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Feng-GUI - Attention Analysis for Websites and Advertisements

Feng-GUI - Attention Analysis for Websites and Advertisements
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Big Brother is watching... your website Comment apprécier le rendu visuel d’un site web? Une question encore largement ouverte au regard du nombre de solutions proposées sur le net et pour laquelle Feng-GUI, une société de Rehovot essaye d’apporter sa contribution. Le meilleur produit au monde ne se vendrait pas dans un étui peu attrayant et combien de produits quelconques ne nous attirent que par la qualité de leur emballage? Ce problème, vieux comme le monde, se pose aussi sur Internet: les chartes graphiques, les créas, l’identité visuelle… autant de mots pour définir simplement qu’un site se doit d’être beau et bien pensé pour être efficace. Alors, que vient apporter Feng-GUI ? L’automatisation! Eye-quant propose ce service déjà depuis longtemps, avec une video très pédagogique. Mais ce n’est pas tout! Quelle est l’enjeu de tout ça? Commenter cet article commentaire(s) jusqu’à présent.

Mockup Screens - Make Exciting Software Presentations For Independent Consultants... If you are independent consultant or developer, then MockupScreens allows you to prepare bids and proposals much more quickly than you can do today. If you can develop and submit an additional proposal every three months, this piece of software will pay for itself immediately. Or if You Work for Corporate IT Department! And if you work for corporate IT department, then MockupScreens avoids misunderstandings and expensive development projects that result in the wrong system being developed. Understand Your Customer: Once the requirements have been gathered, take the easy route and test your grasp of the users' needs by presenting them with the one thing they understand best. Get Better Software Requirements! Misunderstandings are costly in software development. Ensure Your Team's Success! Many top-notch software development teams don't have system analysts on board. What if You Already Own Some Other GUI Capable Tool? As Seen on MSDN Magazine: - André Duc-Taffe

HERRAMIENTAS Has Canvas SpamAssassin: Welcome to SpamAssassin 50 Creative and Effective Minimalist Print Ads | Onextrapixel - Web Design & Development Magazine Simple things are often more difficult to create as they require much more brain power to generate as compared to the most intricate stuff. In addition to this, it always impresses you when something absolutely simple is capable of expressing more than you would imagine. The universal idea of advertising is to get a message across in a straightforward and efficient way regarding a product or service; frequently the most excellent way to do this is to strip things down to the bare essentials. This post assembles a collection of 50 minimal printed advertisements, sensational examples where less is most definitely more. Creative and Effective Minimalist Print Ads Fabercastell True colours: Shark Greenpeace: Ordinary Bulbs are Killing the Environment LA Bicycle: Folding Bike Subaru Impreza STI: Scars Hut Weber: Hitler vs. K-Lynn Lingerie: Panties Bank Forum, Commerzbank: Chaos Veet: Soap Pringles Rice Infusions: Sushi Lego: Periscope Faber Castell: Night Pilot: Mummy WWF: Shark It's your turn Lego: Tank

woork Diagrama de Gantt: 11 Ejemplos y Plantillas Editables Los miembros de tu equipo te envían constantemente mensajes por Slack pidiéndote que le recuerdes los plazos de entrega. Tu cliente no deja de enviarte correos para preguntar quién es responsable de cierta parte del proyecto y cuándo estará listo. Y tu subcontratista te escribe mensajes de texto innecesarios acerca de su fecha de inicio. ¡Detén esta comunicación desenfrenada y haz un diagrama de Gantt! Un diagrama de Gantt te permite comunicar visualmente el cronograma de tu proyecto de forma simple y comprensible. Cuando todos están al tanto, puedes hacer tu trabajo mucho más fácil y rápido. Sigue leyendo para hallar ejemplos y consejos para poder crear diagramas de Gantt profesionales, llamativos y fáciles de comprender. Además consigue geniales plantillas para diagramas de Gantt que podrás personalizar de inmediato. Comencemos. Haz clic para ir a una sección específica: ¿Qué es un Diagrama de Gantt? Un Diagrama de Gantt es un cronograma de un proyecto. En resumen, un diagrama de Gantt muestra:

open processing Isabelle Fettu Facilitation, formation et conseil en communication et intelligence collective 50+ Creative Examples of Websites Designed With HTML5 The web is constantly evolving. New and creative websites are being created every day, pushing the limitations of HTML in every direction. HTML4 has been around for nearly a decade and now its time to move forward. It works on just about every platform, is compatible with older browsers, and handles errors gracefully. In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs that are coded in HTML5. The main purpose here is to stimulate your creativity and to inspire your imagination to create awesome designs because your website represents you and your brand. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. Please feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may like. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. What is HTML5 For those, who don’t know what is HTML5? Creative Examples of Websites Built Using HTML5 La Moulade Anna Safroncik Shoppub
