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ATOS Readability - ATOS for Text. Not just English. - LIX. This script calculates the readability index of some text: Just paste it into the box below and remember not to include the headings. - LIX

"LIX" or readability index is a measure of how hard a text is to read. It is defined as the percentage of words longer than six letters plus the average number of words per sentence. The following outline shows what the index you will get tells you about your text: LIX < 20: it is very easy to read LIX < 30: it is easy to read LIX < 40: it is a little hard to read LIX < 50: it is hard to read LIX < 60: it is very hard to read Note: This applies only to languages where LIX is applicable.

You can download this page in danish for offline use here. Leggibilià testo - Gulpease Indice (IT) <torna<< Indice di Leggibilità di un Testo <indice<< L'indice di leggibilità che ha avuto maggiore successo e diffusione è quello di Rudolf Flesch, messo a punto nel 1948 e noto come Indice di Flesch.

leggibilià testo - Gulpease Indice (IT)

Mancko. Readability tests and readability metrics are a way to measure the reading ease, comprehension, retention, reading speed, and reading persistence of a text.


We do not write the same way for an audience of 14-year olds or marketing specialists, for a scientific meeting or in a consent form in a hospital. Those tests will help you know if your writing meets your audience and your goal. The readability and grade level tests results are only valid according to the language of your text. When the language of your text is detected, it is displayed on an orange background. For the other supported languages, the results given are a mere approximation. English Spanish / Portuguese French Grade level equivalence between some countries Age U.S. / Canada France Spain Costa Rica. Cordial Analyser. Translated Labs - Analyseur de lisibilité Multi-langues. Introduction Les mots courts et les phrases courtes sont liés à la facilité de lecture et de compréhension.

Translated Labs - Analyseur de lisibilité Multi-langues

Les mots courts sont généralement plus courants (loi de Zipf). Les phrases courtes demandent une capacité d'abstraction moins importante au lecteur. L'analyse de lisibilité pourrait s'avérer utile pour améliorer un texte et le rendre plus accessible. Pourquoi avons-nous développé ceci? La lisibilité indique dans quelle mesure un texte donné est facile à comprendre. Technologie Lisibilité La lisibilité est déterminée en utilisant l'Indice Gulpease.

Terminologie Il utilise la statistique de Poisson, la méthode du maximum de vraisemblance et Inverse Document Frequency (Latent Semantic Analysis) parmi les fréquences des mots dans le document et le corpus de textes génériques de 100 millions de mots par langue. Je le veux! Si cette technologie vous intéresse, nous vous invitons à en savoir plus sur les Translated Labs et sur les services pour le Traitement automatique de la langue. Readability. Edit Central. Contents Introduction: On Writing Style and Diction Tools Sponsored Links Reference Books Technical Notes Privacy Policy Contact Introduction: On Writing If you want to become a better writer, you need to do the following, in order of priority: (1) write a lot, and (2) seek ideas and inspiration, and (3) get the technical details right.

Edit Central

This web site is mostly about the third and least important of these points. It should not be a surprise that to improve your writing you should write a lot. If you want to improve your piano playing, do you really think that you should spend a lot of time looking at piano catalogs? Inspiration does have a role to play, particularly if it can get you to write more. Lastly, there are the rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Style & Diction This is an interactive section for checking a sample of writing. Click the "Submit" button to look for possible problems in the text. Sponsored Links Reference Books Become an excellent writer!

Technical Notes. Lists of Tools. Smiley Cat - Online Readability Testing Tools Compared. 0Google + There are a number of readability testing tools available on the web.

Smiley Cat - Online Readability Testing Tools Compared

I was recently looking for a good online readability tool to use and as I was reviewing them I thought it would be helpful to write up my research. I found 12 tools worth checking out. My comparison of them is below. I was especially interested to see how their results compared when analyzing the same text. I didn't comment on the UI of the tools as they were all easy to use and reasonably well presented. 1. - The Readability Test Tool. Readability Formulas - All free tests list. Readability Formulas - Text Readability Consensus Calculator.

Our Automatic Readability Checker takes a sample of your writing and calculates the number of sentences, words, syllables, and characters in your sample.

Readability Formulas - Text Readability Consensus Calculator

Our program takes the output of these numbers and plugs them into seven popular readability formulas. Readability Formulas - Fry and Raygor Graph Tests. Our free Fry Graph and Raygor Graph Readability Tool uses a sample of your writing and processes it through two readability formulas, the Fry Graph and Raygor Estimate Graph.

Readability Formulas - Fry and Raygor Graph Tests

Our free readability tool will visually show you the grade level of your text and help you to decide if your readers can comprehend your materials. Additionally, our readability tool calculates the number of sentences, words, syllables, and characters in your sample. Juicy - Readability Test. Contents Readability Tests Gunning Fog, Flesch Reading Ease, and Flesch-Kincaid are reading level algorithms that can be helpful in determining how readable your content is.

Juicy - Readability Test

Reading level algorithms only provide a rough guide, as they tend to reward short sentences made up of short words. Whilst they're rough guides, they can give a useful indication as to whether you've pitched your content at the right level for your intended audience. [Back to the contents] Cohmetrix - Home. Few Statistics. OKAPI!: Readability Statistics & CBA Reading Probe Generator. Scolarius. UsingEnglish - Text Content Analyser. Generate text statistics and analyse the content of a text.

UsingEnglish - Text Content Analyser

Use our free text analysis tool to generate a range of statistics about a text and calculate its readability scores. Adam "I simply wanted to thank you on the great text analyser and its robustness. It has certainly sped up my work. " Manar "I've been using this website for a long time and it's always been the best place to answer all my questions, so thanks so much for your help that deserves millions of thanks. " Get Detailed Text Statistics. - Readability tester. Tests Document Readability. Readability Stats with MS Word. Standards-Schmandards - Multi-Langue Readability index calculator. Text » Joe's Web Tools.