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Pearltrees. Save bookmarks, documents, files, ebooks, photos, videos, notes and more.


Organize them into meaningful collections. Discover and share millions of contents on your favorite topics. With Pearltrees, organize all your interests anywhere, anytime! Dedicated versions of Pearltrees also exist for schools and entreprises. Media says:"The most elegant and visual way of collecting and sharing online content". Pearltrees can be useful in many situations: Personal life: Tech enthusiast? Work: On Pearltrees you can collaborate with your colleagues to manage knowledge efficiently, mutualize best practices, and share notes across your entire company. Education: Pearltrees is now one of the most used tools by teachers and students. Pearltrees Arrives On Android, Wants To Become The File Manager For The Post-PC Era.

Pearltrees, the visual and collaborative library that lets you easily organize and bookmark information in tree-like structures, finally launched its Android app for phones and tablets today.

Pearltrees Arrives On Android, Wants To Become The File Manager For The Post-PC Era

The service started out on the web in 2009 and then came to the iPad in 2011 and the iPhone last year. Android, however, as the company’s CEO Patrice Lamothe told me last week, was always one of the most requested platforms, and the team also expects this launch to help it quickly grow its user base. Thanks to the flexibility Android affords developers when it comes to sharing and bookmarking, Lamothe told me, this platform is really the first one that allows the company to fully realize its vision of becoming a “file manager for the post-PC era.” For Pearltrees, this means that you can use the Android app to bookmark and organize content from both apps like Flipboard and the web — something that would be very hard to do on most other platforms. Pearltrees, so far, has raised about $11.5 million. Pearltrees - Collect & Share. Pearltrees: #Pearltrees + #Android = TLF! Pearltrees Arrives On Android, Wants To Become The File Manager For The Post-PC Era. Pearltrees - Applications Android sur Google Play.

Millions use every day to remember all the tasks they want to-do and make sure they get them done.

Pearltrees - Applications Android sur Google Play

Key benefits: Seamless cloud sync, Speech recognition, Alerts, Moment, Snooze tasks, Google Task Sync, Notes, Sub tasks, Amazing Widgets, Repeating / Recurring Tasks, Missed call, Auto complete, In app actions, Gesture support & much more! ☞ Get the most out of ■ Beautiful & Functional - is beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. ■ Always there when you need it - syncs seamlessly with the cloud so you can stay on top of just about anything across all your devices. ■ puts the power in your hands - Drag & drop to plan your agenda, swipe off a task to mark it as complete & shake your android to clear your completed tasks. . ■ Speak your mind - Instead of typing just tap the microphone icon and say what you want to do. . ■ Type less, DO more - Mobile typing can be a hassle;’s auto-suggest predicts what you want to do as you type it.

Pearltrees. Pearltrees: #Pearltrees + #Android = TLF! Pearltrees - Collect & Share.


APIs Console. Java - Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API. Verifying Back-End Calls from Android Apps. Posted by Tim Bray Most Android apps have some sort of server-side back end, to persist and share data.

Verifying Back-End Calls from Android Apps

Even the most basic game needs to remember its players’ high scores. When you’re building your back end, one problem you have to solve is how the back-end code knows what app it’s talking to and who the person using it is. You probably have HTTP endpoints for communicating with your client apps, but how can the server-side code be sure who’s sending messages to it? After all, anyone can send HTTP POST requests from anywhere; could they impersonate your users if they could guess their identities?

It’s really user-unfriendly to ask people to type in usernames and passwords on mobile devices. It turns out that Google Play services, now available on every compatible device running Android release 2.2 or higher, offers a good solution to this problem, based on the use of Google Accounts. Summary Now let’s get to the details. App Registration Make Client IDs. Server-side verification of Google Play subscriptions. TL;DR To programatically verify Google Play subscriptions, you have to use the OAuth 2.0 for web server applications auth flow, not service accounts.

Server-side verification of Google Play subscriptions

This is a massive FUBAR on Google’s side and makes life of developers very painful. Lately, I’ve been working on the backend part of a upcoming app we’re developing for one of our clients. This app offers monthly and yearly subscriptions, so I had to implement a check if the recurring payment happened, the credit card got billed and the app provider got the money. Of course, for multiple reasons, this has to be done server-side, completely automatically and without any intervention from the app user or provider. Google provides an API called android-publisher for this. The flow/mechanism for server to server communication is called Service accounts in Google terminology.

Api - Checking google android subscriptions from server side. APIs Explorer. Perform signature verification tasks on a server inappbilling android. Billing.