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» Listen to the Radio Show Archive Alex Jones. 3 Hangover Mistakes You Always Make. We’re not sure anyone with a hangover ever said this: Where’s the nearest bus that can hook me up to an IV?

3 Hangover Mistakes You Always Make

But apparently an anesthesiologist in Las Vegas did. The entrepreneur created Hangover Heaven—a bus that recently rolled onto the strip to treat you with intravenous saline solution mixed with vitamins and pain medications. If the idea of jumping on a bus and paying $90 to $200 to cure a hangover in about 45 sounds a tad sketchy, we don’t blame you. Experts say it does work, though—you want to hydrate to counteract the diuretic effect of alcohol on your body.

But hey, men do stupid things to cure hangovers every day. More from 11 Ways to Ease a Hangover Tylenol Be careful of what pain medication you take for that jackhammer in your head, says Robert Swift, M.D., a professor at Brown University’s Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. Acetaminophen—the active ingredient in Tylenol—needs to be metabolized by the liver just like alcohol. Obliterate Belly Fat! 4 Ways to Be a Man. Edit Article MindBodySpiritLove Edited by KnowItSome, Sondra C, Richard, Devil President and 64 others Like it or not, it takes more than a pair of cojones to achieve manhood.

4 Ways to Be a Man

Cultures around the world have rites of passage to symbolize it, as well as customs to preserve it. This article focuses on the journey from boyhood to manhood, rather than any fundamental difference between men and women. Ad Steps Part 1 of 4: Mind 1Know yourself. 5Let go of self-destructive thoughts or customs. Part 2 of 4: Body 1Groom yourself, unless you are living out in the woods. 4Don't use drugs as a crutch. Part 3 of 4: Spirit 1Develop your own principles. 5Be a good man. Part 4 of 4: Love.

A Voice for Male Students: Educational Equity for Men and Boys. DNews: Are Men Going Extinct? Men’s Interests and Lifestyle. Men's Health Magazine : Men's Guide to Fitness, Health, Weight Loss, Nutrition, Sex, Style and Guy Wisdom. Quotes About Complexity (49 quotes) Roar of the rutting stag: why men have deep voices. It's the rutting season.

Roar of the rutting stag: why men have deep voices

From Richmond Park to the Isle of Rum, red deer hinds will be gathering, and the stags that have spent the past 10 months minding their own business in bachelor groups are back in town, with one thing on their minds. A mature male that has netted himself a harem is very dedicated. He practically stops eating, focusing instead on keeping his hinds near and his competitors at bay. If you're a red deer stag, one of the ways you make sure that your adversaries know you mean business – and that you're big – is roaring. And you don't let up. While female red deer prefer the deeper roars of larger stags, roaring also appears to be part of how stags size one another up, before deciding whether or not to get engaged in a full-on physical fight.

In human evolution, much is made of the low position of the larynx in the neck. The relative position of the larynx tends to be lower in men than in women, and as far as speaking goes, this may actually be a disadvantage. Single Dad Laughing by Dan Pearce. Talks about Men. What His Facial Hair Says About Him. Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer. This is a great expose by the late Dr.

Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer

E.L. Martin. It documents the true history of the Samaritans, the meaning of the word "peter" in the ancient world and the "church" that was established at Rome by Simon the Sorcerer. "But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.

And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. Right from the very beginning, Satan had his counterfeit "messiah" operating right in the true Messiah's backyard. Simon believed and was baptized. From Simon Magus we get the word simony which means to buy a religious office with money.

After his encounter with St. The Difference between Aliens, Demons and Fallen Angels. The Difference Between Fallen Angels, Demons, Aliens, Jedi, and the Watchers By Sherry Shriner In these last days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and the mixture and corruption of human DNA by fallen angels, also known as "Aliens.

The Difference between Aliens, Demons and Fallen Angels

" The government is and has been, conditioning the existence of aliens through Hollywood, science fiction, cartoons, and other sources. However, they are not telling you the whole truth.