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22 Connect App Inventor to MySQL Android Development Tutorial for Beginners. App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: MySQL. Probably you want to read this first: What is MySQL and what is a relational database?

App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: MySQL

You can use this App Inventor example together with a php script on your web server to query your MySQL database on your web server. Shival Wolf already provided a nice App Inventor Classic - MySQL interface. I now "translated" his example into App Inventor 2 with a few adjustments. The example presented here uses the same SQL statements as used in my SQLite example. Example queries by James. Setup. Tutorials for App Inventor 2. Scratch2.0TheAdventuresofMike. Blue-Bot on the App Store.

PHP Dating Software & Dating Script with Mobile apps. Fully Customizable. Cómo crear apps de móvil sin programar. Hoy en día existen diferentes servicios y plataformas online que permiten crear productos sin los extensos conocimientos que antes se requerían para hacerlo.

Cómo crear apps de móvil sin programar

Tal es el caso de, por ejemplo, páginas web, animaciones, videojuegos o, como trataremos aquí, las aplicaciones móviles. Como es lógico, no se trata de apps para móvil increíblemente elaboradas, o con el mismo nivel de detalle, personalización o acabado que una hecha por un equipo de profesionales. Pero aun así, estas plataformas para crear apps de móvil sin saber programar son una excelente forma de dar a conocer tu negocio en dispositivos móviles sin hacer una inversión demasiado grande - y creándolo todo con tus propias manos, que siempre aporta satisfacción personal-. Antes de nada, conviene aclarar una cosa: la diferencia entre aplicaciones web para móvil y aplicaciones nativas de móvil.

Habrás notado que hablamos todo el tiempo de precios, y de una apps más baratas o más caras. Bee-Bot dans l’App Store. Cato's Hike: A Programming and Logic Odyssey. Learn to code from the ground up! Code School - TryRuby. Tynker. 4 Great Web Tools for Creating Educational Games. June 15, 2016 Below are five of our favourite platforms that you can use with your students to create a wide variety of learning games.

4 Great Web Tools for Creating Educational Games

No coding skills are required. Designing learning games is a great way to develop students analytic thinking and foster self-expression. It is also an effective way to introduce students to basic coding and programming concepts and help them cultivate 21st century learning skills. 15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) According to, 90 percent of parents in the U.S. want their children to learn computer science—it will be crucial for many jobs in the near future—but only 40 percent of schools teach it.

Critics claim that it is mainly the more affluent schools that offer computer science courses, thus denying those who attend poorer schools the chance to learn necessary skills. A focus on STEM is not enough: also reports that while 70 percent of new STEM jobs are in computing, only 7 percent of STEM graduates are in computer science. It is imperative that savvy schools begin to focus some STEM resources on computer science and programming. Una App per creare circuiti elettrici, con la realtà aumentata. Simpatica App per creare circuiti elettrici, imparare i simboli grafici quindi riconoscerli, e divertirsi nello stesso momento!

Una App per creare circuiti elettrici, con la realtà aumentata

Per chi in classe costruisce con i ragazzi dei circuiti elettrici, sa quali difficoltà si incontrano: gli strumenti, il costo del materiale, non tutti lo portano sempre, con questa App siamo facilitati, ed il risultato è veramente coinvolgente! L’App, al momento solo per Apple, si chiama Ar Circuits. Scaricatela da App Store o dal sito AR Circuits costa 2,99 euro, una volta scaricata su Ipad o su Iphone, è necessario tornare al sito e dal menu scegliere “get Cards”, come nell’immagine, scaricare e stampare le tessere che rappresentano le parti di un circuito elettrico elementare (generatore, resistenze, interruttore, lampadine…): MIT App Inventor.

Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app!

MIT App Inventor

Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach. Hopscotch - Make your own game. Learn to code. Code Kingdoms - Unit 1 - Lesson Plans. Code Monster from Crunchzilla. <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming.

Code Monster from Crunchzilla

It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Monster use Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want the play with the Code Monster. Coding for kids. Hopscotch - Coding for kids. Hour of Code Edition. Bitsbox - Monthly Code Projects for Kids. Raspberry Pi. Coding for kids. Create 3D digital designs with online CAD.

7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills. It's hard to imagine a single career that doesn't have a need for someone who can code.

7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding Skills

Everything that "just works" has some type of code that makes it run. Coding (a.k.a. programming) is all around us. That's why all the cool kids are coding . . . or should be. Programming is not just the province of pale twenty-somethings in skinny jeans, hunched over three monitors, swigging Red Bull. Not any more! If you're concerned that that a) elementary school students don't have the ability to code, b) there's no room in the curriculum, and c) you don't possess coding chops to teach programming skills, throw out those worries. In no particular order, we have listed all the coding apps that are appropriate for young learners.

GameStar Mechanic Platform: WebCost: $2 per student GameStar Mechanic teaches kids, ages 7-14, to design their own video games. 15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) Teaching Coding: Where Do You Start? EdSurge Newsletters Receive weekly emails on edtech products, companies, and events that matter.

Teaching Coding: Where Do You Start?

Soon after I wrote my last article on Edsurge “Where Does Tech-ed Belong in Edtech? ,” advocating for the need for computer science education, there was a surprising amount of activity in this area--from President Obama’s interview to the much talked about video. The timing of my article was purely coincidence, though I wish I could say otherwise!

It's time for every student to learn to code. By Alice Steinglass May 14th, 2015 Learning to code is about more than career readiness.

It's time for every student to learn to code

It’s about helping students make sense of their digital world Recently, there has been a lot of discussion around the importance of coding in the K-12 classroom. Made with Code. Craft Magical Spells using Code. Star Wars: Building a Galaxy With Code. Classcraft. Welcome. New App Teaches Coding With Robots. Smart Classroom Technologies New App Teaches Coding With Robots By Dian Schaffhauser08/03/15 How can teachers push students to learn programming in the classroom through such endeavors as December's upcoming Hour of Code if they don’t know how to code themselves?

New App Teaches Coding With Robots

This question led to the creation of a new app that teaches students the basics of coding without much input from the teacher. Blockly, originally developed by Google, has been updated by Wonder Workshop to allow students to control robots through a simple drag-and-drop interface. Similar to MIT's Scratch, the open source Blockly uses visual programming blocks that students can put together like pieces of a puzzle to create a program. This fall, the company will begin selling digital curriculum aligned to Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards for second through fifth grades. The company's products have been tried out in numerous schools, including John Muir Elementary (CA), Bloomfield Hills Schools (MI) and Anna H.