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Readings in Positive Psychology

Readings in Positive Psychology

Positive psychology To Martin Seligman, psychology (particularly its positive branch) can investigate and promote realistic ways of fostering more joy in individuals and communities. Positive psychology is a recent branch of psychology whose purpose was summed up in 1998 by Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: "We believe that a psychology of positive human functioning will arise, which achieves a scientific understanding and effective interventions to build thriving individuals, families, and communities."[1] Positive psychologists seek "to find and nurture genius and talent" and "to make normal life more fulfilling",[2] rather than merely treating mental illness. Positive psychology is primarily concerned with using the psychological theory, research and intervention techniques to understand the positive, adaptive, creative and emotionally fulfilling aspects of human behavior.[3] Overview[edit] Research from this branch of psychology has seen various practical applications. The goal[edit]

Children and Divorce: Helping Kids Cope With Separation and Divorce A parent’s guide to supporting your child through a divorce As a parent, it’s normal to feel uncertain about how to give your children the right support through your divorce or separation. It may be uncharted territory, but you can successfully navigate this unsettling time—and help your kids emerge from it feeling loved, confident, and strong. There are many ways you can help your kids adjust to separation or divorce. What I need from my mom and dad: A child’s list of wants I need both of you to stay involved in my life. Source: University of Missouri Helping children cope with divorce: What to tell your kids When it comes to telling your kids about your divorce, many parents freeze up. What to say and how to say it Difficult as it may be to do, try to strike an empathetic tone and address the most important points right up front. Tell the truth. Avoid blaming It’s vital to be honest with your kids, but without being critical of your spouse. Present a united front. Be age-aware. Listen.

NLP Not to be confused with Natural language processing (also NLP) Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s. Its creators claim a connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns learned through experience ("programming") and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.[1][2] Bandler and Grinder claim that the skills of exceptional people can be "modeled" using NLP methodology, then those skills can be acquired by anyone.[3][4][5][6][7] Bandler and Grinder also claim that NLP can treat problems such as phobias, depression, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses, myopia,[8] allergy, common cold,[9] and learning disorders, often in a single session.[10][11][12][13] NLP has been adopted by some hypnotherapists and in seminars marketed to business and government.[14][15]

Roundup: Explore inner space of brain Updated 1/26/2011 5:45:15 PM | As I read USA TODAY's article "More suicides among Guard, Reserve soldiers," I could not help noting that it ran on the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of my uncle, John F. Kennedy (News, Jan. 20). His historic call to put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth before the decade ended transformed science in his generation. Today, we need to apply the same sense of urgency and goal-driven research that allowed us to put a man on the moon to research the mysteries of inner space, the human brain. The alarming suicide rates that we see among our military personnel should move us to action in this generation just as the Russian launch of Sputnik moved us to undertake the moon shot of the 1960s. Mapping the inner space of the brain represents a scientific challenge unparalleled since the moon shot. Letters to the editor USA TODAY receives about 300 letters each day. How to submit letters Patrick J. Jobs only for citizens Please don't get me wrong.

NLP 学び方ガイド JP John King, USA: Patrick Kennedy, "The idea is the legacy lives on in a myriad of ways and through many public officials." Today on the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's inauguration, CNN chief national correspondent and anchor John King interviewed Patrick Kennedy the former U.S. Representative for Rhode Island. This interview will air tonight on John King, USA – 7pm ET/ 6pm CT/ 5pm MT / 4pm PT. CNN POLITICAL TICKER: Kennedy takes family advice JOHN F. JOHN KING, HOST, "JOHN KING USA": That was 50 years ago today in President John F. For the first time since the Truman administration, there is not - not a member of the Kennedy family in the United States Congress. PATRICK KENNEDY, FORMER CONGRESSMAN: Thanks, John. KING: You just left. KENNEDY: Well, I made a decision long ago to make a decision to leave Congress and I'm glad I did. KING: Well, let's – KENNEDY: - returning from war. KING: - let's dig a little deeper on that, because you know, as you start this effort, this advocacy effort, you do it at a time of dwindling resources. What goes through your mind when you think of that? REP.

世界が沸騰! 年収が増える 「ポジティブ心理学」入門 - PRESIDENT - プレジデント 国家プロジェクトとして ポジティブ心理学を 導入している国もある ポジティブ心理学とは「よい人生」について科学的に探究し、その実現に向けて心理学的介入を試みていく学問だ。1998年に当時の米国心理学会会長でもあった米ペンシルベニア大学のM・セリグマン博士が創設した。「よい人生」という表現から誤解が伴ってもいけないのだが、同博士が強調することとして、ポジティブ心理学の課題は「既存の競争主義や成果主義を否定することなく、個人と制度両面への有機的アプローチを図りながら、ウェル・ビーイング(いわゆる幸せや生き甲斐)を育んでいく」ことにある。 つまり、ポジティブ心理学は現状の改善を目指すが、社会自体の改革を目論むものではなく、その実践は現行の制度と共存する形で導入される。 具体的には図1をご覧いただきたい。 しかしながら、社会には危機を管理するのと同時に繁栄を維持し、またさらなる繁栄を目指すという課題もあるはずだ。 ところで、ポジティブ心理学という名称については、ポジティブ思考(ポジティブシンキング)や幸せ研究といった触れ込みで耳にしたことのある方もおられると思う。 確かに、今日わが国で認知されているレベルでは、ポジティブ心理学と聞いて首を傾げるほうがむしろ健全な反応とも言えなくもない。 ポジティブ心理学はこのように今まさに順風満帆といった状況なのだが、当分野の急激な発展を支えるものに「幸福(ハッピネス)は売れる」といった安易な商業主義が色濃く絡んでいる、といった批判がある。 ポジティブ度が高い人は 高年収が多い!? それにしても「よい人生」の実現とは何とも抽象的で漠としたものではないかと思われる節もあるかもしれない。 私たちが「自分の人生はよい人生だ」と実感するときの心の状態とはどのようなものだろうか。 ここで、ポジティブ感情が年収などの社会的資源、寿命に代表される身体的資源を形成する力があることを証明した二つの調査結果を紹介する。 ポジティブ感情を高めることが個人のみならず組織のパフォーマンス向上にも有益であることを示したのは、心理学者で企業コンサルタントでもあるM・ロサダ博士だ。 図4はロサダ博士がこのときの3タイプのパフォーマンスチームについて数学モデルを用いてグラフ化したものだ。 今回はほんの一例に留まったが、現在のポジティブ心理学研究は、不況下の個人と組織に対する取り組みに集中している。

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Symptoms, Treatment and Self-Help What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless. Most people associate PTSD with battle-scarred soldiers—and military combat is the most common cause in men—but any overwhelming life experience can trigger PTSD, especially if the event feels unpredictable and uncontrollable. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe, those who witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. PTSD develops differently from person to person. Traumatic events that can lead to PTSD include: The difference between PTSD and a normal response to trauma The traumatic events that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder are usually so overwhelming and frightening that they would upset anyone. For most people, however, these symptoms are short-lived. Related Articles
