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101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women

101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women
I’ve considered myself a feminist and male ally to women for quite some time. When I took my first Women’s Studies class two years ago with Professor Denise Witzig, little did I know that it would take me down an unsuspecting, beautiful, and transformative path towards feminism. Below, I’ve complied a list of 101 everyday ways for men to be allies to women. I must acknowledge that this post was written with cisgender, heterosexual men as a possible, target audience due to the lack of support from this group. 1. I’m very intentional in making this point first. 2. In order to be a successful ally, you must make a daily effort to understand privilege. 3. Allies are not perfect by any means. 4. If you’re serious about being an ally, I think this point is somewhat obvious. 5. Many of my female friends have told me that instances of catcalling and street harassment are some of the most frightening, awkward, intrusive, and degrading experiences of their lives. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Related:  FéminismeOther Side of the Sky

Féminisation de la langue: quelques réflexions théoriques et pratiques Les personnes lisant régulièrement ce blog auront sûrement remarqué que j’essaie au maximum d’éviter d’employer le masculin universel (j’explique ci-dessous ce que j’entends par là). Je voudrais tenter d’expliquer pourquoi (c’est le côté théorique) et surtout comment, par quelques réflexions liées à mon parcours sur cette question et à ma pratique comme féministe, blogueuse, mais aussi comme prof de français langue étrangère. Cette pratique est en évolution constante. Alors que j’étais d’abord extrêmement réticente, je me suis habituée à ces graphies à force de lectures et d’échanges militants, et j’aurais du mal aujourd’hui à faire marche arrière. Ces théories et pratiques rencontrent énormément de résistances. J’ai bien conscience que traiter ce genre de sujet va m’attirer plein de remarques sympathiques en commentaire. Une dernière remarque avant de commencer, à propos du titre: le terme de « féminisation » pour désigner ces pratiques n’est pas forcément adapté. Problèmes rencontrés

Dear men, This is why we are crushed by Donald Trump’s win. You may have noticed a lot of women are pretty distressed by the US election result, whether or not they live in the States. For many of you guys out there who seek to engage with them by commenting on how Bernie Sanders would have won, or that this is simply indicative of how many disenfranchised people there are in middle America who want change and we need to heed them and it’s not all racist and sexist people who voted for Trump, let me give you an insight into how many of us women are feeling right now. This is why your well-intentioned comments are falling flat. All of us women, every single one of us, has a litany of memories we keep tucked away in our brain of moments where we had to deal with misogyny and keep going. This is me sharing more than I ever have. The street performer who grabbed me by the breast in public while I was a teenager and no one did anything. You may also be thinking that I have just had bad luck, but you’re wrong.

Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person... Years ago, some feminist on the internet told me I was "Privileged." "THE FUCK!?!?" I said. I came from the kind of Poor that people don't want to believe still exists in this country. So when that feminist told me I had "white privilege," I told her that my white skin didn't do shit to prevent me from experiencing poverty. After one reads McIntosh's powerful essay, it's impossible to deny that being born with white skin in America affords people certain unearned privileges in life that people of another skin color simple are not afforded. "I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented."" If you read through the rest of the list, you can see how white people and people of color experience the world in two very different ways. I do understand McIntosh's essay may rub some people the wrong way. And no, I couldn't go shopping without fear in our low income neighborhoods. I know now that I AM Privileged in many ways.

Animus Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Définition en psychologie analytique[modifier | modifier le code] « Chez la femme, à l'inverse, l'élément de compensation revêt un caractère masculin, et c'est pourquoi je l'ai appelé l'animus. Si, déjà, décrire ce qu'il faut entendre par anima ne constitue pas précisément une tâche aisée, il est certain que les difficultés augmentent quand il s'agit de décrire la psychologie de l'animus. (...) Le fait qu'un homme attribue naïvement à son Moi les réactions de son anima sans même être effleuré par l'idée qu'il est impossible pour quiconque de s'identifier valablement à un complexe autonome, ce fait qui est un malentendu se retrouve dans la psychologie féminine dans une mesure, si faire se peut, plus grande encore. (...) D'après Elysabeth Leblanc dans son ouvrage La psychanalyse jungienne, l'Animus, comme l'Anima, comporte de stades selon le niveau psycho-affectif de la femme. « La femme doit veiller sur son animus, sur sa nature.

The Right-Wing War On Women’s Rights By Marie Diamond "The Right-Wing War On Women’s Rights" As states around the country wrap up their legislative sessions, it’s a good time to assess what their priorities have been. Republicans swept into power last November on a platform of economic populism, vowing to do their part to help the millions of American families struggling in the wake of the worst recession in 80 years. Instead, they’ve focused relentlessly on a narrow set of social issues — in particular, scaling back women’s reproductive rights and family planning services. The consequences of the GOP’s war on women have been nothing short of disastrous, jeopardizing access to basic health care for millions of American women. ABORTION ABOVE ALL ELSE: GOP-controlled state legislatures have been doing everything in their power to impede women’s constitutional right to abortion services. Evening Brief: Important Stories That You May Have Missed Republican Sens.

How the iPhone Helps Perpetuate Modern-Day Slavery | Carl Gibson "How do we have this amazing microtechnology? Because the factory where they're making these, they jump off the fucking roof because it's a nightmare in there. You really have a choice -- you can have candles and horses and be a little kinder to each other, or let someone suffer immeasurably far away just so you can leave a mean comment on YouTube while you're taking a shit." The iPhone 6 is coming out soon. Since 1998, seven million people have died in a civil war that continues to plague the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As this mini-documentary from the Pulitzer Center shows, children as young as 13 are forced to work in the mines for as little as 2 dollars a day. The raw materials mined in Congo are then sent to factories in China -- most notably, the Foxconn plant in Shenzhen. However, it isn't just low-paid Apple store workers who are getting shafted. The decision will ultimately be up to us, the buyers.

La femme moderne selon les magazines féminins Temps de lecture: 5 min Pour un garçon, partir en vacances avec une fille implique deux choses: 1) supporter ses interminables séances de bronzage et 2) en profiter pour feuilleter les magazines féminins qui traînent sur le coin de sa serviette. Une lecture appréciée de la plupart des mâles, quoiqu'ils en disent: sous prétexte de se moquer de leurs traditionnels psycho-tests, c'est l'occasion de se rincer l'œil en douce (tous les mecs savent qu'il y a bien plus de demoiselles à poil dans Elle que dans n'importe quel FHM). Mais ça permet aussi de se mettre activement à la place d'une fille pendant quelques minutes. Et, là, franchement, quand on voit le nombre d'injonctions ultra-culpabilisantes auxquelles la gent féminine est soumise à longueur de pages, on la plaint. Ah, on nous murmure à l'oreillette que la presse féminine est simplement «frivole» et «pas prise de tête». La vie de la femme moderne n'est qu'un long orgasme En vrac: «Où faire l’amour? Vous êtes grosse et moche?

Reviving the Ancient Sisterhood In the heart of every woman beats the longing to sit with her sisters, to crack open, connect deeply and share her vulnerability, her joys, fears and her dreams. In ancient times the unfettered magic of the sacred feminine flowed freely. Her abundant fertility and creative power was in harmony with the principles of nature and flourished. For over 2000 years, the dominant paradigm in our world has been the masculine impetus. While sisterhood is rising and becoming a powerful healing force, many women are still healing their own wounds. The primal bond between mother and child is core to wholeness and the feminine mystery. My own journey with sisterhood has been interesting and not always easy. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller Women are created to be together, to collaborate, to support each other, and to be a sacred community. Women are created to be together, to collaborate, to support each other, and to be a sacred community. So what is sisterhood?

Does Being Vegan Really Help Animals? : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture More people are moving toward a plant-based diet, owing in part to evidence about human health and environmental sustainability, and in part to the emerging scientific consensus on the breadth and depth of animal consciousness and sentience. Full disclosure: I am a pesco-vegetarian — I eat an occasional fish. But how might choosing to eat fewer animals than ever before — or no animals at all (vegetarian), or no animals or animal products (vegan) — make a difference for animals or for the world? This question is on my mind this week, as I read a book titled Ninety-Five: Meeting America's Farmed Animals in Stories and Photographs. It suggests that 95 "is the average number of animals spared each year by one person's vegan diet." There are a variety of sources estimating average individual intakes of meat. What does "spared" in this context actually mean? Thanks to Alka, Bruce and Paul for helping illuminate the relationship between our food choices and the well-being of other animals.

Feminism in London :: Home La gattara e lo stigma sulla cura – Resistenza Femminista di Gabriele Lenzi Attraverso i media, viene rinforzato lo stigma sulla “gattara”, una figura portatrice di un’etica della cura della relazione su cui si riversano i più disparati aspetti dell’odio misogino e specista. Credo che uno sguardo maschile su questo tema sia particolarmente utile: in fondo, ciò di cui voglio parlare sono alcuni degli stereotipi e dei pregiudizi con cui ogni giorno si cerca di colonizzare in particolare l’immaginario e le azioni degli uomini. (Questo intervento è stato pensato per Vegan Days Livorno 2014. È bello incrociare luoghi dove diverse lotte sociali, diverse istanze etiche vogliono confrontarsi e mischiarsi. Un piccolo passo ancora, per una città spesso inospitale, nella direzione degli elementi positivi che citavo, un paio di anni fa, qui.) Nel 2013 in Italia, su Real Time TV, inizia la serie Io e la mia ossessione, apparsa originariamente negli USA con il titolo My Strange Addiction a partire dal 2010.
