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Handy advice when having a fear to write or writer’s block: if you can’t write: write! Almost every PhD student is now and then faced by anxiety over his thesis.

Handy advice when having a fear to write or writer’s block: if you can’t write: write!

Will everything be OK? Will I be able to do it? I will never succeed in writing this thesis. And there are many reasons to be nervous and disheartened. Maybe you are surrounded by people who don’t understand what you are doing and therefore can’t support you. TeachingEnglish. How Ernst Haeckel made plankton beautiful. The best way to enter the Exposition Universelle, held in Paris in 1900, was via the gate on the Place de la Concorde.

How Ernst Haeckel made plankton beautiful

As was appropriate for a world fair exhibiting the best technology that the planet had to offer, the gate was studded with electric lights, which illuminated the archway’s intricate geometric design. Today, a viewer might guess that it was inspired by an Islamic palace or perhaps the onion-dome towers of St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. 7 ideas para entender el modelo Flipped Classroom. Forum – Learn English – Fluent Land. 5 Reasons Why You Are NOT a Fluent English Speaker: Confessions of an English Teacher I have been an English teacher for around 7 years now and I have to say that I really love teaching.

Forum – Learn English – Fluent Land

As a teacher, the objective of my job is quite simple: to teach people English. 10 Motivational Posters for Your Classroom. Posted 08/31/2015 1:01PM | Last Commented 08/07/2016 8:35AM WARNING: These posters are guaranteed to brighten up your classroom & inspire minds of all ages.

10 Motivational Posters for Your Classroom

Enjoy! 1. Frame for your desk as a daily reminder that you don't need a cape to be a hero. Download. 2. Edutopia. New Teachers: Classroom-Management Fundamentals. Tips, Advice, and Strategies New Teachers: Classroom Management Essentials: Four easy-to-implement strategies you can put to use today to help foster learning in the classroom.

New Teachers: Classroom-Management Fundamentals

5-Minute Film Festival: 7 Video Writing Prompts for Young Authors. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is coming up, but the time is always ripe for encouraging students of every age to write.

5-Minute Film Festival: 7 Video Writing Prompts for Young Authors

And how better to pique their interest and power up their pencils (or keyboards!) Diez canales educativos imprescindibles de YouTube para alumnos y profesores. Adult Education Falls Short. Fernando Santamaría: "La educación está en estado constante de cambio" ¿Qué entendemos por educación digital?

Fernando Santamaría: "La educación está en estado constante de cambio"

Education Week. El Blog de Educación y TIC. 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools. “We’ve got this, it’s easy,” they said. “Can we move on?” I looked at the other students and asked, “Do you have this?” They nodded their heads furiously up and down in a yes. Apps para ‘flippear’ la clase (aula invertida) La metodología ‘Flipped Classroom’ o aula invertida fomenta que el estudiante se convierta en el protagonista de su propio aprendizaje, para lo que los docentes proporcionan un conjunto de materiales (documentos, podcast, y sobre todo vídeos) que el alumnado tiene que ver en casa y trabajar en clase de forma individual o colaborativa.

Apps para ‘flippear’ la clase (aula invertida)

¿Con qué apps puede llevarse a la práctica? 7 razones por las que el yoga debe estar en las aulas. EL BLOG DE MANU VELASCO. Estos son los beneficios de emplear un blog en el aula. Un weblog o blog es un sitio web en el que podemos publicar artículos o entradas cronológicamente y de manera sencilla sobre lo que hacemos en clase, aportar recursos para los alumnos o ¡dejar que ellos sean los protagonistas!

Estos son los beneficios de emplear un blog en el aula

Blogger (Blogspot), WordPress, Tumblr o Wix, son algunas de las plataformas más utilizadas por los docentes. Education Week. By Cossondra George In the past, special education meant being educated somewhere else.

Education Week

Often, this education was administered in a separate classroom, where students with learning challenges were isolated from their age-appropriate peers. Then, gradually, state and federal mandates were implemented to protect the rights of students with disabilities, most notably the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). That federal regulation enforces the placement of students with disabilities in the "least restrictive environment.

" 5 recursos para el análisis morfológico en Lengua. Positive Strategies to Avoid Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout. Teaching is important and rewarding work, but it can also be extremely stressful. Excessive stress may lead to burnout, which is characterized by exhaustion, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed and isolated. Other common symptoms of burnout are a loss of creativity, good humor, patience, and enthusiasm for life -- all of which are crucial attributes for effective teaching. Fortunately, the human brain has tremendous capacity to change and grow. We can train our malleable, dynamic brains -- specifically, the left prefrontal cortex, which figures prominently in emotional outlook -- to become happier and more optimistic through deliberate practice. Record Yourself to Improve Your Practice. Posted 09/15/2015 11:10AM | Last Commented 04/17/2016 7:59PM I took a speech class one semester when I was in undergraduate school.

For our first assignment we had to give a short speech that the teacher videotaped. Our extended assignment was to watch the recording and critique our performance. That proved to be a very eye-opening experience for me. 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools. Using the Rule of Three for Learning. In math, the Rule of Three is a method of finding a ratio. In English essay writing, the Rule of Three states that things are more interesting to read in triads. In presentations, the Rule of Three comes in handy to keep the audience engaged, and in entertainment, the idea of trebling makes jokes and gags funnier.

What the Heck Is Inquiry-Based Learning? Inquiry-based learning is more than asking a student what he or she wants to know. It’s about triggering curiosity. And activating a student’s curiosity is, I would argue, a far more important and complex goal than mere information delivery. Despite its complexity, inquiry-based learning can be easier on teachers, partly because it transfers some responsibilities from teachers to students, but mostly because releasing authority engages students. Ideas y herramientas para crear y utilizar videos educativos en clase -aulaPlaneta. What Doesn't Work: Literacy Practices We Should Abandon. The number one concern that I hear from educators is lack of time, particularly lack of instructional time with students.

It's not surprising that we feel a press for time. Our expectations for students have increased dramatically, but our actual class time with students has not. Although we can't entirely solve the time problem, we can mitigate it by carefully analyzing our use of class time, looking for what Beth Brinkerhoff and Alysia Roehrig (2014) call "time wasters. " Consider the example of calendar time. In many U.S. early elementary classrooms, this practice eats up 15-20 minutes daily, often in a coveted early-morning slot when students are fresh and attentive. Yesterday was _______. New Teachers: Classroom Management Essentials. Before I share my thoughts, I must make a disclaimer. If you’re looking for a magic solution to classroom challenges, the following will be helpful, but don’t expect major changes overnight. And please remember that a strong instructional philosophy (i.e., how one believes students best learn) and a well-thought-out lesson plan form the foundation for effective student learning.

With all that said, the following are four must-haves for a successful classroom. 1. Build a Sense of Urgency. 25 webs para aprender inglés en Secundaria. Recopilamos las mejores páginas web destinadas a los estudiantes de Secundaria para la asignatura de Inglés. La parte teórica se combina con diferentes propuestas didácticas y juegos para trabajar esta materia de una forma más amena y divertida. ¡Es hora de prepararse para sacar lo mejor de cada uno en los estudios! #Estudiar. Curriculum Conversations: 7 Do's and Don'ts.

Leaders are full of power. They share powerful ideas, make powerful decisions, and create powerful results. Initially, the power of leadership is inspiring, but after looking deeper, maybe not so much. We overlook how the exertion of power sometimes leaves others feeling powerless. I'm not used to supposing. Kelley and Conner's Emotional Cycle of Change - from