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Locke's Goal Setting Theory - Understanding SMART - Goal Setting Tools from MindTools

Locke's Goal Setting Theory - Understanding SMART - Goal Setting Tools from MindTools
Setting Meaningful, Challenging Goals Learn how to set effective goals, in this short video. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.Henry David Thoreau, American author and philosopher. Many of us have learned – from bosses, seminars and business articles – the importance of setting ourselves SMART objectives. Dr Edwin Locke and Dr Gary Latham spent many years researching the theory of goal setting, during which time they identified five elements that need to be in place for us to achieve our goals. In this article, we'll look at their research, and find out how to apply it to our own goals. About Locke and Latham's Theory In the late 1960s, Locke's pioneering research into goal setting and motivation gave us our modern understanding of goal setting. Locke's research showed that the more difficult and specific a goal is, the harder people tend to work to achieve it. Locke and Latham's Five Principles 1. How to set Clear Goals 2. 3.

Pomodoro Technique From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Time management method The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.[1] It uses a kitchen timer to break work into intervals, typically 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for tomato, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used as a university student.[2][1] Apps and websites providing timers and instructions have widely popularized the technique. Description[edit] The original technique has six steps: Decide on the task to be done.Set the Pomodoro timer (typically for 25 minutes).[1]Work on the task.End work when the timer rings and take a short break (typically 5–10 minutes).[4]Go back to Step 2 and repeat until you complete four pomodoros.After four pomodoros are done, take a long break (typically 20 to 30 minutes) instead of a short break. For the purposes of the technique, a pomodoro is an interval of work time.[1]

What are the ten rules you need to know to communicate effectively? Frank Luntz has “engineered some of the most potent political and corporate campaigns of the last decade.” His wordsmithing helped Republican Rudy Giuliani get elected twice in New York — a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans 5-to-1. Luntz and his polling firm have learned a great deal about language by conducting nearly 1500 surveys and focus groups for a wide range of products and politicians. The key takeaway from his book is actually part of the title: It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear. In Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear Luntz breaks down the ten main lessons he’s learned from years of crafting political messages; lessons we can all learn from: 1) Simplicity: Use Small Words Via Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear: “Avoid words that might force someone to reach for the dictionary… because most Americans won’t. 2) Brevity: Use Short Sentences 3) Credibility Is As Important As Philosophy 4) Consistency Matters Tags:

Situational Leadership and Coaching Much of the content of this post comes from my girlfriend’s masters thesis on the subject though it is quite relevant to our industry as we seem to use many words wrong and have some misguided ideas. Many people talk about coaching within teams. Hell you can go just about anywhere to find an “agile coach”. We might for instance want to go to the We LOVE coaching in our industry. However coaching is just one tool amongst many in our belt and is actually non-effective at times. At a talk recently I heard that we should always be coaching within our teams. Situational Leadership defines four learning mechanisms. Direction: where a learner is given tasks and direction Coaching: where the learner is doing the task Supporting: where the learner is doing the task but lacks confidence Delegating: where the learner is no longer a learner but is actually doing the task We have a tendency of applying “coaching” all the way through the process. Getting Started Coaching

Five Management Lessons I Learned Through Trial and Error Being a manager is not something I particularly enjoyed. That’s not to say I wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to work in an environment where I had the responsibilities of being in management, but I don’t think anyone with their head on correctly actually wakes up looking forward to telling employees what they are and aren’t doing correctly. This is especially true if you happen to be the messenger that delivers this feedback from the business owner (not a situation I’m in today, but one I have some experience with). Of all the lessons I’ve learned working in environments ranging from small businesses to local government and even enterprises, there are five basic principles on which I’ve formed my own personal management philosophy around. Some of these tips come not from working in management, but from being managed by someone else and recognizing what exactly did and didn’t make them a good manager. People Hate Being Told What They’re Doing Wrong You’re Not the Expert — They Are

Stress Symptoms : What are the Signs of Stress in Kids? What are some common stress symptoms in children? They can vary from person to person. It is important to learn to recognize the symptoms in children and also to teach kids to recognize the symptoms themselves. Here is a list of common signs of stressful feelings: Migraines or HeadachesNauseaHeartburn and IndigestionLoss of AppetiteChest PalpitationsConstipation or DiarrheaStomach crampsShaking of the bodyMuscle spasmsEczema / Psoriasis that flares upHigher levels of sweatingPoor ConcentrationFunny Tummies Teaching your child to recognize the symptoms in themselves is an excellent skill. Ask your child to notice what happens to him/her when they feel stress. Managing stress is an important skill for children to learn. See also: Home › Stress Management › Stress Symptoms <A HREF="

Time Management for Startups Time management isn’t just about making sure you don’t miss a deadline. Better time management helps you to choose which priorities to focus on; it helps you to be more effective; and it helps you to remain motivated. Many time management techniques were developed for the corporate environment. 1) Know the difference between “busy” and “productive” It sounds trite, but there is a difference between working hard and getting things done. Once you know your priorities, you can focus your efforts on those tasks that have the highest impact. There’s a very natural tendency to mistake “urgent” for “important” too. 2) Know the value of your time As an entrepreneur, you’re responsible for a lot of things. Every hour you’re not using your core expertise is an expensive redeployment of your skills. 3) Organise your contacts and calendar Staying organised is a simple but necessary chore for every entrepreneur. 4) Recognise your rhythms Nobody is equally productive at all hours of the day and night.

5 Ways to Immediately Regain Control of Your Day How often do you begin your day with this thought: “Ugh. I’m too tired for this. I wish I could get settled before the nonstop hassles start?” How often do you end your day with a thought like: “I’m exhausted…I can’t remember what I accomplished today, but I feel like I slogged uphill carrying my desk?” For many of us, the answer is “far too often”. There are many things that could contribute to those feelings, and many are beyond our control – immediate or otherwise. Fortunately, there are several things you can immediately implement to start gaining control of some of your day and give you the perspective to seize control of as much of the rest of it as you possibly can. 1. You just gave yourself three hours right there. 2. Don’t allow incursions. 3. Protect it. 4. “What’s the next action?” David Allen’s Getting Things Done espouses this principle as one of the most crucial to being productive. 5. Do it more often than once a day! (Photo credit: Man Holding Clock via Shutterstock)

Ten tips on social networking policies Are you struggling to tear your employees away from sites such as Facebook, Bebo and Twitter? Here are ten top tips on drafting the necessary policies on social media and networking usage. Social networking sites - Social networking sites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vanessa James is head of employment at SA Law Picture source
