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'Daring' Doris Long, 99, in Spinnaker Tower abseil bid. PD James' top 10 tips for writing a novel. 8 November 2013Last updated at 20:02 ET By Alison Feeney-Hart BBC News.

PD James' top 10 tips for writing a novel

Stirling Prize: Bishop Edward King Chapel. 16 September 2013Last updated at 03:10 ET By Lucy Townsend BBC News Magazine Continue reading the main story.

Stirling Prize: Bishop Edward King Chapel

Simon Parke. Is there a God?

Simon Parke

Posted by Simon Parke, 16 September 2013, 5.13am. Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013. 18 September 2013Last updated at 21:27 ET From views of the Moon and our neighbours in the solar system, to colourful depictions of the gases and galaxies which swirl in deep space.

Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013

Take a look at the best images - and see the overall winner - of this year's Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. Continue reading the main story. Breathtaking Australian Star Trails. Photos du journal - Island Visions Photography. Rev'd Claire. Sermon for 15th September 2013 Proper 19 Trinity 16 Year C Exodus 32:7-14; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10 May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight O Lord our strength and our Redeemer.

Rev'd Claire

Amen In all of our readings this morning there is a common theme, and that theme is sin. US pilot forced to end Atlantic cluster balloon flight. 13 September 2013Last updated at 05:53 ET Jonathan Trappe in his helium balloon ship A US man has been forced to abandon his bid to cross the Atlantic in a lifeboat suspended by some 370 helium balloons because of technical problems.

US pilot forced to end Atlantic cluster balloon flight

An online post confirmed Jonathan Trappe had to quit his attempt over Newfoundland, but was "safe and well". Mr Trappe lifted off from the city of Caribou in the state of Maine amid heavy fog at dawn on Thursday. He previously completed successful cluster balloon voyages across the Alps and the English Channel. Baby wombat. Beliefs about willpower determine the impact of glucose on self-control. Author Affiliations Contributed by Carol S.

Beliefs about willpower determine the impact of glucose on self-control

Dweck, July 18, 2013 (sent for review January 19, 2013) Significance The present research provides critical new findings about the role of glucose ingestion in self-control and cognitive performance. It argues against the popular view that self-control depends on a limited physiological resource (blood glucose) that is depleted by even brief acts of self-control and is restored by glucose consumption. Photos du journal. Wp0511. Leadership Lessons from Geese.

I made this presentation for an assembly a couple of years ago.

Leadership Lessons from Geese

I have since discovered several identical versions on the internet.. but this was my effort. The point of the assembly is obvious enough. Although it has spawned a continuing stream of ‘animal analogy’ or goose-themed gags from my students ever since, the messages are clear: teamwork, taking your turn at the front, supporting your peers, being encouraging – it all pays dividends. Part time priest: Climate change: funny/not so funny. I thought Ian McEwan's 'Solar' (2010) would be a serious book about a serious subject: global warming.

part time priest: Climate change: funny/not so funny

Then I started reading it. It was really funny at first. Hope On the Edge. Part time priest: How to be humble. Luke 14: 'When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honour, he told them a parable.

part time priest: How to be humble

‘When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of honour, in case someone more distinguished than you has been invited by your host; and the host who invited both of you may come and say to you, “Give this person your place”, and then in disgrace you would start to take the lowest place.But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, “Friend, move up higher”; then you will be honoured in the presence of all who sit at the table with you.

For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.’ Jesus noticed things, people. He was a people watcher. Pam's Perambulation. 15 Today I am giving you a choice. You can choose life and success or death and disaster. 16-18 I am commanding you to be loyal to the Lord, to live the way he has told you, and to obey his laws and teachings. You are about to cross the Jordan River and take the land that he is giving you. If you obey him, you will live and become successful and powerful. On the other hand, you might choose to disobey the Lord and reject him. WRITERS ON WRITING; Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hooptedoodle - Page 2. 3. Never use a verb other than ''said'' to carry dialogue. The line of dialogue belongs to the character; the verb is the writer sticking his nose in. But said is far less intrusive than grumbled, gasped, cautioned, lied.

Pip Wilson bhp: @GREENBELT ............ Sensational Silhouettes - une expo sur Flickr. Should we judge people of past eras for moral failings? 20 August 2013Last updated at 11:04 ET Our ancestors' views and social mores were very different Everybody thinks they know what's right and wrong. The Preachers' Blog · Preaching as reality check. Giving the Sunday best This morning I was reading a blog post which deliberately caricatures the tradition of churchy politeness and Sunday best in order to make us think about the place of reality in Christian worship and preaching.

Whilst its description of ‘mincing niceness, all scrubbed up Sunday best image with its faux piety‘ may be overstated, the point was a good one. However, as I read it I was instantly whisked away from my computer to another time and another place. It was Sunday November 24th 1996, and I was just coming out of a prayer meeting in the vestry ready to lead worship and preach. As I did so, the leader of a key mission agency took me to one side and explained about a tragedy which had unfolded on the other side of the world.

Hope On the Edge. BBC Radio 4 - I Have a Dream. Malala Yousafzai to receive children's peace prize. 27 August 2013Last updated at 15:43 ET Malala Yousafzai will receive the International Children's Peace Prize on 6 September A teenage activist shot in the head by the Taliban is to receive the International Children's Peace Prize. Malala Yousafzai was targeted as she travelled to school in Pakistan after campaigning for girls' education. The 16-year-old was treated in Birmingham where she now lives. Women's rights campaigner and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman will present Malala with the International Children's Peace Prize in The Hague, Holland, on 6 September. Afeatheronthebreathofgod.

Benjamin Zephaniah on prison, politics, and the idea of remarrying. Evening Prayer - Northumbria Community. Fascinatingpics : Time lapse ~ Arizona, USA... 5 Habits of Happy Artists - Skinny Artist. The 20 Best Graffiti Optical Illusions - Likes. Photos du journal. N2IZXOO. Creativity: Random Quotes and Images. All you need is love.

Alfredo Moser: Bottle light inventor proud to be poor. Meet Paulo Machado, the man who has lived in hospital for 45 years. 'I have a dream': Your stories 50 years on. 16 August 2013Last updated at 10:01 ET This August it will be 50 years since the American civil rights leader Martin Luther King delivered his 'I have a dream' speech. What effect has that historic moment had on your life? Dr King grew up in Atlanta under a strict system of racial segregation, which he described in a televised interview for the BBC in 1963. On 28 August 1963 more than 200,000 Americans joined a march on Washington DC demanding equal justice for all citizens under the law.

On that day, the interracial crowd heard Martin Luther King deliver his famous speech, predicting a time when freedom and equality for all would become a reality in the US. In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act outlawing all forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and outlawing discrimination against women in the US. Spirals / Formation…