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Epuisement des ressources de pétrole. Gas Industry Report Calls Anti-Fracking Movement a "Highly Effective Campaign" Opponents of hydraulic fracturing rally in New York City.

Gas Industry Report Calls Anti-Fracking Movement a "Highly Effective Campaign"

(Photo: Adam Welz for CREDO Action)Click here to support courageous reporting and commentary by making a tax-deductible contribution to Truthout! A report intended to help the oil and gas industry squash the anti-fracking movement turns out to be full of useful information - and admits that much of what activists are saying is true. Communities working to stop a controversial gas drilling process are getting what sounds like encouragement from an unlikely source: a report prepared for the oil and gas industry on the risks posed by those communities themselves.

Climate change deal: U.S., China sign ‘groundbreaking’ deal. WASHINGTON – The world’s two biggest polluters have signed what could be a groundbreaking agreement and “call to action” on the fight against escalating climate change.

Climate change deal: U.S., China sign ‘groundbreaking’ deal

The United States and China announced Sunday they would accelerate action to reduce greenhouse gases by advancing cooperation on technology, research, conservation, and alternative and renewable energy. But while the listed actions sound relatively mundane, the words that accompanied the announcement were not. In a joint and quite powerful statement on the dangers of climate change, the two sides said they “consider that the overwhelming scientific consensus regarding climate change constitutes a compelling call to action crucial to having a global impact on climate change.” The statement recognizes an “urgent need to intensify global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions… is more critical than ever.” These details will be worked out at a Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the two countries the July.

Opponents are winning the Dutch shale gas war. Opponents are winning the Dutch shale gas war Tuesday 02 April 2013 Support for extracting shale gas from under the Netherlands is fading and an increasing number of local councils are taking a stand, the Financieele Dagblad reports on Tuesday.

Opponents are winning the Dutch shale gas war

So far, 33 of the country’s 400 local authority areas have declared they are opposed to shale gas extraction, the paper says. Some 170 councils are thought to be sitting on shale or coal gas reserves. The Netherlands’ shale gas reserves could run into billions of euros but it is unclear if the gas will ever be extracted because of the well-organised opposition, the paper says. Site de vigilance et d'alerte des collectifs « anti gaz et huiles de schiste » Gardois. Un barrage de castor stoppe une fuite de pétrole. Willard Bay State Park Beaver Dam Partially Contained Chevron Oil Spill, Officials Say.

SALT LAKE CITY -- Talk about unlikely heroes.

Willard Bay State Park Beaver Dam Partially Contained Chevron Oil Spill, Officials Say

A group of at least six beavers at a Utah bird refuge have emerged as key players in helping contain a fuel leak that left half of them with severe burns. The Chevron fuel spill leaked about 27,000 gallons of crude oil into soil and marshes at Willard Bay State Park last week after a split in a Salt Lake City-to- Spokane, Wash. pipeline. The beavers' dam blocked a hefty portion of diesel from rolling onto the bay, though it's uncertain exactly how much, officials said. Three of the beavers were rescued earlier this week, and three more that were rescued Tuesday night are being cared for under a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah program. "That dam absolutely saved the bay," said Dalyn Erickson, a wildlife specialist running the program. The beavers that were part of the group rescued Tuesday night had burns on their skin and eyes, and only patches of fur left on their bodies.

Information from: KSL-TV, Le coton brut : une façon écologique de nettoyer les marées noires > Pétrole. Faisant référence à l'ampleur catastrophique de la marée noire dans le Golfe du Mexique causée par l'explosion de la plateforme pétrolière ' Deepwater Horizon ' en avril 2010, des scientifiques estiment que l'utilisation du coton à l'état brut pourrait s'avérer être une solution écologique et bon marché.

Le coton brut : une façon écologique de nettoyer les marées noires > Pétrole

L'équipe de chercheurs dirigée par le Pr. Seshadri Ramkumar (U. Texas Tech) a constaté qu'un besoin particulier était exprimé pour des sorbants spécifiques lors des marées noires : un matériau qui serait abondamment disponible pour un coût relativement modeste, durable et biodégradable. Des études poussées ont déjà eu lieu sur d'autres fibres végétale telles que la paille d'orge, le kapok (fibre malaisienne) et la laine. Cependant de grandes inconnues existaient sur les mécanismes fondamentaux d'absorption du pétrole brut ainsi que sur les propriétés du coton brut non traité.

Greenpeace aborde un cargo en mer de Corail pour dénoncer "L'âge du charbon". Greenpeace volunteers climb aboard a coal ship in the Coral Sea in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef © Greenpeace/AFP ALCOCK 2013 SYDNEY (Australie) – (AFP) – Six militants de Greenpeace ont abordé mercredi un cargo de charbon près de la Grande barrière de corail, appelant à la fin des exportations du combustible qui participe selon eux au réchauffement climatique et aux catastrophes naturelles.

Greenpeace aborde un cargo en mer de Corail pour dénoncer "L'âge du charbon"