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New Teachers: Classroom-Management Fundamentals

New Teachers: Classroom-Management Fundamentals
Tips, Advice, and Strategies New Teachers: Classroom Management Essentials: Four easy-to-implement strategies you can put to use today to help foster learning in the classroom. (Edutopia, 2017) 19 Big and Small Classroom Management Strategies: Read about a few big strategies to keep in mind, and explore over a dozen quick interventions that can help keep students focused on learning. (Edutopia, 2016) Classroom-Management: Important Big-Picture Questions: Before getting into the minutiae, consider how you organize your space, what learning looks like, and how you’re building relationships with families. Tips for the Primary Grades The 5 Priorities of Classroom Management: Learn how to effectively manage a classroom by building relationships, leveraging time, and designing behavioral standards. Tips for the Middle and Secondary Grades Flexible Seating in Middle School: Learn how giving your students a choice about where and on what they can sit aids classroom management. Related:  ATT SORTERAFormation continue...

Diez canales educativos imprescindibles de YouTube para alumnos y profesores Hoy en día YouTube se ha convertido en una fuente inmensa de conocimiento. Hay videos y tutoriales sobre cualquier cosa que uno pueda imaginarse. Esto constituye una ventaja a la hora de encontrar recursos audiovisuales que te sirvan para apoyar tus explicaciones en clase, plantear actividades un poco diferentes, o aplicar nuevas metodologías como la pedagogía inversa o flipped classroom. Sin embargo, a menudo es difícil zambullirse en ese mar de información y encontrar lo que uno necesita sin perder tiempo. 1. Además de consultar estos portales, os invitamos a suscribiros al canal de aulaPlaneta en Youtube. Jigsaw y flipped classroom en aulas multigrado de escuela rural. Durante el último mes de este curso 2016-2017, en mi centro, un colegio rural agrupado (CRA), se va a realizar una experiencia piloto, en la que se va a combinar el flipped classroom con una adaptación del jigsaw classroom a las condiciones de este tipo de centro educativo. Se pretende comprobar si este tipo de experiencias, pueden extenderse y convertirse en práctica habitual. La técnica de aprendizaje cooperativo jigsaw, fue diseñada, en 1971, por el Dr en Psicología Social Elliot Aronson (de ahí que se conozca también como puzzle de Aronson) para intentar mejorar las relaciones sociales, en las, en aquella época, incipientes escuelas multirraciales de Texas. Esta técnica pivota sobre la interdependencia que se genera entre los miembros del grupo, que “es lo que estimula a los alumnos a ser parte activa en su proceso de aprendizaje” (Aronson y Patnoe, 1997 citados en Traver y García, 2004). Esta política es consecuencia lógica, de las características propias de este tipo de aulas.

Behavior Management Tips from Veteran Teachers - TeacherVision A helpful list of tips about behavior management. Learn how you can make a classroom full of students run smoothly. Don't make any rules for your class that you are not willing to follow through with. Always be consistent and fair and let your students know that you mean what you say.Joan YoungChestatee Elementary SchoolGainesville, GAGrade Levels: 3-5The first few days are the most important ones of the year. Help children to formulate two or three rules for the classroom. If the kids help it's easier for them to own the rules.

9 Ways to Differentiate Your Whole Group Instruction Differentiating your instruction can be overwhelming. I get it. When you hear the word "differentiation" do you automatically start breaking your class into small groups? Or maybe you start scouring Pinterest for ways to differentiate the task students will do after you teach a lesson. What I want to share with you here are ways you can differentiate your whole group instruction... tailoring the teaching you do to your whole class so it better fits each of your student's needs. Hang on now. Here are nine ways: Let's say you are planning to introduce a new reading strategy tomorrow, "synthesizing" for instance. Instead, today try pre-teaching the main focus of the lesson to that small group of students. You don't have to choose your lower level students either. Where students sit can be effective in helping you differentiate your lesson. My goal is to move some students, who I expect to struggle, forward so I can interact with them more easily. Split Question Build-On Question

12 Rules The Best Teachers Live By Responding to the release of a new study earlier this month that shows adult Americans rank below average in math, technology, and literacy skills as compared to 24 other developed countries, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan told NBC’s Matt Lauer that the findings “confirm what so many of us already believe, that we have a real state of crisis.” In Florida, a group of parents are proceeding with a lawsuit against the state for neglecting its responsibility to offer an “efficient, safe, secure and uniform high-quality” education to their children. The symptoms of a crippled American education system are evident throughout our daily news cycles. The brilliant educators featured in American Teacher represent a wide assortment of backgrounds, academic subjects, experience levels, scholastic environments, and student demographics. Rule 1: Rules are made to be broken. “Really good education is all about risk-taking and about making a mess; learning is chaotic, right?”

El Blog de Educación y TIC 27 Classroom Management Strategies To Keep Things Fresh 27 Classroom Management Strategies To Keep Things Fresh Classroom management is as much about instructional design and relationships as it is rules and discipline. Though there are certainly exceptional situations, in general the more you’re having to hold them under your thumb, the more likely it is adjustments are necessary elsewhere. We recently shared on of Mia Macmeekin’s graphics–one thematically similar–when we published the visual “27 Ways To Respond When Students Don’t.” A nice follow-up to that collection are the following strategies that you can add to your teacher tool-belt. Oh–and check out our two favorite sets of classroom rules while you’re at it. 27 Classroom Management Strategies To Keep Things Fresh

Teen Engagement in Learning Starts With Respect We know that adolescents are acutely aware of when adults are treating them with respect and when they aren't. We also know that engagement leads to successful academic outcomes and a greater sense of well-being for both the student and educator. If teens are more likely to engage with adults who respect them, it's safe to say that respect is essential to student learning. When adolescents describe the ways in which they experience respect, they report that they want to feel challenged by being pushed beyond their comfort zone. They want adults to hold the bar high for them. They feel respected when adults listen and respond to them without judgment, and accept their beliefs and values, however different from their own. But adolescents can be uniquely frustrating to many adults. We can demonstrate at least six specific skills to help create a respectful relationship with teens. 1. All behaviors have a function. 2. 3. 4. 5. Without self-awareness, we cannot be effective, helpful adults.

Ten books every teacher should read | Teacher Network Plato’s Republic, Rousseau’s Émile and Dewey’s Democracy and Education – there’s a strong case to be made, as Dennis Hayes has, that these are the only books on education that teachers need to read. But if I was about to enter the classroom as a teacher for the first time or was looking to improve my practice, I would probably want to read something with more practical advice on what I should be doing and, more importantly, on what I shouldn’t. Much of what happens in a classroom is highly variable and hard to define, but over the last 10 years a wealth of books has sought to draw together evidence from other fields and provide a series of “best bets” on what might have the greatest impact on student learning. Here are just a few of them. Why Don’t Students Like School? Understanding is remembering in disguise In this eminently readable book, Willingham takes findings from cognitive science and applies them to the classroom in a straightforward and practical way.

Positive Classroom Behavior by Pearson Education Development Group Classroom behavior is one of the trickiest issues teachers face today. Disruptive behavior results in lost curriculum time and creates a classroom environment that is not always conducive to learning. One key to nipping behavioral problems in the bud is to promote positive behavior before problems arise. This takes some planning, but the following article will provide you with practical tips to help you lay a foundation for positive classroom behavior. It probably won't surprise you that classroom control/discipline is rated among the top four challenges teachers face in public schools today. In fact, almost half the teachers polled said that discipline was a serious problem in their schools. Unfortunately, teachers face not only the challenge of managing their students' behavior while teaching the curriculum. Of course, there is no one "correct" way to encourage positive classroom behavior. Additional Resources Offline Charles, C.M.

¿Qué es el design thinking? El design thinking es el proceso de innovar centrándonos en las personas, esto es, integrar las necesidades de las personas y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías para alcanzar el éxito en nuestra empresa. Un proceso ágil que busca encontrar las soluciones prácticas ante los problemas de las personas. Principales pasos del Design Thinking El proceso de Design Thinking es muy parecido al del lean startup, incluyendo el desarrollo de ideas previo, buscando definir una idea, investigar sobre ella y poder llegar a una solución lo antes posible. Definir: definimos el problema y qué palabras emplearemos para resolverlo. Investigar: aquí queremos empatizar con las personas que forman parte del proceso de investigación. Idear: podemos hacer un brainstorming de todas las ideas que tengamos para encontrar la solución al problema del cliente. Prototipar: el producto mínimo viable forma parte de este proceso. ¿Qué aporta esta técnica a tu empresa? El design thinking como estrategia para la innovación

20 Classroom Management Strategies Paper airplanes fly across the room. Students race between desks. You can’t get a word in, as they yell over you. It doesn’t have to be this dramatic, like a movie scene you’d watch in a media literacy lesson, but poor classroom management will almost assuredly elevate your stress and burnout rates. Unfortunately, 2006 research indicates that teachers overwhelmingly report lack of professional development support in improving classroom management. Despite this unideal situation, there are straightforward approaches you can implement by yourself. Available as a downloadable list to keep at your desk, below are 20 research-backed classroom management strategies and techniques. Use the ones that best appeal to your situation and teaching style. Universal classroom management strategies 1. Make a habit of demonstrating behavior you want to see, as many studies show that modeling effectively teaches students how to act in different situations. 2. 3. 4. “Do you have a question?” 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11.

Classroom Management: The Intervention Two-Step All of us have had major classroom disruptions that try our patience and push our limits. These incidents can threaten our sense of control and generate fear of looking weak to other students. We fear that other students might do the same thing if we don't take a strong stance. Couple these feelings with the possibility of taking the disruption personally, and we have a recipe for disaster. It's important that we divide our response into two parts: Immediate stabilizationIntervention to resolve these issues Crisis Management If you go to the emergency room, the goal is not to make you better (unless the required treatment is minor). The same is true in the classroom. Calming down requires time for both the student and teacher to depersonalize the incident. Common wisdom tells us to intervene as fast as possible, that waiting is a bad thing. Do's, Don'ts and 5 Examples Understand that stabilizing is not excusing, letting the student get away with anything or ignoring. Things to avoid:
