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“The foundation of effective leadership is thinking through the organization’s mission, defining it and establishing it, clearly and visibly. The leader sets the goals, sets the priorities, and sets and maintains the standards.”

Why Are We Still Promoting Incompetent Men? Le courage managérial RH, l’avez-vous ? Article écrit par Véronique Plouffe, Le courage managérial c’est orienter l’entreprise, prendre des décisions, risquer un nouveau projet… mais aussi gérer son équipe dans l’intérêt général de l’entreprise.

Le courage managérial RH, l’avez-vous ?

Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons de réfléchir à quelques situations de gestion RH qui requièrent leur dose de courage managérial. Comment agissez-vous au quotidien dans de telles situations ? Commençons par définir le courage managérial. Après maintes lectures, notre description favorite du courage managérial demeure celle-ci : « Le courage managérial est une qualité trop rare » Céline Ricocé.

Défendre son équipe et ses projets, oser dire non, savoir reconnaître ses erreurs… Trop de chefs manquent de courage, dénonce Céline Ricocé.

« Le courage managérial est une qualité trop rare » Céline Ricocé

Pour cette coach, le courage managérial est pourtant une qualité fondamentale, qui s’apprend et se travaille au quotidien. Propos recueillis par Margaux Rambert. Square CEO Jack Dorsey Says If You’re Making Decisions, You’re Not Leading. The Manager--How Not to Do It Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, is famous for having up to 70 meetings, and receiving 3,500 to 4,000 emails, each week.

Square CEO Jack Dorsey Says If You’re Making Decisions, You’re Not Leading

She has joked about having people in line outside her office and needing a "take-a-number" machine to manage the traffic. This is not leadership, it's management, two very different things. Managers solve and decide; leaders train others to solve and decide, and then get out of the way. As with most control freaks, Mayer is probably learning, as I did, that her future effectiveness will be directly related to her ability to leave command and control behind, so everyone around her can start making the decisions they will have to carry out. Leaders who figure out they shouldn't make decisions can lead wildly successful companies devoid of command-and-control management. The Pioneer. Redefining Leadership – Leadership & Flow. The title of this blog entry refers not to an effort to crowd the literature with another definition of leadership, but to the proposed expansion of the kind of people who should be considered leaders.

Redefining Leadership – Leadership & Flow

Let’s accept the definition of leadership given by Kevin Kruse in his Forbes article, with one minor modification [in parentheses]: Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a [worthwhile] goal. The modification is important to exclude gang leaders, Mafia bosses, and politicians like Hitler and Stalin. Only One in 10 People Possess the Talent to Manage. Story Highlights Talent is the natural capacity for excellenceManagers with high talent are better brand ambassadorsManagers with high talent are more likely to focus on strengths One of the most important decisions companies make is simply whom they name manager, Gallup has found.

Only One in 10 People Possess the Talent to Manage

Yet our analytics suggest they usually get it wrong: Companies fail to choose the candidate with the right talent for the job 82% of the time. And great managers are scarce because the talent required to be one is rare. Gallup's research shows that about one in 10 people possess high talent to manage.

Les styles ou fomes de Leadership

Good to Great Jim Collins. Servant Leadership. HumanCapitalIndex. Traits, Carateristics des Leaders. Leadership & Women. 15_Art leadership.pdf. Simon Sinek. Libération de l'entreprise. IC formation -Lectures de référence. Le grand secret : 6 clés pour un leadership authentique et humain de Mark Miller et Ken Blanchard Par Marie-Claude Parent, Directrice, formation et développement organisationnel, La Capitale assureur de l’administration publique inc.

IC formation -Lectures de référence

Ce livre est écrit par Mark Miller et Ken Blanchard. Ce dernier est un auteur et conférencier majeur en termes de management. La préface, écrite par John C. Empathie & leadership, le nouveau duo gagnant. Aujourd’hui, tout leader qui se respecte doit faire preuve d’empathie envers son équipe.

Empathie & leadership, le nouveau duo gagnant

Mais l’empathie se prescrit-elle ? Comment faire pour la développer ? Qu’apporte-t-elle au monde de l’entreprise ? Décryptage. “Je me suis toujours intéressé aux autres“, confie Bill Clinton dans son autobiographie, Ma vie. Plus leader que manager.

Bad Leaders : Narcissists, autocratics,...

The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership. Michael Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas have reviewed the writings of the Classical philosophers and selected ten ideas that will positively impact our leadership effectiveness in The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership.

The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership

Not surprisingly, the philosophies of classic figures remain relevant in today's workplace. Early on the authors suggest that the raw material of leadership is not latent in just about everyone and rightly discredit the idea that it “just takes a nudge to trigger its unfolding.” Further, they say that the “special qualities of genuine leadership are remarkably complex and rare.” It is true that good leaders are not as common as they need to be and that we do confuse administration with actual leadership as they suggest, but the potential is there in each one of us.

The problem is that it remains latent in many of us. Genuine leadership is not complex but it is difficult because it requires that we do the inner-work on a continual basis. Home - Quiet Leadership Institute. The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership. How many of today’s problems are the result of leadership?

The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership

What’s lacking, the author of The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership argue, is the lack of real leadership. Here the problem may lie with a lack of deeper, broader insights, the kind of insights that technical skill alone does not confer— the ability to see the big picture, to connect with members of the organization, to foster a meaningful and productive work environment, and to steer the corporate ship through the challenges of highly competitive markets and new technologies. What is leadership? The authors define the term “leadership” in a way that that differentiates their “interpretation from the offhanded views that too often distort the word’s meaning.” Henry Ford Quotes.

The 100 Best Leadership Quotes of All Time. Leader's skills.

Leadership comme culture d'entreprise

Presentations – Dattner Consulting. Birth Order and Leadership How birth order can illuminate the personalities of business leaders Conflict resolution Causes of, and remedies for, workplace conflict Credit and Blame Processes by which credit and blame are assigned in the workplace Emotional Intelligence The history, importance, components, measurement, and enhancement of emotional intelligence in the workplace Expatriate Training How to increase the chances of success in overseas job assignments The Future of Human Resources How the HR profession has changed in the past, and current trends Mindfulness The risks of mindlessness, and the benefits of mindfulness at work Narcissism The benefits and risks of, and recommendations for dealing with, narcissism in the workplace Networking How to build and maintain a professional network Organizational Politics How to improve organizational politics Performance Appraisal How to design and implement a performance appraisal system.

Presentations – Dattner Consulting

30 Years of Business Books in 7 Minutes or Fewer. A year passes. Daylight savings time takes us by surprise yet again. Another tree falls in the forest. And a couple dozen more business books hit the shelves. Les leaders charismatiques. Quand Robert Dilts Nous Donne Les Clés Du Leadership. En Octobre 2013, j’ai eu le plaisir d’assister à la conférence de Robert Dilts sur le leadership organisée par l’ICF. Robert Dilts est un auteur, formateur et consultant américain travaillant dans le domaine de la Programmation Neuro-Linguistique -PNL depuis sa création en 1975 par John Grinder et Richard Bandler. Pour célébrer le 100ème post’ que j’écris sur ce blog, je partage avec vous de précieux enseignements de cette journée. Le leader est celui qui va en premier, qui agit et décide pour avancer dans une direction. Le comportement d’un leader est en accord avec Gandhi lorsqu’il dit “Nous devons être le changement que nous voulons voir dans le monde.”

Leadership Development – Leadership Strategies – Linkage. Season 7, Episode 5: Advice to New CEOs [Podcast] Welcome to Season 7, Episode 5 of the This Is Your Life podcast. In this episode, Michele Cushatt and I discuss my best tips for current or aspiring CEOs. Being the leader of your own company can look easier on the outside than it actually is when you’re the CEO. It requires more insight and effort than most anticipate. How can you rise to the occasion and really make a difference in your new role? In this episode, we discuss seven truths that will anchor you to a solid foundation. Listen to the Audio Subscribe to Podcast in iTunes Watch the Video.

The Aspen Institute. Morning Star – La grande idée : commençons par virer tous les managers ! Leadership : 12 outils incontournables. Ne pas faire d’erreurs est la plus grosse erreur, Le Cercle. Il ne faut pas avoir peur de commettre des erreurs, car ceux-ci sont souvent source de nouvelles idées. Il vaut mieux se tromper que de ne rien tenter par peur du changement. De la gentillesse comme mode de management en entreprise. The Leadersheep ©Anto 2012-2013 (FR)

Top 100 Leadership Blogs (Ranked) Top 100 Leadership Blogs (Ranked) Below is a listing of the Top 100 Leadership and Influence Blogs. It’s a combination of rankings based on BlogRank, PostRank, and listings of additional lists compiled by others blogs. If you know of any other great leadership and influence blogs that we have missed, please let us know. We’re continually building our database and will revealing a more comprehensive list in the coming months. We’ll start out first with 10 blogs that we read regularly based on their consistent frequency and content (we read and suggest plenty more but many are also suggested in lists further down the page so this list is mostly of those who may not be visible on the other lists): Bibliothèque.