836Share Synopsis “Don’t say you don’t have enough time.

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 21 Time Management Tips to Hack Productivity

You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr. Conociendo al Knowmad: trabajador del conocimiento y la innovación. Vivimos en la explosión de las redes sociales y la sociedad está cambiando, así como nuestra forma de aprender y de trabajar en ella.

Conociendo al Knowmad: trabajador del conocimiento y la innovación

Remaking the industrial economy. Visualize, for a moment, the industrial economy as a massive system of conveyor belts—one that directs materials and energy from resource-rich countries to manufacturing powerhouses, such as China, and then spirits the resulting products onward to the United States, Europe, and other destinations, where they are used, discarded, and replaced. While this image is an exaggeration, it does capture the essence of the linear, one-way production model that has dominated global manufacturing since the onset of the Industrial Revolution.

Increasingly, however, the linear approach to industrialization has come under strain. Some three billion consumers from the developing world will enter the middle class by 2030. The unprecedented size and impact of this shift is squeezing companies between rising and less predictable commodity prices, on the one hand, and blistering competition and unpredictable demand, on the other. Utilizing Your Natural Advantage. A friend once shared a simple, but profound story about a school in a distant village. Now I’m excited to share it with you. Far, far away, say half a world away, there was a small, brick school. Why Most Of What We Know About Management Is Plain, Flat, Dead Wrong. Calvin and Hobbes at Martijn's - Bill Watterson. Here's the text of a speech Bill Watterson gave at Kenyon College, Gambier Ohio, to the 1990 graduating class. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE REAL WORLD BY ONE WHO GLIMPSED IT AND FLED Bill Watterson Kenyon College Commencement May 20, 1990 I have a recurring dream about Kenyon.

10 Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon. The truth does not cease to exist when it is ignored. You know how you can hear something a hundred times in a hundred different ways before it finally gets through to you? The ten truths listed below fall firmly into that category – life lessons that many of us likely learned years ago, and have been reminded of ever since, but for whatever reason, haven’t fully grasped. The 13 Biggest Failures from Successful Entrepreneurs and What They’ve Learned from them.

173 Flares 173 Flares × How to Get Startup Ideas. November 2012. The New Era Of Talent. Tactical Serendipity. The secret to creativity, intelligence and scientific thinking: Being able to make connections. 10.3K Flares 10.3K Flares × When we shared this image from the @buffer Twitter account recently, it got me thinking. 10 Years of Silence: How long it took Mozart, Picasso and Kobe Bryant to be Successful. 3.1K Flares 3.1K Flares × Hard Things You Need To Do To Be Successful.

Diving into Entrepreneurship? Start in the Shallow End. The 2013 Digital Tonto Reading List. What To Actually Worry About. My favourite things: Sources of great information in 2013 - Meredith Low Consulting. From Fitzgerald to Reagan, 5 Letters of Fatherly Advice from History’s Greatest Public Dads. Don't Set Goals...Until You Read This. Behavior Lessons for Leadership and Teamwork. Businesses With A Strong Sense Of Purpose Are More Successful. The Secret to Raising Entrepreneurial Kids. Jeff Bezos Reveals His No. 1 Leadership Secret. Sun Tzu's Art of War Strategy -

Training For Small Business With Unstuck Training. The Top Mistakes Small Businesses Make - And How To Avoid Them. Emotional Intelligence Predicts Job Success: Do You Have It? 8 Secrets of success. The science of self-control: 6 ways to improve your willpower. Success book, 8 secrets of success by Richard St John. In 2014, Every Business Will Be Disrupted By Open Technology.