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Quick guide to asking Cambridge Analytica for your data. Cambridge Analytica has finally responded (past deadline, after some threatening emails) to requests by individuals all over Europe and the United States for a copy of their data. I give here some advice on how to go further, and offer a template for responding at the bottom. Cambridge Analytica’s response included specific instructions on payment and required identity proofs (copy/pastable version, if you need the bank account numbers): First, a couple comments about this first: The data compliance obligation is passed on to the “parent” company, SCL Group. Secondly, you have a lot more rights than just accessing your data. I suggest to those who wish to send this template to, alongside a photo ID and two proofs of identity, and in addition to the 10 GBP fee. I cannot foresee any direct negative consequence to doing so, except losing 10 GBP.

Dear Data Compliance Team at SCL Group, It has now been a long time since I initially asked for my data. Sincerely Yours, Inside Donald Trump’s Data Analytics Team on Election Night - WSJ. The British data-crunchers who say they helped Donald Trump to win. It’s the Brits wot won it. That is, the US presidential election was won for Donald Trump with the help of a bunch of British nerds — data scientists from a company called Cambridge Analytica. This was the claim, at least, made by the company in a press release a couple of days after the election. ‘No one saw it coming. The public polls, the experts, and the pundits: just about every-body got it wrong.

Trump, it turns out, was not just a billionaire with a big mouth and a Twitter account. Cambridge Analytica began the long election cycle working for Ted Cruz and then, after he failed, moved to Trump. ‘The impressive bit,’ says Nix, is to expand the findings from those who took the personality tests to the entire American electorate of 230 million. Listen to Paul Wood on Trump and the data-crunchers To the detractors, this is pure fantasy.

A Republican data scientist for a rival firm said he did not use psychographics. That charge is wearily familiar to Matt Oczkowski. The truth (sort of) about fake news | The Times Magazine | The Times & The Su... One Sunday at the end of last year, a 28-year-old man with a beard, a pistol and an AR-15 assault rifle walked into a Washington DC pizza restaurant called Comet Ping Pong looking for Hillary Clinton’s child sex slaves. He didn’t find any. He spent 45 minutes there, also looking for secret tunnels, but he didn’t find any of those, either. His name was Edgar Maddison Welch, and he’d driven there from his home, which was 350 miles away in North Carolina. At one point he appears to have opened fire, either into the walls or the ceiling. Nobody was hurt. Eventually he put his rifle down on a beer keg, his pistol onto a table and handed himself in to police.

Want to read more? Register with a few details to continue reading this article. The myth that British data scientists won the election for Trump. Claims that social media data won the presidency are greatly exaggerated A piece of data science mythology has been floating around the internet for several weeks now. It surfaced most recently in Vice, and it tells the story of a firm, Cambridge Analytica, that was supposedly instrumental in Donald Trump’s campaign. The story goes that by analysing marketing and social media data during the EU Referendum, data scientists were able to model the personalities of voters in unprecedented detail, helping the Leave campaign to an unlikely victory. Shortly after that, the firm was employed by the Trump campaign where, we are told, it contributed to another unlikely victory.

For me this story is like candy floss – it looks nice and substantial, but when you stick it in your mouth there's not much there and you’re still hungry. The reporting leaves a ton of questions unanswered, and when you try to look into them the results are less than satisfying. But let's just think this through. Revealed: how US billionaire helped to back Brexit | Politics. This article is the subject of a legal complaint on behalf of Cambridge Analytica LLC and SCL Elections Limited. The US billionaire who helped bankroll Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency played a key role in the campaign for Britain to leave the EU, the Observer has learned. It has emerged that Robert Mercer, a hedge-fund billionaire, who helped to finance the Trump campaign and who was revealed this weekend as one of the owners of the rightwing Breitbart News Network, is a long-time friend of Nigel Farage.

He directed his data analytics firm to provide expert advice to the Leave campaign on how to target swing voters via Facebook – a donation of services that was not declared to the electoral commission. The communications director of, Andy Wigmore, told the Observer that the longstanding friendship between Nigel Farage and the Mercer family led Mercer to offer his help – free – to the Brexit campaign because of their shared goals. . … we have a small favour to ask. The Guardian view on big data: the danger is less democracy | Editorial | Opi... The Observer’s discovery that a secretive firm apparently bankrolled by a rightwing billionaire was at work in the Brexit referendum to sway voters selected on the basis of their Facebook profiles highlights the way in which the erosion of privacy can lead to an erosion of democracy – and will inevitably do so without firm, clear, principled action by governments and courts.

The same firm, Cambridge Analytica, has also been credited with helping the Trump campaign in a similar way, although this is disputed by some observers. Even if we can’t know how effective such campaigns have been, they will spread so long as any political organisation suspects that its opponents might gain an advantage from them. Willie Sutton, the American bank robber, explained that he robbed banks “because that’s where the money is”, and political campaigns are certainly going to use Facebook because that’s where the voters are.

Our model of democracy is based on public campaigning followed by private voting. Big Data : données personnelles. Les Big Data sont au cœur de projets complexes qui dépassent la seule data science, qui n’est que l’outil technique de sa mise en oeuvre. Ces projets, qui irriguent toute l’entreprise, de la base au sommet, dans toutes ses fonctions, dans tous ses métiers, sont confrontés en premier lieu à un droit pensé au vingtième siècle et qui, en l’état, est mal outillé, voire inadapté pour les appréhender. Mais les principes qui ont présidé à l’élaboration de ces règles, fussent-elles dépassées, demeureront longtemps d’actualité. Il s’agit essentiellement de protéger l’homme contre lui-même ou contre les projets qui, quelles que soient leurs finalités, nuiraient à son identité, à ses libertés ou à des droits fondamentaux.

Par ailleurs, le droit évolue. Il devient collaboratif, s’inscrit dans un contexte de responsabilisation (« accountability ») et de co-régulation. pascal_alix_bio.pdf bio_resumevincent_corruble.pdf bio-hugues_le_bars-aristote.pdf ce_lia_zolynski_bio_resume_sept_15.pdf. Big Data and Social Analytics certificate course | MIT. Earn an MIT certificate in the fundamental theory and analysis of big data to better understand and predict human networks and behaviours in social structures.

“Understanding these human-machine systems is what's going to make our future social systems stable and safe. We are getting beyond complexity, data science and web science, because we are including people as a key part of these systems. That's the promise of Big Data, to really understand the systems that make our technological society. As you begin to understand them, then you can build systems that are better.” Founding faculty director of MIT Connection Science; Course Instructor Big Data and Social Analytics certificate course Online and part-time The University of Cape TownPayroll and Tax Administration online short course This course could be the right fit for your career, if you're looking to: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | School of Architecture + Planning Download the course information pack to learn more. Dave Shrier. L’impact des Big Data et de l’analytique sur les entreprises en 2016. Laurent Bride, CTO de Talend, spécialiste des logiciels d’intégration des Big Data, estime que l’analyse en temps réel des Big Data occupera une place centrale dans l’entreprise.

Elle en sera même réorganisée. De toutes les innovations technologiques émergentes, l’analyse des Big Data en temps réel sera clairement le principal facteur de changement en 2016. L’analyse rétrospective de données n’est plus une option pour les entreprises, qui doivent absolument pouvoir profiter d’informations exploitables dans l’immédiat, en particulier vu le rythme auquel évoluent les consommateurs comme le marché.

Il est essentiel de disposer des informations personnalisées immédiatement ! De telles capacités d’intégration et de traitement de données sont désormais courantes? De nouvelles menaces émergeront de zones imprévues, augmentant ainsi la nécessité de se focaliser sur les clients Pendant des années, les entreprises ont cherché à axer leurs activités sur leurs clients. National | Les mégadonnées, un moyen de vous démarquer. Par Julie Sobowale Automne 2014 Illustration par Thomas Dannenberg Comment vous distinguez-vous de la concurrence? Et si vous pouviez démontrer à vos clients comment votre taux de réussite devant les tribunaux est supérieur à celui d’autres cabinets?

Il existe un moyen : l’analytique des données juridiques. En effet, les quantités astronomiques de données recueillies par les cabinets d’avocats et autres nous donnent l’occasion d’acquérir de nouvelles perspectives sur les dossiers juridiques et les clients, de mesurer la réussite, de résoudre des problèmes complexes et d’aider les clients à mi­nimiser leurs risques. La pratique soulève des préoccupations entourant la protection des renseignements personnels, et le milieu juridique tarde à tirer profit de cette technique, qui nécessite un investissement technologique et du personnel spécialisé.

L’analytique des données consiste à examiner tout un corpus de données pour avoir une compréhension nouvelle d’une situation. Data Gratuites. Big Data Is Here - How Can Law Firms Benefit? - Aderant News. By Dave Maher, Aderant Sr Product Manager Overview We have all heard the hype around Big Data over the last year or two, but what does Big Data mean and how can it help law firms? First, what is Big Data? Big Data refers to the myriad of unstructured data that is available to firms, which may have valuable information locked within it, but is not easily extracted using traditional methods. Business intelligence uses descriptive statistics with data with high information density to measure things, detect trends, etc.Big Data uses inductive statistics with data with low information density whose huge volume allows analysts to infer laws (regressions), thus giving (with the limits of inference reasoning) to Big Data some predictive capabilities.

Effectively, it is all the data you hold in emails, documents, weblogs, intranets, extranets, etc., that is not easily measured by traditional structured data processes used in business today. Big Data vs. So what does Big Data offer the legal market?

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