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Mozilla Firefox

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Erreur SSL. Distribution INI File. Install and Configure Firefox 8 silently. Please note: The traditional method of using 'firefox.js' to set the profile defaults (see ) no longer works with Firefox 4 and above. To set default settings from an application level for all new and existing users you will need to use a general config file. The unfortunate consequence is that once the setting is configured it can not be changed by the user, whether or not you use 'pref' or 'lockPref'.

The following process has been tested and confirmed as working with Firefox 28 and SCCM R3 on Windows XP x86, Windows 7 x86, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x86 as well as Windows 8 x64. It does the following tasks: How to customise and deploy (silent install) Firefox 28: Create a temporary working folder for saving the files into (for example, create C:\TEMP\Firefox)Download the latest install file at . [XRE]EnableProfileMigrator=false Create a new text file called 'local-settings.js' and copy in the folling information:

Firefox 6 Silent Install CUSTOM [Success] @ The Decoder Wheel. Download Firefox to a folder.

Firefox 6 Silent Install CUSTOM [Success] @ The Decoder Wheel

I’m using ver. Firefox Setup 6.0.2.exe and for the rest of this explanation, I’m putting all contents into a folder called “Custom Firefox”. Create an override.ini file with the following contents and place the file into the Custom Firefox folder: [XRE]EnableProfileMigrator=false Create a mozilla.cfg file with the following contents which can be modified to suit your needs (place it inside the Custom Firefox folder: Automatic Mozilla Configurator.

How do lock down browser settings? i need to deploy the latest version of firefox to the enterprise. Firefox Lockdown Information - This page shows how to easily lock-down Mozilla Firefox's Settings before you deploy the app with my Deployment Utility.

Firefox Lockdown Information -

These instructions are based on Chris LLias's Blog entry about Locking Down Firefox. Edit the file "Mozilla Firefox\greprefs\all.js" and add the following to the end of it: Modification de l’installeur Firefox « M4nch0t! Je vais ici m’attarder sur la création d’une version personnalisé de firefox.

Modification de l’installeur Firefox « M4nch0t!

Si dans votre entreprise, vous avez un proxy, une page de démarrage particulière, un moteur de recherche privé, vous pouvez intégrer tout cela directement dans l’exe d’installation de firefox. Creating multi-lingual versions of Firefox and Thunderbird? Mar 30 JohnUncategorized Last week, I was at a language school in Shingu, Japan that uses both Firefox and Thunderbird – and they *love* what we do.

Creating multi-lingual versions of Firefox and Thunderbird?

The people working in the office are from all over the world – native speakers in various languages. When they found out I worked at Mozilla, they asked if there was a way to switch locales depending on who is using the various shared computers in the office. To be clear, they were not asking about having ‘n’ installations, one per user, each installation in a different locale. On my computer, with en-US TB2.0.0.21, I was able to install the QuickLocaleSwitcher addon, install the jp-JP-mac language pack xpi file from, restart Thunderbird, and bingo – I now had ja-JP-mac TB2.0.0.21!

I repeated the same experiment using bsmedberg’s Locale-Switcher addon instead, and it worked equally well. 1) Gotcha: One of the computers has ja-JP TB2.0.0.21 installed, so to be able to switch it to en-US meant installing the en-US xpi file. Firefox:2.0 Institutional Deployment. Introduction This document describes the feature requirements for corporate/enterprise deployment which includes large businesses (>10,000 users), small business, colleges and universities, etc.

Firefox:2.0 Institutional Deployment

Currently, there is no "Mozilla approved" MSI package for Firefox for use with Active Directory Intellimirror or SMS. There is a bugzilla entry about this. Take a look at it. If you really need this feature, get an account with bugzilla and vote for this bug. Further in this article are references to third-party efforts to create Firefox MSI packages. Deployment Process This section assumes you're running in a Windows environment: Deploying the software is easy: through re-imaging (not a good use of time, though not difficult) push this MSI file via Active Directory GPO or scripts, landesk etc... Changer la langue de Firefox et de Thunderbird.

Il a pu vous arriver de télécharger une version de Firefox et/ou de Thunderbird en anglais par exemple, et plutôt que de re-télécharger une version française, pourquoi ne pas simplement changer la langue de votre navigateur ou de votre courrieleur préféré ? Cela parait assez évident, cependant en cherchant dans les options, préférences, et autres outils, on s’aperçoit que ce n’est pas si simple, voici une (la ?) Solution … Customizing the Firefox Installer on Windows. One of the questions I get asked a lot is how to customize the Firefox installer on Windows and how to bundle extensions with it.

Customizing the Firefox Installer on Windows

I've spent the past few days learning a great deal about this subject, so I thought I would take this opportunity to provide a refresher on working with the Firefox installer on Windows. I'm going to do it as a Q&A so hopefully folks will get answers to the common questions they have. Standard disclaimer: Under no circumstances should you use this information to create a custom Firefox install and redistribute it to anyone outside your organization. If you want more information, you can consult the Mozilla Foundation Trademark Policy. What tools do I need to work with the Firefox installer? The primary tool you need is 7-Zip.