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Facebook Twitter - Apprendre le français avec des sous-titres de vidéos. Le français et vous. Apprendre le français avec des sous-titres de vidéos. 3 Magical French Christmas Lesson Plans to Spread the Holiday Cheer. Christmas is the perfect time for spreading holiday cheer in your classroom.

3 Magical French Christmas Lesson Plans to Spread the Holiday Cheer

For some, it’s a moment to bring the family together over great food. For others, it’s about the enchanting decorations, classic Christmas movies and cheerful Christmas songs. Whatever feeds the Christmas spirit in your classroom, you’ll quickly realize that your students will delight in being a part of it. French Resources. Apprendre le français – Cours et exercices gratuits avec Bonjour de France. Kits pédagogiques. Les kits pédagogiques proposent des ressources destinées aux enfants ainsi qu’à leurs profs pour mieux aborder de nombreux thèmes en classe.

Kits pédagogiques

Ces kits pédagogiques ont été conçus par des profs et pour des profs grâce au travail collaboratif entre l’équipe du WebPédagogique et ses partenaires, sur des sujets précis répondant aux attentes des programmes scolaires. Les kits pédagogiques sont gratuits et accessibles de la maternelle au lycée. En partenariat avec des organisations publiques, associatives ou privées, nous vous proposons des kits pédagogiques complets à télécharger ! Composés de diaporamas, de cahiers d’activités numériques et de fiches, ces kits pédagogiques vous permettront d’enrichir vos cours dans la plupart des matières. Découvrez ce que des univers professionnels variés peuvent vous apporter pour ancrer votre pratique pédagogique dans le réel et contribuer à rendre vos élèves mieux informés !

ReadingResources4FrenchTeachers - Expository Texts. Languages: French. Featured Books Rise of The Iron Eagle The Iron Eagle Series Book 1 Roy A.

Languages: French

Teel Jr. IRD - Le Climat sous surveillance. Fiches pédagogiques. Pour partager tout (ou presque) ce qui se passe en classe d'Histoire Géo … ParJuliette Villeminot. Naissance du projet Entre septembre 2015 et juin 2016, huit enseignants de disciplines variées du collège les Rives du Léman à Evian avons animé des ateliers transdisciplinaires en 6è et en 4è, à raison d’une heure par semaine pour chaque classe.

Pour partager tout (ou presque) ce qui se passe en classe d'Histoire Géo … ParJuliette Villeminot

Culture générale. Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. Épreuve de français - Vocabulaire. Amélioration du français - Accueil. .: MAGISTER, travaux dirigés de français :. Matériel.

Français Bac ES : Cours, Résumés et Annales Corrigées. Matin Première - Nos rubriques - Le mot de Matin Première - La Première. Le blog de Mispelaere - La Web TV de l'Afpa. Le 13 novembre: A Lesson Plan for Novice French Students - Madame's Musings. Like many of you, I have spent the weekend processing how to address Friday evening’s terrorist attacks with my students tomorrow.

Le 13 novembre: A Lesson Plan for Novice French Students - Madame's Musings

Although I consider myself a planner, this is not a lesson that can be planned. As of this time, I do not know how much my students will understand about what happened, what questions they will have, and to what extent they have been affected by these horrible events. So, although I won’t have a plan, I will have some resources available, and will decide how to implement them based on the needs of my students. In order to show my students the extent to which people around the world have been affected by the events in Paris, I’ll probably show them these pictures: Depending on their interest, I’ll also show this video of Francois Hollande speaking (with English subtitles):

Les attaques à Paris, 13 november 2015 (with images, tweets) · ekgibbons. Free French lessons. French Worksheets - Learn French Lab. On this page, you can download or print French worksheets for free.

French Worksheets - Learn French Lab

Presentations: Say your name, your age, your nationality, where you live, if you’re married and if you have any children. At the baker’s: Of course, to learn French cakes! It’s also a role play between a customer and a baker. Presentations and professions: Say where you come from, your age, if you are married, if you have any children, your job and if you like it, your place of work. Ask questions: This exercise helps students practice all interrogative words. Food shopping: In order to invite people for dinner, the student needs to design a menu and write a shopping list before going to the local store. The time: This is a role play between two friends who want to watch TV programmes. Family Tree: Role play to practice the possessive pronouns. Languages Online.

French topics. Le Petit Journal des Profs. Bienvenue Movie Project.doc - Google Docs. « CARMEN » DE STROMAE ET LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX (FICHE PÉDAGOGIQUE) En découvrant le clip Carmen de Stromae pour la première fois, j’ai été impressionnée par cet astucieux court-métrage d’animation, le petit oiseau bleu, adorable au début mais qui devient vorace en grandissant et le ton dérisoire qui tourne même à l’auto-ironie.


Et quand j’ai fini le visionnement, je me suis dit : « Voici une belle métaphore pour aborder un sujet brûlant mais d’actualité. Les élèves vont l’adorer !». Mais quelle déformation professionnelle, vous direz. Oui, oui, je sais, je suis une incurable… Mais comment pourrais-je rester insensible devant une chanson dont le clip et le texte se prêtent à merveille à une exploitation pédagogique ? Study French with role playing. French Listening Resources: Listen & Read to Improve your French Comprehension. Listening to French while reading along with the transcript is a great way to improve your comprehension as well as your pronunciation.

French Listening Resources: Listen & Read to Improve your French Comprehension

The following authentic French listening resources in video and mp3 formats were created by native speakers of French and they are free for teachers and students to download and/or use in class. All of them are spontaneous speech - nothing was scripted or rehearsed, and some were even recorded without the speaker's prior knowledge for an eavesdropping effect.

Films pour l'Halloween. French Learning Resources. L'actualité à hauteur d'enfants ! Apprendre le français. AATF French teaching resources - Page d'accueil. The DJ DELF Kit. Classroom Games for Introductory / Beginning French Classes. Every week in my first semester French class, we played games to review and reinforce what we did in the previous class.

Classroom Games for Introductory / Beginning French Classes

For other French teachers out there who are looking for more activities, these are what I actually used in my class this year. A lot of these I found on Pinterest, where I have a Teaching French at Uni board. Some of these classroom games require little to no prep, but having dice and maybe some playing pieces on hand is always a good idea. Hangman is the first game I start with to practice the alphabet, though I change it to Escape from Alcatraz (draw the stickman jumping into the water and escaping from the island) to make it somewhat less depressing. Bingo is an obvious choice for practicing numbers, and I have also used it with regular vocabulary. Battleship is pretty handy for practicing verb conjugations and putting sentences together. Guess Who ? Où se trouve ___ ? Faire expressions just requires a dice. Apples to Apples would be a good review of vocabulary. En ville Lesson Plans (3 weeks) FR III - Google Docs.

Frames. Online French Language Skills Training Courses and Certification. Lessons, Dialogues, Conversations in English, Spanish and French - English French. Learn French Online for Free: Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & Listening Resources. Buy French Language Tutorial as an e-book!

Learn French Online for Free: Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & Listening Resources

French Language Tutorial includes more than 200 pages of grammar and vocabulary topics, sample sentences, informal ways of speaking, cultural information about France, and an overview of French pronunciation. This e-book also comes with 200+ mp3s (more than FIVE HOURS) recorded by three native speakers and FREE lifetime updates. Tex's French Grammar. Online Practice - PHS French. Online Practice - PHS French. Learn French with free online lessons. Languages - French - A Guide to French - French key phrases.

Le Wiki de Madame - home. Ms. Coreggia's Profile. Français 1 Chabot. In March 2015 Français 1- Unité 4--full unit exam review 61 terms added by MmeChabot In September 2014.


Connexions - Accueil - Exercices autocorrectifs de français langue étrangère.